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- Hi everybody, it's me Abby!
My mommy set up this really neat little video chat place
so I can visit with everybody.
And I just, well,
I wanted to talk to you because, well
I know a lot of us are having some big feelings right now.
I know I am.
And that's okay, because we're all in this together.
And I've been spending a lot of time
with my mommy and my step-daddy Freddy
and my brother Rudy and well,
she taught me something really nice.
I think you're gonna like it too.
She said that when I have big feelings, or little feelings,
or anything in between,
I can just give myself a hug, like this.
A self hug, just like that.
And it's really nice.
I hold myself real tight and I take a deep breath.
And I feel comforted.
And well, if you're having those feelings too,
you give yourself a nice big hug
and know that all of us here on Sesame Street
are thinking of you and we're hugging you nice and tight.
All right, well you take care.
I love you!
And twinkle out!
(upbeat music)
- [Narrator] Caring for Each Other.
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and tips for the whole family.