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  • It's either a cat, a dog or a wolf. - It's got to be a wolf!!!

  • Mario was made by Nintendo...

  • So where is Sonic from. - He's not from Nintendo?

  • He jumps and opens boxes.

  • Hey guys and girls on Ask Japanese!

  • Do Japanese people know who Sonic is?

  • Sonic seems to be very known still abroad but not as many

  • people seem to know Sonic here. This is a discussion that me and the director had

  • He said... Not many Japanese people know Sonic. His theory is that NO ONE really knows Sonic.

  • I think they will know Sonic. Because he is always featured on the Olympic

  • Games. Mario and Sonic ... so I think so people will know but to what extent do people know

  • Let's go and find out and let's ask Japanese people. Don't forget, subscribe, hit the notification bell

  • leave us a like and let's go and Ask Japanese.

  • Do you know this character? - That's Mario. - Yeah I know.

  • And who is this then?

  • No clue...

  • What is that. I don't know the name but I have seen it.

  • You both don't know the name? - No. How about "So.... ni...."

  • Sonic. What is he doing?

  • He fights with something.... - Fights?

  • I had a Wii game at my house. I think it was one of the Olympic games...

  • It was a Wii game. He was there.

  • So the Olympic image was strong. - Yeah. - Who made Sonic?

  • No clue.

  • Is it Sony because he's called Sonic? I don't know that either...

  • Sega? - Omg OF COURSE it'S SEGA!!! (low point in my life right there.)

  • Did you have a console when you were young? - We had a DS at home.

  • I had a DS and a Wii

  • Then you would know this character.

  • That's Mario. - What's his job?

  • He climbs through pipes.

  • I don't know anything.

  • In that case you must know this character here too right.... 3...2...1....

  • That's Sonic. - Yeah - How do you know him?

  • I saw him around in Game Centers and saw his name was Sonic.

  • You saw him and you remembered the name straight away?

  • Well.. we see him in commercials in Japan too...

  • What animal is he based on?

  • A cat. No clue. - I don't know. Cat, dog or wolf.

  • He's got to be a wolf!!! - Yeah a wolf! - Booooh

  • Have you never heard his full official name? - Who tf knows?

  • Sonic the hedgehog.

  • Is that soooooo

  • Know what "hedgehog" means? - Dunno.

  • It's a hedgehog (harinezumi) in Japanese. - It looks more like a wolf.

  • Wolfes are cooler. - All he does is being in the Olympic games every time.

  • I have one of those!

  • That's how you own a game with him?

  • Yeah on the Wii

  • Do you play games?

  • I have a Switch. - nice one.

  • What are you playing? - Smash Brothers.

  • My younger brother has one. - Have you played yourself?

  • Sooooometimes. - Playing what?

  • Smash Brothers and... such

  • I only play smartphone games.

  • Mario Kart was super popular at a time. Then that finished.

  • And then once the boom was over, I personally got into it again myself.

  • Mario Kart on the phone? - Yes.

  • Then you all know this character!

  • That's Mario.

  • Mario

  • Which Mario game did you play the most?

  • The Super Mario Brother's Game on the DS

  • I played that one a lot.

  • I played the same game on the Wii

  • So you all have a strong image of Mario... in that case...

  • You might know this character too.

  • That's Sonic.

  • I have no clue.

  • Have you seen this character. - Yeah but I don't know the name.

  • Do you know the title of his games?

  • No idea. He only seems to run.

  • I only think of him in connection to the Olympics.

  • What does this character do?

  • ISpin.

  • True. - He only seems to run really.

  • And fly.

  • What animal is he based on?

  • Isn't he a fox? - I think he is a wolf.

  • He is a cat.

  • Think of something smaller than that.

  • He is a hedgehog.

  • I see... - He is spikey...

  • I get it.


  • I didn't know that.

  • Do you sometimes play games?

  • Yeah I do sometimes.

  • I played them on the PS4... and such...

  • Then you know this character?

  • I know him!

  • That's Mario.

  • I used to play Mario Kart

  • Do you know this next character then ?

  • Oh that's Sonic. - Yeah.

  • Did you ever play a Sonic game?

  • The one with all characters in it. - Smash Brother's? - YEah that one.

  • He sometimes appears in it.

  • Me and my friend played with him as character on Smash Brothers

  • Do you know his original games?

  • No clue. - Nope.

  • It's a little similar to Super Mario Brothers.

  • What do you think he does in his games?

  • He is super fast so...

  • He is a fast runner.

  • What animal is he? - A fox

  • I think the same. He is a fox.

  • He is a hedgehog. - What how?

  • Now looking at him like that.....

  • He speeds up and then rolls. Like how hedgehogs can roll up.

  • Do you think Japanese people don't know Sonic much?

  • I think he is definitely not as famous as Mario.

  • Nintendo made Mario....

  • And what is Sonic then? - Not Nintendo?

  • He is in Smash Brother'S now but originally he is not Nintendo.

  • A company that starts with S....

  • Sonic? .... It's not Sony? ....

  • Se?

  • Sega? Is it called like that? - SEGA?

  • Can you game?

  • I am not sure I can game.

  • Well, it depends on what kind of game.

  • What was the last game you played? - Dragon Ball on my phone.

  • Who is this character then?

  • That's Mario.

  • Have you played Mario games? - Of course. On the DS and such.

  • When we were little.

  • What games did you play?

  • The one where he runs and goes into a goal or pipe.

  • He jumps and opens boxes.

  • There is a similar famous character...

  • Who is this one?

  • That's Sonic!

  • How do you know about him?

  • What is he...? I think he is in the Olympic games...

  • There is a Mario and Sonic Olympic games game

  • What animal is he?

  • He is a hedgehog.

  • What is that so?

  • He is called Sonic the Hedgehog.

  • I see.

  • You know a lot!

  • I used to play one of the original sonic games.

  • I like Sonic a lot.

  • But personally....

  • I played a game where he doesn't run but actually goes on vehicles and joins races.

  • That's how I remembered many of those characters.

  • I don't remember the story much, compared to Super Mario Brothers.

  • Might be similar to it though. -Whaaaat?

  • Some people played a litlte bit of Sonic, some people didn't really know what i was about

  • we just wanted to compare if there is a cultural difference.

  • You let us know how different it is in your country. I think Sonic is pretty much....

  • not much.....

  • known anymore. Yeah. Segaaaaaa.... unfortunately but they still

  • include him in all the Olympic games so that's a good one.

  • And uhm.

  • Obviously Super Smash Brothers.

  • Cause I play Super Smash Brothers.

  • I can't really see any other new releases of Sonic but you might know more.

  • There is gonna be a real life adaptation of the Sonic Movie which has been like...

  • people have been debating about the graphics and stuff.

  • But none of the people I spoke to here in Japan actually knew that there was a real life adaptation

  • No one gave him that much thought. Which I found a bit of a shame but hey...

  • Let's see maybe things will change once that movie is out properly.

  • We'll find out.

  • Do you know something about Sonic or not>

  • Are there any game characters in your opinion, that are very undervalued?

  • Let us know about these.

  • In the comments down below.

  • It's what I'd like to find out. Also don't forget...

  • If you're new subscribe, hit the notification bell, and the subscribe button and the notification bell...

  • and don'T forget to leave a like and I hope I catch you soon for more stuff on Ask Japanese soon. Bye.

It's either a cat, a dog or a wolf. - It's got to be a wolf!!!


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B1 中級

日本人為什麼不瞭解刺蝟索尼克? (Why Japanese Don't Know Sonic the Hedgehog)

  • 2 0
    Summer 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日