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  • - I just bought some grapes the other day

  • and those came from Spain.

  • I'm like how'd they get all the way from Spain

  • and still look this green?

  • - Better to not ask those questions.

  • (laughs)

  • - I'm vegan and I drive an electric car.

  • - I do shop at Amazon quite frequently.

  • Though I am also vegan.

  • - I do eat meat and dairy and I know that effects it a lot.

  • - I bike to work, I'm a vegetarian.

  • - I don't really think my lifestyles too crazy.

  • - The one thing that I haven't been able to kick,

  • that I would really like to is Amazon.

  • Amazon is so convenient but my goodness they put

  • so much packaging.

  • - [Female Narrator] So this test is called the

  • foot print calculator test.

  • - How often do you eat animal based products?

  • - It breaks it down by each individual animal product

  • that's interesting.

  • - I went vegetarian.

  • It used to be very often, but right now

  • it's limited to dairy sometimes?

  • - I like a burger.

  • - So I'm vegetarian so I'm gonna go with occasionally.

  • - I don't eat any of them ever.

  • - I guess I switch off on beef and poultry.

  • So I guess I'll go once or twice a week.

  • - How much of the food that you eat is

  • unprocessed, unpackaged or locally grown?

  • - So I bolt in Farmers Market for almost all of

  • my diet except for when I'm at work.

  • - I would say the majority of what I purchase

  • would be packaged because it's mostly from

  • like, the grocery store.

  • - I think everything that I buy comes in a package.

  • - 45% of my diet is fresh, unpackaged food.

  • - I do try to eat a lot of fresh vegetables,

  • but you know what, some of the vegetables are packaged!

  • Eeeugh!

  • I don't go to Farmers Markets that regularly.

  • Which I feel like is where you get like the local stuff.

  • - Which housing type best describes my home?

  • - Yeah, I'm definitely in a luxury condomini-

  • No definitely not.

  • (laughs)

  • I would be multistory apartment as well.

  • - I just moved two weeks ago into a freestanding house.

  • - And I have a house as well.

  • - I live in an apartment building

  • that has about eight units.

  • So it's pretty small.

  • - Yeah same, my apartments also small.

  • - Do you have electricity in your home?

  • I sure do.

  • - Yes I do.

  • - How energy efficient is your home?

  • - I might say above average.

  • - My house was made in the forties,

  • that seems like the worst span for like energy efficiency.

  • - I'm gonna say an efficiency centered design.

  • 'Cause it has like one of those little nest things

  • that like adjust it.

  • I don't know.

  • (laughs)

  • - Compared to your neighbors,

  • how much trash do you generate?

  • - Again it's Amazon.

  • I swear it's just Amazon.

  • A lot of people order Amazon compared to my neighbors,

  • I'm probably about the same.

  • - We downgraded our bin size and I think we're about

  • 25% of what we used to produce.

  • - We get a lot of like junk mail,

  • and I do shop online a lot, so I do get a lot of trash

  • that way, and they package everything individually

  • and then in the like- it's a lot of packaging.

  • And like cooking, and I have a dog,

  • we do generate a lot of trash sadly.

  • - I don't get a lot of mail or packages and I also compost.

  • We do like a freezer compost.

  • - How far do you travel by car or motorcycle each week?

  • - I try to take the bus and the train

  • and all that kind of stuff.

  • - I drive an electric car, I drive Nissan Leaf.

  • His name is Leaf Erickson.

  • - Awww.

  • - I'm gonna say like a hundred,

  • and I don't have a motorcycle.

  • - I bike to work four days a week,

  • and I don't have a motorcycle.

  • - We're both not cool.

  • - How far do you travel on public transportation each week?

  • - I'm gonna have to give this a hard zero.

  • Ever since I got a car and I got to meet enough

  • exciting people on the public transportation is Los Angeles.

  • - You do meet some exciting people.

  • - I don't take public transportation in LA.

  • - Mines zero.

  • I literally don't know how to take public transportation.

  • - How many hours do you fly each year?

  • - If I'm flying I usually fly either to the Seattle area

  • to see family or over to the east coast.

  • - The past two years I've only been going to like Mexico,

  • so we'll say 8 hours.

  • - Usually I don't fly that much.

  • - I have family out in Colorado.

  • We do fly for fun sometimes.

  • - Sadly, I feel like I flew to a lot of weddings last year.

  • - I flew 11 times last year.

  • Most of those were cross country flights.

  • - If everybody lived like me we would need two Earths.

  • - Yeah but you're doing way better than me.

  • It says if everyone lived like you we would need 2.6 Earths.

  • - 2.7 Earths.

  • - 1.7 Earths.

  • - So you're a better person than me.

  • - 3.1 Earths.

  • - If everyone lived like you we would need 3.3 Earths.

  • - That's a lot of Earths,

  • and this one is already so big that we live on.

  • - This is so much worse than I thought I was gonna get.

  • - Yeah that's really bad.

  • - Is this because of the flying?

  • - It gives you a breakdown of your footprint.

  • Food and mobility are my big issues right now.

  • - So yeah, a lot of mine is from mobility,

  • and you know it's not from my electric car

  • so its all from the flying.

  • - If everybody lived like you Earth Overshoot Day

  • would be on this day.

  • This means by this date,

  • we would have used as much from nature as Earth

  • can renew in the entire year.

  • - So I'm only making it to the 31st of July well.

  • - You're making it further than me,

  • I'm dead before then.

  • (laughs)

  • - All right so we're not feeling too good right now,

  • so let's explore some solutions.

  • - So on the solutions page of this quiz,

  • they have a bunch of different links to show you

  • how you can kinda lower your footprint.

  • - My biggest carbon footprint is coming from food.

  • That is definitely something that I can probably do more.

  • In doing that I kinda feel like it'll help me

  • be a little bit healthier.

  • - You can work with your governments to help advocate

  • for cleaner policies, renewable energy.

  • - I need to figure out ways to fly less.

  • - I mean it'd be great to find new ways to like get around,

  • then driving every single time.

  • And then also goods for me was higher than my mobility.

  • So like finding new ways of getting things,

  • maybe order online less.

  • - I'm a little surprised at my results.

  • I thought I was living like fully sustainably,

  • but like I'm still producing more carbon than this planet

  • can take so I think there's a lot of room for improvement.

- I just bought some grapes the other day


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B1 中級

需要多少個地球才能支撐你的生命? (How Many Earths Does It Take To Support Your Life?)

  • 30 2
    Summer 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日