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  • Kensi has a lot to smile about.

  • The brave little boy is turning five and finishing chemotherapy.

  • What better way to celebrate than with the parade of fire trucks and friends?

  • Simon, who lives in Ohio, was diagnosed with leukemia in 2017.

  • He is also living with autism.

  • Simon finished chemo in March and now can stay home and stay safe during the Corona virus panda.

  • To celebrate that milestone, the Lakewood Fire Department and a special wish Cleveland organized this parade As the fire trucks rolled down the block.

  • The birthday boy got a special surprise for Simon, who wants to be a firefighter when he grows up.

  • It was the perfect day, and for his family, friends and neighbours, it was the perfect way to celebrate a special little boy.

Kensi has a lot to smile about.


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B1 中級

5歲的孩子用消防車遊行慶祝化療結束 (5-Year-Old Celebrates End of Chemo With Parade of Firetrucks)

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