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  • Welcome to Info Cloud I'm sorry if I seem a little tired I just got back from

  • Hong Kong today I took a red-eye flight redeye flights are really difficult I

  • can never sleep on planes so flying overnight always throws off my sleep

  • schedule well that is why they call them red-eye

  • flights after all because you can't sleep the next day your eyes might be

  • read from lack of sleep a lot of times the red-eye flights are cheaper and I'll

  • bet that's why Joe scheduled a flight for last night actually I was supposed

  • to fly in yesterday evening but I got bumped from my flight the flight was

  • overbooked so I volunteered to give up my seat

  • ah I understand the airline must have rebook you on a red-eye flight to get

  • you home on a plane that wasn't full I actually

  • love getting bumped even if I have to take a red-eye to get home since I was

  • bumped from my flight the airline credited me enough to get another flight

Welcome to Info Cloud I'm sorry if I seem a little tired I just got back from


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A2 初級 美國腔

撞眼 (bumped and redeye)

  • 3 1
    ymc042946 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日