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well good morning everyone today we're going to be taking you on a
大家早上好 今天我們要帶你去
little tour of cholila originally the plan had been to attend the National
霍利拉原本的小遊 計劃曾參加國民大會
barbecue festival but as you'll soon see that didn't quite go to plan after
燒烤節,但您很快就會看到 之後並沒有去計劃
driving an hour to Cholila we got a little surprise we arrived on the wrong
開車一個小時到喬利拉,我們得到了一個 我們到達錯誤地方有點驚訝
day but as they say all's well that ends well this sea of misadventures turned
一天,但正如他們所說的那樣,一切都好了 好,這不幸的海轉過身來
out to be a lot of fun and we somehow ended up visiting butch Cassidy's ranch
變得很有趣,我們以某種方式 最終訪問了卡西迪的牧場
instead so let's hop right into things we have arrived in Cholila but there's a
相反,讓我們跳入事物 我們已經到達喬利拉,但是有一個
little problem the asado is not today it starts tomorrow at 12 noon the party
有點問題,asado今天不是 明天從中午12點開始
today doesn't start til 5:00 p.m. and we are here super early we got some wrong
今天直到下午5:00才開始 早到這裡了,我們出了點問題
info so there's gonna be no asado today no barbecue but we drove all the way out
信息,所以今天不會有asado 沒有燒烤,但我們一直開車出去
here so we're like there's a party tonight but we've got a few hours before
在這裡,所以我們就像有一個聚會 今晚,但我們還有幾個小時
that party so trouble mishap misadventures in Cholila we're gonna
那個聚會真麻煩 喬利拉的不幸事件我們要去
have lunch at la cocina de lily because it's the only place we could find that
在la cocina de lily吃午餐,因為 這是我們唯一可以找到的地方
was open
what to do what to do the only thing we could think of was to grab a bite of
該做什麼我們該做什麼 想到的就是咬一口
lunch stress-eating perhaps
we're at a restaurant yes we're gonna eat we're gonna make the most of the
我們在餐廳,是的,我們要 吃,我們要充分利用
date we're gonna get and then we're gonna check out Butch Cassidy's old house (ranch) yeah how
我們要得到的日期,然後我們 要去檢查巴奇·卡西迪的老房子(牧場)
it's gonna be an interesting day and then I think around 5:00 p.m. there's
這將是有趣的一天, 然後我認為下午5:00左右
gonna be maybe an opening party and tomorrow is the big event tomorrow is
可能會成為一個開幕派對, 明天是大事件明天是
through big Gaucho asado we're gonna rearrange our plans so we can do this I
通過大高喬朝聖,我們要 重新安排我們的計劃,以便我們做到這一點
guess we don't care if we if we don't get a refund for our bus ticket if we
猜想我們不在乎,如果我們不 如果我們獲得公交車票退款
pay for one extra night in a town we don't actually go to where the bar gonna
在城鎮裡多付一晚 其實不要去酒吧要去的地方
do it because how could you miss yeah you can't since we had already driven an
這樣做是因為你怎麼會想 因為我們已經開車了
hour to Cholila we wanted to make the most of the day so that's how we ended
小時到喬利拉,我們想 一天的大部分時間就是這樣結束
up in front of butch Cassidy's ranch in the outskirts of town
在卡西迪(Cassidy)的農場前面 城郊
no it's down there maybe we go in through here Sam I can't wait to see
不,它在那下,也許我們進去 通過這里山姆,我等不及要看
your approach to this
alright guys we're going to visit butch Cassidy's cabin in Patagonia we just left the car at
好傢伙,我們要去拜奇 卡塔迪在巴塔哥尼亞的小屋,我們剛把車停在
the gate there's no one here really it's just us and a bunch of horses we are
門口這裡真的沒有人 只有我們和一群馬
here we're going in it's actually three cabins three wood constructions kind of
我們要進入的實際上是三個 小木屋三種木結構
in a state of abandonment but let's go in the boys have already opened the gate
處於被遺棄的狀態,但我們走吧 在男孩們已經打開大門
so let's follow them go snoop around
Wow amazing the roof is in pretty good shape
哇,屋頂太漂亮了 形狀
this is probably the living room kitchen
it says meet the see on this was the bedroom
它說見見這個是 臥室
for those of you who aren't too familiar with the name Butch Cassidy was an
對於那些不太熟悉的人 名稱Butch Cassidy是
infamous train and bank robber in the days of the Far West in 1901 he fled the
臭名昭著的火車和銀行搶劫犯 在1901年的遠西時代,他逃離了
United States with his two friends the Sundance Kid and the kids girlfriend at
美國和他的兩個朋友 聖丹斯小子和孩子女友在
a place who were wanted thieves and fugitives they all arrived in Buenos Aires
一個被盜賊通緝的地方 他們都逃到了布宜諾斯艾利斯
aboard an English ship and they then continued down to Patagonia where they
登上一艘英國船,然後他們 繼續走到巴塔哥尼亞
eventually settled in a four-room log cabin in the outskirts of Cholila today
最終定居在四居室的日誌中 今天在喬利拉郊區的小屋
the ruins of their homestead still stand about ten kilometers outside of town and
他們宅基地的廢墟仍然屹立 距市區約十公里,
it is open to visitors though you'll likely find you're the only one there
它對遊客開放,儘管您會 可能會發現您是那裡唯一的一個
and inside this third wooden building straw lots and lots and straw maybe to
在第三座木製建築內 大量的稻草和稻草
feed the horses on the land
wanted dead or alive $35,000 or pesos what are you worth dollars pesos and
想要死亡或活著的$ 35,000或比索 您價值多少美元比索,
Dulles dollar bill yeah
aside from visiting butch Cassidy's ranch we also start by the museum bar
除了拜訪卡西迪的 牧場我們也從博物館酒吧開始
which is located on the side of the highway just before you reach town here
它位於 在您到達這里城鎮之前的高速公路
you can learn a bit more about Butch Cassidy and even take photos with the
您可以了解有關Butch的更多信息 卡西迪,甚至與
wanted posters we got to meet the woman who runs this place so I'll let her tell
想要我們見到那個女人的海報 誰經營這個地方,所以我讓她告訴
you more about it (In Spanish)
after visiting the ranch we drove back to town where the party was slowly
參觀牧場後,我們開車返回 到聚會很慢的小鎮
getting started it is about 5:30 yes the music so we're should have started it's
入門大約是5:30是的 音樂,所以我們應該開始
gonna be starting soon I think but what has started is there are a few food
我想很快就要開始了,但是 已經開始有一些食物
trucks that are open maybe in the tirely and the time I think we're gonna get
開著的卡車也許累了 我認為我們會得到的時間
crepes I'm okay with that we can do food instead of music and dancing yeah let's
我可以做飯,我可以 而不是音樂和舞蹈是的,讓我們
see yum yum yum alright guys so I've got my snack here this is basically a dulce
看到好吧好吧,所以我 我的零食基本上是杜爾塞
de leche crepe if I open up the hood you can see there's a copious amount of
德萊什可麗餅,如果我打開引擎蓋你 可以看到有大量的
dulce de leche and what else oh so cool she kept asking do you want this do you
杜爾塞·德萊什(Dulce de Leche)還有什麼好酷 她一直問你想要這個嗎
want that so she put some nuts on top as well
想要那個,所以她把一些堅果放在上面 好
sliced banana and sliced strawberry decadence a lot of good stuff going on I
香蕉片和草莓片 nce廢了很多好東西
can't wait to try it oh and the price was between 3 to 4 US dollars basically
等不及要嘗試哦,價格 基本上是3到4美元之間
okay enjoy making out with the Crepe oh they're
好吧享受 用縐做的哦,他們
wonderful the dulce de leche and you have the crunch of the nuts and then you
美妙的杜爾塞·德萊希和你 緊縮堅果,然後你
also have the juiciness of the fruit all those different ingredients combining
也都有水果的多汁 那些不同的成分相結合
together this makes for the perfect merienda here at the event so Audrey is
一起使完美 merienda參加活動,所以Audrey是
chowing down on hers what did you get for a new toll on banana yeah a bit of a
瞧不起她,你得到了什麼 對香蕉造成新的損失
Southeast Asian or throwback there yeah yeah very good
東南亞或那裡有回饋 是的,很好
you have savory ones as well you can get with chicken grilled vegetables if
你也有鹹味的 如果有雞肉烤蔬菜
you're more into that but this is our afternoon snack we need something a
您更喜歡那個,但這是我們的 下午點心,我們需要一些東西
little sweet our merienda yeah just waiting for the music to start now
小甜蜜我們的merienda是啊,只是在等待 現在就開始音樂
we stayed a while listening to some folklore music and watching the
我們住了一會兒聽 民俗音樂和觀看
traditional dances but by the time we left the barbecue still wasn't ready so
傳統舞蹈,但是到了那時 離開燒烤還沒準備好
don't worry we made the executive decision to come
別擔心 我們做出行政決定
back again the following day so we'll see you in the next video where we
第二天再回來,所以我們會 在下一個視頻中見
finally get to experience the biggest barbecue festival in all of Argentina
終於體驗最大的 整個阿根廷的燒烤節
so stay tuned for that see you later