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  • (upbeat music)

  • Hello everyone and welcome back to English with Lucy.

  • As requested and as promised here is, finally,

  • my lesson on the top TV shows that you can use to

  • learn British English.

  • I have got lots of recommendations

  • that are suitable for everyone.

  • And I'm going to work through them,

  • starting with programmes that are suitable for beginners,

  • moving to pre-intermediate, intermediate and then advanced.

  • Now I know that a lot of you

  • are hoping to use TV shows

  • in order to improve your fluency, your vocabulary,

  • your pronunciation, your listening skills.

  • Honestly watching TV shows in a second language

  • can work magic on your language skills.

  • However, it can be really, really stressful,

  • trying to find the right one for you.

  • Because you've got to get that mix

  • of something that you're interested in,

  • something that is at your level,

  • and something that is going to provide educational value.

  • Now another really frustrating point is,

  • when you finally find a TV show

  • that you would like to watch,

  • that you think will help you

  • and it's blocked in your country.

  • It's so annoying.

  • I really enjoy watching programmes in Spanish

  • and I find it really frustrating trying to

  • gain access to websites that are blocked in my country.

  • Well, a lot of you aren't based in the UK,

  • so how are you going to gain access

  • to these British TV shows?

  • Well, I highly recommend NordVPN.

  • Which is the sponsor of today's video.

  • A VPN hides your location,

  • allowing you to improve security

  • but also allowing you to overcome geographical restrictions.

  • So, by using NordVPN you can unlock access

  • to these entertainment providers.

  • They provide double data encryption for increased anonymity.

  • There's no data logging,

  • it's available even in China

  • and there is 24/7 customer support.

  • You also have a 30 day money back guarantee.

  • And they've given me a special offer

  • to pass on to you, you can get 70% off NordVPN,

  • that's only $3.49 per month.

  • That is nothing when you consider all of the benefits

  • that having a VPN will bring you.

  • And you can also get an additional month free,

  • at or just use my code: Lucy.

  • The link and the code are in the description box.

  • Right, let's get started with the list

  • of TV shows that you can use in order to learn

  • and improve your British English.

  • Right, let's start with the beginners.

  • So, for people who are just starting to learn English,

  • or maybe people who've been learning English for a while

  • but are really struggling with their listening,

  • because listening is incredibly difficult.

  • It's a skill that some people are naturally good at,

  • but most people find very, very challenging.

  • Now, I've been teaching for many years

  • and when I come across beginners

  • or people who are really struggling

  • with their listening skills,

  • I recommend children's TV shows.

  • But you have to be really, really careful

  • because so many children's TV shows

  • are dumbed down, in order to entertain children.

  • And there aren't so many high quality

  • children's TV shows, where the characters speak well,

  • with good pronunciation

  • and they don't put on a stupid baby voice.

  • One programme that I think is excellent

  • for improving your English,

  • if you are a beginner, is Peppa Pig.

  • Now, if you have children,

  • you will probably know about Peppa Pig,

  • but it is a British TV show.

  • It's been translated into so many languages

  • across the globe.

  • It's about a little piglet who goes around

  • solving problems and causing problems.

  • And she speaks with a British accent.

  • She speaks quite clearly, but the best part is,

  • they cover the basics of English.

  • It's written in simple English, simple tenses,

  • and they cover the basic vocabulary

  • because they are hoping to teach a child its' first words.

  • Well, it's sometimes the same situation for us

  • when we're learning our second language.

  • - No George, I'm playing with Suzy.

  • You have to play somewhere else.

  • - Another cartoon I can recommend is, Sarah and Duck.

  • This is another children's cartoon

  • that actually now has quite a strong adult following

  • cause it is very entertaining actually.

  • I look forward to having a child so that I can

  • watch these programmes with them.

  • It's about a little girl, a little British girl,

  • who is best friends with a duck.

  • And it is quite funny and it focuses on problem solving.

  • - [Voice over] It's a bit early for bed isn't it?

  • - No, It's so tomorrow gets here quicker.

  • - [Voice over] Oh.

  • - All of the information for these programmes

  • will be in the description box,

  • I'll show you where you can watch them.

  • The next one is another one produced by the BBC,

  • it's Katie Morag.

  • And this one I've mentioned

  • because it's the Scottish accent.

  • It's about a little girl who lives

  • on a fictional Scottish island,

  • but it's not a cartoon, it is a real girl.

  • Now the Scottish accent, in my opinion,

  • is absolutely gorgeous, I love it.

  • And I know that it's a very desirable place,

  • so on the off chance that you are hoping to visit Scotland

  • or you just particularly like that accent,

  • this is a fantastic TV show.

  • And as I've said many times before,

  • it's really important to understand

  • and to listen to, a variety of accents.

  • The Scottish accent is considered to be fairly difficult,

  • so it's best to start

  • with a children's TV version of that accent.

  • - [Katie] And everyone looks out for me

  • when I'm out and about, having my adventures.

  • - Right, let's move on to pre-intermediate.

  • So we've covered the basics with children's TV programmes,

  • where they cover basic vocabulary

  • and they use simple grammar.

  • Now let's go a step higher to pre-intermediate.

  • What I recommend for my pre-intermediate students,

  • is nature programmes.

  • And there is one man in particular who I recommend.

  • I absolutely love him.

  • The nation adores him, he is David Attenborough.

  • This man is a national treasure.

  • He's a broadcaster, a natural historian,

  • he used to work for the BBC,

  • quite high up in the BBC.

  • And he is amazing and speaks with such

  • a beautiful RP accent.

  • He speaks quite slowly and he uses a variety

  • of adjectives as well,

  • which is perfect for pre-intermediate students.

  • And he has done so many BBC series' on nature.

  • Recent one's have been Blue Planet,

  • all about the sea.

  • Planet Earth, which is about the globe as a whole.

  • Frozen Planet, which is about the colder

  • parts of our world.

  • And a really good documentary called,

  • A Plastic Ocean, where he talks about the pollution

  • of plastic in the seas.

  • Now, I recommend his programmes

  • if you want to learn new vocabulary,

  • if you're interested in the environment

  • and in animals,

  • and if you also want to watch something quite relaxing.

  • It can be quite stressful

  • to try and listen to English,

  • but if you just relax, watch nature,

  • and listen to this man's beautiful voice and accent,

  • it shouldn't be an arduous task.

  • - The tropics, as a naturalist,

  • I yearn to see it and I had already

  • manned programmes with people from London Zoo.

  • - Right, let's move on to intermediate.

  • And what I recommend to my intermediate students,

  • is cooking programmes.

  • And I recommend that they follow

  • a handful of chosen celebrity chefs.

  • There are three that I'm going to recommend to you.

  • Two speak with an RP accent

  • and one speaks Estuary English,

  • sometimes with a bit of Cockney,

  • quite Cockney sometimes actually.

  • The first one is somebody that I'm sure

  • you will fall in love with.

  • (laughing)

  • She's amazing, she's called Nigella Lawson.

  • And she is known for doing really

  • indulgent recipes, high calorie.

  • Not particularly good for you.

  • She's here for a good time, not a long time.

  • And she speaks with the most beautiful, low RP accent.

  • All of her series are very visually pleasing.

  • So, again, like with the nature programmes,

  • it's something that you can watch whilst relaxing.

  • - With this sauce which, ends up to be quite thick.

  • Sort of doesn't run all over it,

  • it just sits on top and you have to mix it in.

  • - Similarly, we have Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall,

  • again somebody who speaks with an RP accent

  • and he has a wonderful series, called River Cottage.

  • This was started many years ago.

  • He has a small holding, where he grows organic food

  • and cooks it, and talks about the local industries

  • and just how food is put on the table.

  • So, it's not just watching somebody cook,

  • it's so much more than that

  • and it gives you a real opportunity

  • to understand British culture and what we eat.

  • Because I hear from a lot of people,

  • British food is so bad.

  • And, yes, sometimes it is really bad,

  • but I think Hugh can show you that it's not always so bad.

  • Again, it's a really relaxing programme.

  • He speaks quite clearly.

  • He speaks slightly more quickly than Nigella does.

  • Nigella is, very alluring with the way she speaks.

  • She's quite slow,

  • emphasises words very, emphatic,

  • and very, very relevant for English learners.

  • She really pronounces things beautifully.

  • Hugh speaks a little more quickly

  • and shows you a little more than just cooking.

  • - These lovely duck eggs

  • are gonna be the final flourish for that.

  • But underneath, there's gonna be all sorts

  • of delicious things going.

  • - And then finally we have Jamie Oliver.

  • You may have heard of him before.

  • He has a great YouTube channel actually,

  • and he's speaks with a more Cockney accent.

  • So he's not as posh as the other two.

  • And he's really good if you're short on time.

  • He has a really great series,

  • called 15 Minute Meals.

  • He actually has a book that goes along

  • with it as well, and he teaches great,

  • healthy meals that you can do

  • with a few ingredients and if you're short on time.

  • - [Jamie] The whole thing, to temper,

  • turn it down and that mozzarella

  • is just gonna reach around the bowl, and that.

  • - Now maybe cooking isn't really your thing.

  • Or you don't find it helps you,

  • so I have some other recommendations.

  • One is sitcoms, situational comedies.

  • These programmes are quite light-hearted

  • and will introduce you to British humour,

  • which can be quite complex for learners of English,

  • it can be really hard to understand British humour.

  • I have a whole video where I talk about,

  • what British humour is and the elements of it.

  • To start off, it would be good to watch a sitcom.

  • And I have various recommendations.

  • The first on is one I think I have recommended

  • before in a previous video.

  • And I'll recommend it again

  • because I think it's fantastic.

  • It is, The Vicar of Dibley.

  • And this follows a female Vicar who moves

  • to a very small village

  • and starts running the church there.

  • And she encounters all sorts of problems

  • and the protagonist is Dawn French.

  • Who is a fantastic comedian here in the UK.

  • She's wonderful.

  • She speaks with a beautiful clear accent, RP again.

  • But, the programme has a variety of accents.

  • Especially more southern accents.

  • It's incredibly funny and I watch it

  • every Christmas with my family.

  • (groaning)

  • - No, can't it go to something people can

  • feel passionate about?

  • - Like what, for instance?

  • - Now, another RP recommendation

  • and this is very, very posh,

  • it's absolutely fabulous, also known as Ab Fab.

  • This features two female comedians,

  • Jennifer Saunders, and Joanna Lumley.

  • I'm pretty sure you will fall in love

  • with their accents, especially Joanna Lumley.

  • She speaks with just the most incredible,

  • RP accent and this is a funny sitcom

  • about parodies of posh Londoners.

  • So we have Edina, who is a ridiculous

  • PR Agent who falls for every fad diet

  • and every trend going.

  • And then we have Patsy,

  • who runs a fashion magazine.

  • They're very eccentric, they do a lot of silly things,

  • get themselves into a lot of trouble.

  • And it is wonderful.

  • I have watched the entire series.

  • I binge watched it.

  • - Darling, they couldn't even find any decent furniture.

  • - Darling if you wanna talk bullocks

  • and discuss the meaning of life,

  • you're better off downing a bottle of whiskey.

  • - Right, now I have two recommendations

  • for sitcoms if you aren't so interested in the RP accent.

  • The first one focuses more on Estuary English

  • and that is The Office.

  • The British version of The Office.

  • Although, the American version of The Office

  • is fantastic as well.

  • I don't often say that about American remakes

  • of British comedies,

  • but the Americans did a very good job.

  • Now this is a mockumentary,

  • so it's like a documentary, but it's a parody.

  • It's a fake documentary, a mockumentary.

  • And it follows the daily lives,

  • the daily, boring lives, of office employees.

  • And, it introduces you to a lot of mundane daily vocabulary,

  • which can be very, very useful.

  • Including a lot of small talk.

  • It's very funny, the humour is very British.

  • There are a lot of subtleties

  • and there are just a plethora of things to learn,

  • if you are learning English as a second language.

  • And it will also teach you

  • a lot about British culture.

  • - And, I've always been in the paper industry,

  • haven't I, yeah.

  • My parents owned a paper shop,

  • until it blew away.

  • (laughing)

  • Paper, that one's a no, okay.

  • - If you want something a bit more in your face,

  • again, with a mix of Cockney,

  • Estuary, and RP accent,

  • then we have The Inbetweeners.

  • This is a British sitcom.

  • There was an American remake and it was absolutely dreadful.

  • And I don't feel mean for saying that.

  • Because, it just, it was awful.

  • Everyone knows it was awful.

  • We watched it and just laugh because it was so bad.

  • This is a coming of age sitcom about four teenagers,

  • four teenagers, who are in their final years of school

  • and they're just so awkward and awful.

  • Trying to meet girls, trying to do well at school,

  • trying to be cool and go to parties.

  • Honestly, hilarious.

  • Will and I have watched this over,

  • and over, and over, and over.

  • It's over ten years old now,

  • it was on when I was at school

  • and it's still so relevant and funny.

  • And it reminds me, of me when I was young and awkward.

  • This will be a great one if you want to learn

  • more British English slang,

  • because it's just absolutely full of it, it's brilliant.

  • (upbeat music)

  • - I'm not waiting any longer.

  • (crashing)

  • - Right, we're still on intermediate,

  • but if you're not looking for a comedy,

  • because it's not everyone's thing,

  • then I also have a list of good dramas,

  • mainly crime dramas.

  • There is a sci-fi one in there.

  • That you can use in order to

  • improve your British English.

  • They're all dramas that I have watched myself.

  • I've watched all of these,

  • but I really, really enjoyed these ones.

  • So they're not only great for improving

  • your British English speaking skills,

  • listening skills, and vocabulary,

  • they're also just great TV programmes

  • that I think you should watch.

  • The first one, I have mentioned this one before,

  • it's Broadchurch.

  • This is a crime drama set in a town, not a village,

  • a town in the south of England, by the sea.

  • A boy is murdered and everyone in the town

  • seems to be involved in some way.

  • And there is a great variety of accents,

  • we've got Scottish in there, northern, southern,

  • RP, it's really, really fantastic.

  • And the story line and the writing of it is brilliant.

  • You will be addicted, I warn you.

  • (tense music)

  • - Yeah.

  • - [Woman] Do you understand what it'll do

  • to that family, to this town, if it was Mark?

  • - What are you looking for?

  • - [Man] You know.

  • - It's blood.

  • - [Man] Don't look for the person who.

  • - Another one, which is similar,

  • it's a crime drama,

  • but it's actually based in the north of England,

  • in West Yorkshire.

  • It's called Happy Valley.

  • It's brilliantly written and brilliantly acted.

  • Again, it's about a female police sergeant

  • who struggles with managing her personal life

  • and her professional life.

  • And it features James Norton,

  • who is one of my favourites, in it.

  • (laughing)

  • - By the way, I'm forty-seven,

  • I'm divorced, I live with my sister,

  • who is a recovering heroin addict,

  • I have two grown-up children, one dead, one.

  • - Now, another one is the Informer.

  • This one's not as well known as the others.

  • But we watched it, I thought it was excellent,

  • I also thought it was incredibly good

  • for anyone who's planning to move to London

  • or who wants to see a programme set in London,

  • but that's showing off the true London,

  • not necessarily the shiny exterior.

  • It's a crime drama about a British Pakistani,

  • who is coerced into becoming a police informant

  • for the London Counter Terrorism Force.

  • It's excellent, it's excellent.

  • A variety of different accents,

  • not just RP, there's Cockney,

  • there is the British Pakistani accent as well,

  • which is very prevalent in the UK.

  • And it's important that you understand it as well.

  • - I'm not sitting in the corner

  • like a weirdo neither.

  • (laughing)

  • No, for real, I think I've made a legit.

  • - Another one, which is slightly

  • more between intermediate and advanced,

  • just because sometimes the protagonist

  • can speak so quickly, it's Sherlock.

  • I'd be surprised if you hadn't heard of this before.

  • It's a crime drama based on the stories of Sherlock Holmes.

  • It has Martin Freeman, and Benedict Cumberbatch.

  • It's set in London.

  • It's not as gritty as, The Informer,

  • it's showing a sort of nicer side of London.

  • Most of the time actually, not always,

  • and it's just a fantastic drama.

  • He does speak quite quickly sometimes,

  • so you may need to, either slow him down

  • or replay him, Sherlock.

  • - The risks, you give up more than that sunbathing.

  • Your limp's really bad when you walk

  • and you don't ask for a chair, then you stand,

  • like you've forgotten about it.

  • He's partly psychosomatic.

  • - And then my last intermediate recommendation,

  • is a sci-fi series.

  • It's Dr Who.

  • And this follows a time lord who is an,

  • well, an extra-terrestrial being.

  • Who explores the universe with various companions.

  • I recommend you watch the 2005 reboot onwards.

  • And this is absolutely perfect for English learners

  • because almost all of the roles

  • are filled by British actors, or native speaking actors,

  • with an unbelievable variety of different accents.

  • So you get all of the different slang,

  • all of the different pronunciation.

  • It's really, really wonderful.

  • (upbeat music)

  • - That's what you're going with?

  • - Yep, got any cash, empty pockets.

  • - Now, let's move on to advanced.

  • I've covered almost everything,

  • but there is one specific genre,

  • which I think should be saved for advanced listeners.

  • Because you'll be wasting your time,

  • if you don't properly understand the nuances of the language

  • when you're watching these shows.

  • And they are comedy panel shows,

  • but once you're able to understand them,

  • you should definitely listen to them

  • because they will make you a fun person to be around.

  • So, one I really recommend is, Have I Got News For You.

  • It's a panel show and it's basically a quiz,

  • a comedy quiz about the news.

  • So, it's all about current events,

  • which is great for you, especially if you work

  • with native English speakers or British people

  • and you want to be able to relate with them

  • and talk to them about things that are going on

  • in their country.

  • - So.

  • (laughing)

  • Ian, off anywhere nice for Easter?

  • - Another one is, Mock The Week,

  • and this is similar, but it's less about the news

  • more about just current affairs in general.

  • And it's slightly more light-hearted.

  • It's really, really difficult to understand comedy,

  • off the cuff comedy, when it's not your native language.

  • I experienced this first hand in Spain,

  • when I went to watch a comedian.

  • (laughing)

  • And I didn't get a single joke.

  • I think I got one and I felt really proud of myself.

  • This is why I placed it in the advanced category.

  • - [Man] The answer is 3.4 billion.

  • What is the question?

  • - Is this Prince Phillip's life expectancy?

  • (laughing)

  • - But, give it a go,

  • if you find yourself understanding things,

  • then you can feel really,

  • really good about yourself because,

  • remember, not all native English speakers can understand

  • all of the jokes on these panels shows.

  • So don't feel sad about missing a couple of them.

  • And the more you watch of these,

  • the more you will understand.

  • You will understand how each comedian works

  • and you'll get to know more and more about current affairs

  • and how we view different people who're in the news.

  • Another one, another comedy panel show,

  • which isn't about the news is, QI.

  • And until 2016, this was hosted by Stephen Fry,

  • who I think is an excellent example of somebody

  • that you should follow if you want to speak RP.

  • He has a wonderful RP accent and he's very intelligent

  • and uses wonderful vocabulary.

  • This show focuses on the panellist, Stephen Fry,

  • and now it's someone called Sandy,

  • but I would recommend watching

  • a couple of Stephen Fry's episodes.

  • He asks the guests incredibly obscure questions

  • and they get points for providing interesting answers,

  • and also correct answers.

  • It's really, really good, and you can learn a lot

  • and it will be very specific vocabulary.

  • - This week we are under doctor's orders

  • as we dissect a medley of maladies.

  • Joining me in the waiting room with a 1984 edition.

  • - Now, the last recommendation,

  • the final comedy panel show,

  • is one that will help you improve your story telling skills,

  • and also help you understand people's stories.

  • It's, Would I Lie To You?

  • Would I Lie To You.

  • And this is another panel show,

  • where two panellists invite two celebrity guests,

  • so, four celebrities in total, and each player reveals

  • embarrassing stories or unusual facts about themselves

  • and the other team has to work out or guess

  • whether they're true or not.

  • It's absolutely hilarious.

  • It's great for listening

  • to how other people tell interesting and funny stories

  • because that's what we want to do, to be interesting.

  • I love telling a story and making people laugh.

  • So if we watch someone else do it,

  • then it will help us develop our own skills.

  • It's hilarious, I think you'll really enjoy it.

  • - How fast is a hot,

  • or even quiet hot sausage roll, gonna be moving.

  • - No, no you're wrong, David, no, no.

  • - Right, that's it for today's video.

  • I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you learnt something.

  • Don't forget that you can get 70% off NordVPN

  • and you can get an additional month for free,

  • if you use my code, Lucy or go to,

  • all of this is in the description box.

  • Don't forget to connect with me on all of my social media.

  • I've got my Facebook, my Instagram, my Twitter,

  • and my personal channel, where I vlog.

  • I do fully sub-titled vlogs of my life,

  • here on the farm in England.

  • Please don't forget to share your recommendations

  • for British English TV shows,

  • and let me know if you enjoyed this video

  • and want another one on podcasts, books, films,

  • it would be cool to make this a series

  • but only if you like it.

  • Right, I will see you soon for another lesson.

  • (upbeat music)

(upbeat music)


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A2 初級

20部最適合學習英語的英國電視劇--初級到高級水準 (20 Best British TV Series to Learn English - Beginner to Advanced Level)

  • 103 4
    Summer 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日