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Hey guys and gals on asked Japanese.
It's Kathy Cat this time.
Want to talk about my quarantine routine in the afternoon?
Until I go to bed and go to sleep, what gives me happy?
What keeps me healthy?
So you seen in my morning routine me getting ready, hating up, getting really, really on After my twit stream, I usually tidied everything away.
Just say goodbye and then head over to the kitchen where prepare myself a quick lunch.
Now I'm not really a cooking person, and I see so many people have done some really amazing quarantine dishes.
But I'm not.
A cook needs a bit more.
Something's burning, and I don't actually have that much time because I still am working full time.
So I'm quickly having my lunch around 12.
And allowing must have to have one quick little treat, which is actually looking some anime watching some anime episodes and similar things.
That's just a little thing to give myself motivated and allow myself to do something that's not productive.
While I'm eating Now, you might be thinking that was a fairly relaxed morning, but the afternoon is actually very chuck, packed full with work even during the quarantine time asked.
Japanese is still working full times of director and I trying to get you out a lot off content, which means I will have to do subtitles, Which is one of the main things I'm doing for you guys.
All the English subtitles are done by me or almost all of them might say on then.
Also on top of that descriptions titled similar things like that.
Okay, the time in between them also filling up by doing two things at the same time doing quite a lot of things at the same time.
So I'm running the washing machine at the same time as well.
Recently, what I started doing is editing.
So you can see now that this video here is edited bunny as well as the driver's license video that you might have seen and what gives me happy during my editing working times on my cups of tea?
There's a lot of those and man do I love my cups of tea.
It wouldn't be the same thing without wait for it and then add a little bit of cream.
Jump jump Yes, get.
And then it or two sometimes free.
Those cookies are gonna come back to haunt me.
Mm, creamy.
So I keep up doing much translation game.
It's surprising how long a translation takes.
Generally, a video off 10 minutes can take me up 200 minutes, just translating, depending on if they were in English, Japanese or mixed languages at this point in time.
So videos in which I talk over there usually quick it because they're in English.
But everything that's in Japanese, Sometimes it takes me a little extra translation time, and that takes me all the way all the way through today until evening.
So since they started late, means that also will finish late.
Finish around 9:10 p.m. And when I finished, it's time to do more productive stuff.
Well, in a way, or mixing two things while I'm preparing my dinner or washing the dishes, I will listen to audio books and similar.
So I feel again like I'm doing two things at the same time and being a bit more productive on at the same time.
Also, having something fun in there might also be calling friends, family or funds.
During that time on, my patrons just to see that I put the most into my day and use the time that I have wisely in his time.
Goodbye to the fancy dresses.
You think what could be happening next, my dear?
Good bye.
Fancy pigtails.
I might actually be taking off my makeup before that, but this time I'm leaving it on.
It is time for the ponytail.
I know.
I know from this I don't like my arm Looks huge hole lonely that does it should have put the camera somewhere else.
But you can also see my muscles and moms from holding the microphone.
Um, on my arms.
Airway to mostly, never mind.
Let's let's change the scene for a moment.
Please tend to put on the geeky glasses.
Oh, yes.
Are you ready?
Death number one.
Step number two You got it.
It's time for my very own home gym.
So I started playing the ring fit adventure during the quarantine time.
I tried to do it once a day if I can, and I tried to be consistent with it.
Consistency is key here.
It's not obviously super hot workout, but since we can't go Excite and old Jim's air closed This helps me to do something this too embarrassing.
So let's not show me working out and go straight.
Stretching This is the part of my daily routine that I find the hottest to stick to daily.
I exercise for around 20 minutes at a minimum or more, depending on how it goes and sometimes adjust the level to be kind of tired at the end of 20 minutes, Really, and sometimes also go for a run outside.
But just these simple movements of staying inside, stretching and moving a little bit keeps me happy and keeps me healthy, especially the stretching, because obviously we are not moving much right now.
The stretching is really important because your muscles and everything can get so stiff from just sitting around all day and working in the same environment.
And because there's no office even for making cups of tea, I don't really have to go For now.
I'm not under the illusion that that is gonna change much, especially with the amount of cookies I'm having.
So in the future, I'm probably going to get a couple of comments from guy saying that I've gone a bit jumpy, but then we gotta work on that once the quarantine time is over.
Finally, another promise to myself I'm giving is to write in this for what I really want to do on the next day.
It's so simple, yet so important to write down the most important things I want to get down on the next day, and it's like the promise but not allowed to break.
So try to write a least three things down that I wanted a chief on the next day and I just try.
I tried to stick to them on the next day, very important.
And then it's time to take off my makeup Now.
I might have taken the makeup off straight after my twit stream or just took the makeup off before sports.
But depending on how busy the day is, sometimes Onley get to take it off right in the evening was, everything is over, so just taking off the makeup, I have some very good moisture whites.
They're like super super moisturized, so wiping them over my face is actually taken most of the makeup off, and then I have a very, very gentle washing phone from Dove that I keep using to just get rid of all the other little bits that might be there and then lots of most treasure is my key.
And my recommendation.
The air right now in Japan is so dry.
So I try to moisturize a lot to just bring that moisture back.
And now it's time for my favorite part off.
Yeah, it is pushing, pushing.
Come on, push it.
Because it Yeah, Japanese, both are amazing.
You can set a certain temperature, and then that is the temperature of the water that's going to come out here.
And the most amazing thing is it will stop automatically at a certain water level that you set yourself and it will keep the temperature at the temperature you set four hours and most you stop it.
So you're gonna have a back in the right temperature.
That doesn't get cold.
I know, right?
It's like one of the most amazing Japanese invention.
I love it So much is the best, and in some bathrooms even can set the ventilation to dry the bathroom after your shower or bath.
And the last thing I do before go to sleep.
And that's my last step on my routine is too right into my five year diary.
You can see 2019 is already filled in, but from 2020 all the way to 2023 every day I will write down what happened on that day.
In a short note, this habit has been so good for me.
It's the idea of reflecting on the day what I've done on the day would have achieved on the day on.
It also makes me look back on what I've done the year before had.
To be honest, I'm seeing a lot of fun things that I've done the year before.
And of course, it's sad that I can't be doing these things.
But at the same time, it's making me think that good things are gonna come again.
In a way, it's a motivation for me to think of all the things that I used to do and the things that I hope we can all do again.
Once the virus situation has gone better, it's a way of being grateful for what I have.
It reminds me of what I can do right now, and it also currently is become a quarantine diaries.
I can see what, every day off the quarter teen I have achieved.
It's so easy to just let the day pass as it goes along.
If you all day inside so being structured and focused on your gold, making sure you have a routine in order to build a habit off being more productive is so vital, especially in these times now, with quarantines and states of emergency all over the world, it's hard to tell what the future will bring for each and every of our countries where we're living right now.
The only thing we can control right now is though, how we will react to the situation.
One of my moto's is don't think of what you don't have to think of what you have right now and what you can do with it.
Let's do ofhis stay inside, stop the spread and see to it that we overcome this as soon as possible.
So, guys, please stay safe.
Stay healthy and don't lose hope.
We can do this.
Good night.