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hey everyone Jennifer from Tarle speech with your pronunciation question today's
question is a little bit of a long one how do I pronounce the math terms
addition subtraction multiplication and division so we're a lesson today is
mostly about word stress and we're going to think about two things we're going to
think about everyone's favorite that schwa sound that we hear more in words
that are longer and the schwa sound is that super short a sound that is
unstressed and then we're also going to talk about these tion endings the tion
or the SiO N and the rule there is is that we're going to stress the syllable
right before that ending so the good news is three of these words have the
same ending shun shun and shun and then for our last word here we are actually
going to voice the shh and that we usually hear in shun and we're going to
do that by turning this voice box on make sure your throat is vibrating and
we're gonna say zhun so we have tion-tion-tion and zhun ending same rule
applies when we have that s io n or tion we're going to stress the syllable right
before that ending all right so for word number one we have addition and we're
going to start that word without short schwa syllable uh make sure it is super
short and make sure that you will link it to that second syllable that's going
to be stressed the stressed syllable is louder longer and higher in pitch
addition addition next we have subtraction again we're going to have
that schwa sound and that first syllable sub it's unstressed track shun
subtraction next multiplication we have lots of schwas mul tah plah kay shun and
then just realized here that's why it doesn't look
right to me it's because it is not I forgot you cross my T so we have
multiplication and last for division again schwa syllable I'm sorry schwa
sound first for that first syllable duh and then stress vi zhun division so we
have addition subtraction multiplication division so let's just try those
naturally addition addition subtraction subtraction multiplication
multiplication division division a lot of people struggle with multiplication
because we have so many schwa sounds in there
so another tip for you is try to hum that word first you could say so (humming)
division I'm sorry addition subtraction division multiplication addition
subtraction division multiplication and as I was doing this left and I'm just
going to give you my little tip although it didn't work for every word if you
cannot remember how to say addition you could think about putting a dish in
something like the dishwasher addition put a dish in the dishwasher and do your
addition facts so give it a try people are going to notice the difference if
you found this helpful you know the drill give us a like a share and a
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have lots of new products out there for you to check out if you have any
questions leave them in the comment section below and I will see you again
next week thanks so much everybody bye