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  • in today's video we continue our road trip across Vancouver Island this time

    在今天的視頻中,我們繼續前進 這次穿越溫哥華島

  • ditching the car and hopping on a ferry our destination Alert Bay on cormorant

    拋棄汽車,跳上渡輪 我們的目的地Alert灣

  • island to explore the town see totem poles and learn about the Namgis first

    島上探索小鎮見圖騰 桿和首先了解Namgis

  • nation so come along and let's kick off this adventure

    國家,所以來吧,讓我們開始吧 這次冒險

  • well good morning guys morning guys welcome back to port McNeill we are going

    早上好,早上好 歡迎回到麥克尼爾港,我們要去

  • on a little excursion today yeah we sure are bought tickets to go to alert Bay on

    今天要進行一次短途旅行,是的,我們確定 買票去警報灣

  • the ferry BC Ferries hey there so fantastic price the tickets were only

    卑詩渡輪嘿,所以 門票價格優惠

  • $10 per person return yeah it's a lot cheaper than we

    每人$ 10 還可以,比我們便宜很多

  • were expecting it's about a 50 minute ferry ride oh yeah oh so now we're each

    預計大約需要50分鐘 渡輪之旅哦,是的,所以現在我們每個人

  • way yeah my dad brought his binoculars yeah in case I'm hoping to see an orca

    是的,我父親帶來了他的雙筒望遠鏡 是的,如果我希望看到一個逆戟鯨

  • or some sort of a bigger whale maybe yeah that'll be she's beautiful but you

    或是某種更大的鯨魚 是的,那將是她的美麗,但你

  • never know never know good to be prepared yeah I know what they say a man

    永遠不知道永遠不會好 準備好了,我知道他們在說什麼

  • that is prepared is worth two men yeah and once we get to alert Bay we want to

    準備好了值得兩個人耶 一旦我們提醒了海灣,我們想

  • visit the U'mista cultural center yes and also see the totem poles and the burial

    參觀烏米斯塔文化中心,是的, 還可以看到圖騰柱和墓葬

  • ground those are two must maybe some hiking as well if time allows alright so

    地面這是兩個必須也許一些 如果時間允許的話還可以遠足

  • now we're gonna go get on the ferry we need to walk down to the port the

    現在我們要去渡輪了 需要走到港口

  • passengers are heading that way so let's go

    乘客正朝那邊走,所以讓我們 走

  • we arrived in Port McNeill and were able to book tickets for the ferry right on

    我們到達麥克尼爾港, 立即預訂輪渡票

  • the spot it was the end of the tourist season plus it was also a rainy day so

    那個地方是遊客的終點 季節加上也是雨天,所以

  • there weren't too many day-trippers now as a travel tip there are six sailings a

    現在沒有太多的一日遊 作為旅行提示,有六次航行

  • day from port McNeill to alert Bay but it's important that you check the

    從麥克尼爾港口到警報灣的一天,但 請務必檢查

  • schedule on the BC Ferries websites since there is the occasional cargo only

    卑詩渡輪網站上的時間表 因為只有偶爾的貨物

  • sailing plus another one that makes an additional stop in nearby Suontula

    帆船運動,再加上使 在附近的Suontula停靠

  • the ferry ride itself flew by there is an upper deck for passengers should you

    渡輪本身飛過 如果您是乘客的上層甲板

  • travel on a sunny day but we pretty much hit away from the wind and rain

    在陽光明媚的日子旅行,但我們幾乎 遠離風雨

  • well guys we've just arrived in alert Bay as it starts to rain sam says this

    好傢伙,我們剛到警報 山開始下雨,山姆說

  • isn't rain because he's from the island and apparently it can come down like

    不下雨,因為他來自島上 顯然它可以像

  • pouring buckets this is light drizzle but yeah there's a few places we want to

    倒水桶,這是小雨 但是,是的,我們想在幾個地方

  • hit up first up we're gonna go visit the totem poles and the burial ground yep

    首先打起,我們要去參觀 圖騰柱和墓地是

  • we're just making our way on foot we decided to leave the car behind in the

    我們只是步行而已 決定把車丟在後面

  • port because it's a fairly small island and quite easy to cover on foot so

    港口,因為這是一個相當小的島嶼 而且很容易步行覆蓋

  • that's what we're gonna do today how many words are there for rain here on

    那就是我們今天要做的 這裡有很多話要下雨

  • the island I don't know I'm surprised we haven't had more rain on this trip to be

    我不知道的小島令我們感到驚訝 這次旅行沒有更多的降雨

  • Oh ah we've been so lucky this is our seventh day you've just had

    哦,我們真幸運 這是我們剛剛度過的第七天

  • showers so far and even right now it's just a tiny little drizzle this doesn't

    淋浴到目前為止,甚至現在 只是一個小毛毛雨,這不是

  • even qualify it with locals as rain on Vancouver Island see I think I'm so glad

    甚至連當地人都認為有雨 溫哥華島,我覺得我很高興

  • I've got my um B would you guys think of the ferry ride what's a nice fair right

    我有我的B,你們會想到嗎 乘坐渡輪是個不錯的選擇

  • thirty smearing about an hour long and yeah yeah we are at alert Bay alerts Bay

    三十個塗片大約一個小時 是的,我們在警報灣

  • as soon as we got off there was a big sign saying home to the killer whale and

    我們下車後, 說虎鯨和家的標誌

  • then they had an info board talking about this town during its heyday when

    然後他們有一個信息委員會在談論 關於這個小鎮的鼎盛時期

  • there was a lot of fishing apparently there was a lot of money here this is

    顯然有很多釣魚 這裡有很多錢,這是

  • where people would come for a good time on the weekend lots of entertainment and

    人們會在那裡度過美好時光 週末有很多娛樂活動

  • they said it wasn't unusual for like a fisherman to drop thousands of dollars

    他們說,像 漁夫要砸幾千美元

  • in like one night of drinking a local pub well you see in 1972 they had over a

    就像在一個晚上喝本地酒一樣 酒吧,你在1972年看到

  • 1000 fishing vessels register in this island the fish was plentiful and they

    1000艘漁船在此註冊 島上的魚很多,他們

  • could make a good living but today we went through the port there

    可以過上好日子 但是今天我們穿過那裡的港口

  • is nothing there a lot of people that I used to make a good living out of it

    我沒有很多人 曾經過著美好的生活

  • she's had to quit yeah now alert Bay has more of a tourism based industry so you

    她不得不辭職了,現在警報貝 更多基於旅遊業,因此您

  • can come here and do tours we saw whale watching tours actually all of them are

    可以來這裡參觀鯨魚 觀看旅遊實際上他們都是

  • sold out for today but yeah it's a nice place to come and explore on foot first

    今天賣完了,是的,很好 首先徒步探索的地方

  • off we're going to see the totem poles check it out let's check it out crying

    關閉,我們將看到圖騰柱 看看我們哭出來吧

  • it's crossing our fingers for not too much rain

    不太會越過我們的手指 大雨

  • okay where are we so we've just been walking around the town for a little bit

    好吧,我們在哪裡,所以我們一直在 在鎮上走一會兒

  • kind of walking along the water our first stop of the day here is at the

    沿著水走 我們今天的第一站是在

  • namgis burial grounds this is the it's like a cemetery and the graves are

    namgis墓地,這是它的 像墓地,墳墓是

  • marked with the totem poles and you see we cannot walk in there because it's

    標有圖騰柱,您會看到 我們不能走進那裡,因為

  • disrespectful of course so we can only view from outside the area unless you're

    當然不尊重所以我們只能 從該區域外查看,除非您

  • gonna see on the videos there are some totem poles that are nicely painted but

    會在視頻上看到一些 精美繪製的圖騰柱

  • some other ones are kind of decayed and this is done on purpose by the each

    其他一些則變質了 這是由每個人故意完成的

  • individual family son believed that once the totem pole has fallen down the

    個別家庭的兒子相信曾經 圖騰柱掉落了

  • spirit of that person that is berry here has left a place so they leave the totem

    那個漿果的人的精神 離開了一個地方,所以他們離開了圖騰

  • poles to be decomposed and weigh continue the cycle of life and death

    桿要分解和稱重 繼續生與死的循環

  • some other people some other families they believe that they wanna keep them

    其他一些家庭 他們相信自己想保留他們

  • and some of them are nicely painted so yeah some of them are so old that even

    而且其中一些畫得很好,所以 是的,其中有些太老了,甚至

  • the carvings are starting to fade and disappear yeah weather conditions in on

    雕刻開始褪色, 是的,消失,天氣狀況持續

  • years and years of standing up here facing the ocean and some other ones are

    在這里站了多年 面對海洋,還有其他一些

  • still remarkably you can still tell what kind of carvings they have no heels and

    仍然非常明顯,您仍然可以說出什麼 沒有腳跟的雕刻

  • stuff like that but yeah it's super super interesting and something else we

    那樣的東西,但是是的,超級好 超級有趣,還有我們

  • should mention about alert Bay is that it's so small that you can walk the

    應該提到的警報灣是 它很小,你可以走

  • entire island you can you don't need to bring your car here you can come as a

    整個島嶼,您可以不需要 帶上你的車,你可以來

  • passenger on foot like what we did on the ferry yeah and it's accessible to

    像我們一樣,步行的乘客 渡輪,是的,

  • walk the whole island there are few hours that's what we're gonna do yeah

    漫步整個島嶼很少 這就是我們要做的時間

  • we're gonna do now we do one side now we're gonna go the other way yep and

    我們現在要做,我們現在要做一側 我們要走另一種方式

  • check out what else is there to see


  • after visiting the Namgis original burial grounds we walked back across

    參觀Namgis原件後 我們走過的墓地

  • town and over to the U'mista cultural center it's impossible to get lost

    小鎮和烏米斯塔文化 中心,不可能迷路

  • because you're basically just following the boardwalk along the waterfront the

    因為你基本上只是跟隨 沿著海濱的木板路

  • whole way the u'mista cultural centre operates as a museum in a cultural

    整個u'mista文化中心 作為文化博物館

  • education facility in alert Bay it was founded in 1980 as a project to house

    警報灣的教育設施 成立於1980年,是一個住宅項目

  • potlatch artifacts which had been confiscated by the Canadian government

    陶器文物已經 被加拿大政府沒收

  • during a period of cultural repression in the 1920s but first we need to

    在文化壓抑時期 在1920年代,但首先我們需要

  • explain the potlach potlatch means to give and for the Kwakwaka'wakw

    解釋便秘的意思 給予並為Kwakwaka'wakw

  • peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast the richest and most powerful person was

    太平洋西北海岸人民 最富有和最有權力的人是

  • the one who gave away the most the potlatch is a gift-giving feast held on

    付出最多的人 Potlatch是舉行的送禮盛宴

  • the occasion of births deaths adoptions weddings and other major life events

    出生死亡收養之際 婚禮和其他重大生活事件

  • today the U'mista cultural center houses many of the repay treated

    今天的烏米斯塔文化中心 安置了許多已償還的款項

  • artifacts in ceremonial regalia associated with the potlach it was the

    禮儀文物 與鍋相關的是

  • return of these items that gave the center its name since U'mista means

    這些物品的退還給了 以U'mista的意思為中心

  • the return of something important no filming or photography is allowed in the

    重要事物的回報 允許在

  • hall that houses the potlatch items but trust us this is the one place you have

    大廳裡擺放著雜物,但 相信我們,這是您擁有的一個地方

  • to visit if you come to alert Bay as you already know we were using the trover

    來拜訪您是否要警惕海灣 已經知道我們正在使用這輛車

  • app to document the places we visited so you'll find the U'mista Center on

    應用來記錄我們去過的地方 您會在以下位置找到U'mista中心

  • our list another site we couldn't miss is the biggest tallest totem pole in the world

    我們的列表另一個我們不能錯過的網站 是世界上最高的圖騰柱

  • the totem stands 173 feet tall and is located directly in front of the big

    圖騰高173英尺, 位於大商店的正前方

  • house where visitors can watch traditional dances and performances on

    遊客可以觀看的房子 傳統舞蹈和表演

  • Thursdays Fridays and Saturdays during the months of July in August

    星期四,星期五和星期六 八月的七月

  • well good much much-needed speaking update so basically what happened in a

    很好,非常需要 所以基本上更新一次

  • nutshell was we didn't have that much time until our ferry departure we were

    簡而言之,我們沒有那麼多 直到我們渡輪離開的時間

  • running around town yeah I mean we could have stayed a little longer but the next

    跑來跑去,是的,我可以 已經住了一段時間,但下一個

  • ferry would have been like two or three hours later yeah and so yeah we just had

    輪渡會像兩三個 幾個小時後,是的,所以我們剛剛

  • a really good time we continued to walk along the harbor front yeah so basically

    我們繼續散步的美好時光 沿著港口前線,是的,所以基本上

  • after we visited the totem poles we walked in the opposite direction yes to

    我們參觀了圖騰柱之後 向相反的方向走

  • the cultural center yeah that's fantastic

    是的文化中心 太棒了

  • it is really cool in there $12 for adults 10 for seniors and they had like

    那裡真的很棒12美元 成人10老年人,他們喜歡

  • cool masks and more carvings and carvings lots of argument handicrafts it

    酷面具和更多雕刻 雕刻很多論據手工藝品

  • was really interesting it was the one area where we weren't able to film was

    真的很有趣,那是一個 我們無法拍攝的區域是

  • the most interesting you know that's the best part where they have all their

    最有趣的是 最好的地方是他們擁有所有

  • ceremonial masks you're not allowed to film that but it's honestly the most

    儀式面具,你不允許 電影,但老實說是最

  • impressive yes so that's at the ferry that's the far end of the museum and

    令人印象深刻的是,那是在渡輪上 那是博物館的盡頭

  • yeah you could easily spend quite a bit of time there if you were to go through

    是的,您可以輕鬆地花很多錢 時間在那裡,如果你要經歷

  • and read every exhibit afterwards we walked up to the big house and we're

    然後看完每個展覽 走到大房子,我們

  • where you can find the world's tallest largest totem pole it's gigantic it's it's so

    在這裡您可以找到世界上最高的 圖騰柱是巨大的

  • it's so tall that it like it kind of boomerangs at the end no really like it

    它很高以至於有點像 最後沒有迴旋鏢

  • kind of just bends off into the distance it's it's held down with cables yes and

    只是彎曲到遠方 是用電纜壓住的,是的,

  • topple over I would say we saw quite a bit considering how much time we had an

    翻倒我會說我們看到了一個相當 有點考慮我們有多少時間

  • alert bay we did more of a half day we kind of arrived later in the morning but if

    警報灣,我們做了半天多一點 的早上到達,但如果

  • you wanted to have a bit more time to spend at the museum and also to do the

    你想有更多時間 花在博物館,也做

  • hike I'd suggest turning into a full day maybe catch the first ferry or one of

    遠足,我建議變成一整天 也許趕上第一輪渡輪或

  • the first two ferries yeah it was just a fantastic trip though I'm really glad we

    前兩個渡輪是的 很棒的旅行,雖然我很高興我們

  • went there it's just one of the more interesting places we visited on our

    去那裡只是更多之一 我們參觀過的有趣的地方

  • entire time at Vancouver Island and that's pretty much a wrap for a day

    整個時間在溫哥華島 這幾乎是一天的包裹

  • trip to alert Bay it was a short visit but with a few more hours and better

    警報灣之行這是一次短暫的訪問 但是還有幾個小時甚至更好

  • weather you could plan to do some hiking and explore the town a bit more

    天氣你可以計劃去遠足 並探索更多城鎮

  • thoroughly then the next video will take you on another day trip this time to

    徹底,然後下一個視頻將 您這次在另一天旅行中

  • explore Zone Tula on Malcom Island we're Finnish immigrants set up their own

    探索我們在馬爾科姆島上的圖拉區 芬蘭移民成立了自己的

  • utopian society so see you then


in today's video we continue our road trip across Vancouver Island this time

在今天的視頻中,我們繼續前進 這次穿越溫哥華島


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