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  • Cold Election The Great Big Girls Blast this'll Week The British promise that Boris Johnson made an outburst in the House of Commons when he called Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the Labour Party, a big girls blouse Let's hear what that sounds like in a few different accents.

  • Call an election, you great big give blasts Call election, you great big girl's blouse Call an election, you great big girl's blouse!

  • The cop election you could big girls waves My corn election, you great big ills Blouse Hello election!

  • Corn election you could be gives blast corn election, you great big girl's blouse Call an election, you great big give blasts Call election, you great big girl's blouse Call an election, You great big girl's blouse The couple election you could big girls waves my corn election You great big kills blouse!

Cold Election The Great Big Girls Blast this'll Week The British promise that Boris Johnson made an outburst in the House of Commons when he called Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the Labour Party, a big girls blouse Let's hear what that sounds like in a few different accents.


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B1 中級

鮑里斯-約翰遜英語口音挑戰 (The Boris Johnson English Accent Challenge)

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