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The city of Busan sits on the Korean Peninsula's south-eastern coastline,
釜山市位於 朝鮮半島東南岸
just a short flight from Asian capitals like Beijing and Tokyo,
從北京和東京等亞洲國家的首都 飛幾個小時就能抵達
and a two-and-a-half hour bullet train ride from Seoul.
從首爾搭子彈列車出發,也只要 2.5 小時 的車程
South Korea's largest port and second-largest city
spreads out along the jagged coastline of the Yeongnam Region,
沿著嶺南地方鋸齒狀的海岸線 一路延伸
and rises into a sea of mountains beyond.
From the shellfish which drew Paleolithic gatherers to its rugged shores,
從舊石器時代開始,就吸引先民 前來撿拾貝類的嶙峋海岸
to the never-ending offerings of Jagalchi Fish Market,
到札嘎其魚市場源源不絕的 豐富漁貨
…from the Joseon ships of old,
to the dockyards which helped drive South Korea's economic miracle,
到推動南韓經貿榮景的 現代化船塢
Busan has forever been linked to the ocean.
As the world races further into the 21st century,
隨著全球邁入 21 世紀
Busan continues to evolve,
into a haven where hard-working Koreans can let their hair down,
並發展成一片樂土,讓辛勤工作的韓國人 在這裡盡情放鬆
reflect on the past,
and peer into the future.
While the bustling port underpins Busan's economic vitality,
熙來攘往的港口是釜山 的經濟命脈
it's the city's beaches which increasingly draw travellers from all over Asia.
不過,這裡的海灘才是吸引全亞洲旅客 趨之若鶩的魅力所在
Just a 40-minute subway ride from Busan Station is the city's star attraction,
從釜山車站搭地鐵只要 40 分鐘 就會來到這裡的明星景點
Haeundae Beach, South Korea's biggest and best-loved beachside hangout.
海雲臺海水浴場,也是韓國規模最大 且最受歡迎的濱海休閒勝地
Follow the long sweep of sands eastward to Dalmaji Hill,
沿著連綿不絕的沙灘往東走,就會來到 迎月之丘
an outlook adored by the wandering poets of yesteryear
這裡過去是詩人吟詩歌詠 的所在
and the coffee lovers of today.
While at Haeundae's eastern end,
take the paths through Dongbaek Park to APEC House,
不妨穿過冬柏公園,前往 APEC 世峰樓
where Asian and Pacific leaders enjoyed some of Busan's most celebrated views
這裡是 2005 年亞太經合會期間 亞太地區的領袖齊聚一堂
during their 2005 summit.
Busan's ever-changing coastline offers scenery
and activities to match your every mood.
For total relaxation,
unroll your towel on the half-moon curve of Gwangalli Beach,
前往廣安里海水浴場的半月型海灘 鋪開浴巾
and enjoy gentle waters,
laid-back vibes,
and views to Diamond Bridge.
If you're looking for adventure,
join a charter at the fishing village of Cheongsapo.
Or step out onto the skywalk at the end of the Yongho-Dong Peninsula,
或是踏上龍湖洞半島 末端的天空步道
and take in the views of the Oryukdo Islands just offshore.
欣賞一水之隔的五六島 的優美景致
Seeking a little enlightenment?
Head to Gijang,
and make a wish at the Haedong Yonggungsa Temple,
到歷史悠久的海東龍宮寺 許願祈福
one of the few Buddhist temples in Korea built by the ocean.
這座寺廟是韓國少數屹立於海畔的 佛寺之一
Cross historic Yeongdodaegyo Bridge and head to Taejongdae Park.
越過歷史悠久的影島大橋,就會來到 對岸的太宗台公園
It was at these cliffs where, according to legend,
根據傳說,這裡的懸崖峭壁 曾經是
gods and goddesses once came to relax,
and the 29th King of Silla spent his leisure time shooting arrows into the passing clouds.
新羅的第 29 代君主也曾在此彎弓射雲 度過悠閒的時光
For today's mere mortals,
the park's the perfect place to slip into a slower state of mind
來到這裡,欣賞貨船緩緩駛向遠方的港口 更是舒緩心情
as cargo ships journey to far off ports.
The meditative mood continues at Songdo Beach.
Step across the swirling waters on the elevated walkway,
踏上造型盤曲有如潛蛟出洞的 天空步道
whose curves depict a mythical dragon taking flight from it's coastal lair.
凌空橫渡起伏不定的 洶湧波濤
Then, let your mind wander and the kids run free at Dadaepo Beach.
好好享受神遊物外的快感,小朋友也能 在多大浦海灘上盡情嬉戲
Here, at the mouth of South Korea's longest river,
the endless sands and sea mists blur the lines between heaven and earth.
綿延不盡的沙灘和霧氣迷濛的大海 構成海天一色的絕美勝景
While Busan's story has been continually shaped by the sea,
雖然釜山的發展與海洋 息息相關
it's a city equally defined by its mountains.
Just above the port,
ride the escalator to the summit of Yongdusan Park
and share the views with the statue of 16th century naval hero,
就能俯瞰釜山的市容,16 世紀海軍名將 李舜臣的雕像
Admiral Yi Sun Sin.
On nearby Mt Cheonma,
take the 20-minute hike to the observation platform to see “Dynamic Busan”
花 20 分鐘的時間登上觀景台 活力十足的釜山
spread out before you.
In the city's north,
climb aboard a cable car for the five-minute ride to Geumgang Park,
只要搭乘五分鐘的纜車 就會抵達金剛公園
the home to Busan's highest peak.
Join the thousands of locals who hike here each weekend,
每週末來此登山健行的民眾 不計其數
exploring the forest trails and walls of Geumgang Fortress.
您也可以來此,深入探索 金井山城的森林步道與城牆
The park is also home to Beomeosa Temple,
whose warrior monks fought off invaders in the 16th century,
寺內的武僧在 16 世紀和 20 世紀時 曾奮勇禦敵
and again in the 20th.
Busan never forgets its heroes, and at nearby Chungnyeolsa Temple,
對於先賢的犧牲奉獻,釜山永誌不忘 前往附近的忠烈祠
pay your respects to the spirits of Busan's patriots who gave their lives
就能追憶在 1592 年 壬辰倭亂期間
when their city was besieged by Japanese troops in 1592.
為抵抗日軍入侵而殉國的志士,向這些 英靈致敬
In 1950, Busan was again under siege.
1950 年時,釜山再度陷入戰火
At the UN Memorial Cemetery,
visit the gravesites of some of the 140,000 troops
who formed a last-ditch perimeter around Busan,
參與釜山防禦圈戰役的 14 萬聯合國部隊
fighting off waves of North Korean soldiers.
Busan was one of the few cities of the south not to fall during the Korean War,
在韓戰期間,釜山是南部少數 未淪陷的城市之一
becoming a safe haven for over half a million refugees.
也因此成為 50 多萬難民的避風港
At the UN Peace Memorial Hall,
the sacrifices of both combatants and civilians are remembered,
忠實記錄了戰士和平民百姓 所付出的犧牲
as are the stories of suffering from ongoing conflicts around the globe.
也記述全球當前持續發生的 衝突與戰事
Busan owes much to it's resilient refugees.
Dishes born of post-war hardship have been perfected into culinary masterpieces.
戰後匱乏的年代所衍生的菜餚 已演進成令人垂涎的美饌
An alleyway where a refugee couple sold magazines discarded by American GIs
狹窄的巷弄,當年曾有難民夫妻在此擺攤 販賣美國大兵丟棄的雜誌
grew into an entire street of bookshops.
And a few humble stalls where the newcomers traded life's basics
初來乍到的新移民,當年為販賣生活用品 所擺開的簡陋攤位
is now one of Korea's biggest and best-loved traditional markets,
現在已成為韓國規模最大且最受歡迎的 傳統市場
selling everything from Kimchi to sneakers.
Busan's refugees first filled the portside areas,
釜山的難民最早居住在 港口一帶
before building hundreds of makeshift homes on the steep barren hills around the city.
後來陸續在市區四面陡峭荒涼的山坡上 興建了數百棟臨時居所
After years of keeping their noses to the grindstone,
歷經多年努力不懈 與整建後
the residents of Gamcheon have embraced their creative side,
甘川洞的居民決定發揮他們的 藝術創造力
adorning their laneways and walls with artworks
which have transformed their neighbourhood into one of the city's top tourist attractions.
讓社區搖身一變,成為 釜山人氣數一數二的觀光景點
Gamcheon's makeover symbolises Busan's new-found creative,
甘川洞的成功改造,象徵著釜山 全新滋生的創意、文化
cultural and entrepreneurial energy which has blossomed all over the city.
與創業動能,這些能量 也在整個城市蓬勃發展並開花結果
See this energy in its world-class museums,
…and festivals.
Hear it, in the happy bustle of its shopping streets,
and across the three-million-square-feet of the world's largest department store.
和佔地三百萬平方英呎、全球最大的百貨公司裡 遊客的歡聲笑語不絕於耳
Smell it; Taste it, in a cuisine which lures foodies and seafood lovers from all over the globe.
品嚐吸引全球饕客和海鮮控的殊滋異味 在直衝腦門的香氣間品味在地的活力
And feel it, as the city erupts in light each night,
just like the displays of its annual lantern festival.
就像燈會一樣金碧輝煌,讓人感受 無以名狀的魅力
After centuries of keeping enemies from its gates, and decades of hardship and toil,
歷經幾個世紀外敵入侵的紛擾 以及數十載的困苦和磨難
this rollicking port town has at last come into its own.
這個活力十足的港口城終於展現 屬於自己的價值
Today's Busan is a bridge, perfectly connecting the past and future into a very special now.
今天的釜山,有如完美連結過去和未來的橋樑 在現代國際中大放異彩
Welcome to Busan, a feast for all the senses, and the soul.
歡迎來到釜山,來一趟振奮五感與靈魂的 完美饗宴