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hi everyone Jennifer from Tarle speech I have a request today and the word is
vaccine and that is a treatment that makes your body stronger against a virus
or an infection so here was our word vaccine we are going to think about this in two
syllables pretty simple today vack and then you're going to say the word seen
so to say vac you're going to gently bite the inside or the outside of the
bottom lip voice box is on air is moving out vvv then you're going to open wide in a
circle for the ah tongue tip is down back is pulled up and then your tongue is
going to kind of stay there and you're going to let the air puff out for the K
sound that vac vac vac and then for seen start with the s sss tongue tip is either
down or behind the top front teeth it's not touching air keeps moving move to that
long ie by smiling and end by touching the tip of your tongue to the back of
your top front teeth nnn seen vac seen vac seen vaccine vaccine vaccine
vaccine vaccine vaccine some of you might be asking how about vaccination
we're going to follow that TION rule and when a word ends in tion we shift the
word stress to right before the tion so this long e is going to change to a
schwa sound vaccination vaccination vaccination vaccination vaccination and
now for a sentences sentence children require many vaccines to protect them
from disease so doctors hope that they all get their vaccinations give it a try
I know people are going to notice the difference if you found this helpful
we'd love a like share us with your friends and don't forget to subscribe
and I will see you all tomorrow thanks everyone