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Children across the globe are course confined to their homes, cut off from the outside world, and they have been turning that experience into art.
Is David Wright reports.
These images remind us all that no matter where you are or who you are right now, we all have so much in common.
What do you miss most?
What are you scared of?
What is it that makes you thankful around the world?
That's next.
Never mind the language barrier.
I miss me, Hala, our money and I want some kids have no trouble expressing themselves.
I'm the head of Yes, I live in Ja ja and her little brother Ray coup drew pictures of the people they missed the most.
In Germany, six year old Tom and his brother drew their grandma and grandpa's house in Budapest.
Eight year old Ivan and his brother drew pictures of soccer ball.
In New Delhi, 10 year old Sharia drew the logos of his favorite restaurants.
Starbucks, KFC, McDonald's on.
I do my school, mostly the floor.
Like most important thing except my friends, lots of kids are drawing the Corona virus itself for an Israeli like four year old Mila in Tel Aviv For a Palestinian like 11 year old Lohan in the West Bank, this is one threat.
Then share in Damascus, Syria.
Four year old Holla.
Imagine her Corona virus among stars and planets far away.
When it does come, she figures, she and her brother have masks and decorations ready.
My name is Lydia.
I'm 10 years old and I live in New York City worldwide.
This lock down has rob kids of joy friends.
So with people I do and what it could be like.
Selling lemonade is an example.
You can actually talk to people now because of locked down.
You can see people.
It's also been a welcome chance to reconnect with family.
Children make up roughly 1/4 of the world's population on all of its future future.
Full of ballet slippers on sneakers, swimming pools, elephants and rainbow.
Universal image of hope after being stuck inside for a long, rainy day.
David Wright, ABC News, New York.
Love to see those rainbow Hi, everyone.
George Stephanopoulos here.
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