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The thing is, I have no desire to become a fearless person because the only genuinely
fearless human beings I've ever met were psychopaths or toddlers.
You know?
Like… and neither one of those things is interesting for me to model my life after
because there's something missing from that person…
...that's very essential and you see it in the kind of, like, weird eyes.
You're like, “Wow, you are a dangerous human being to yourself and others and I don't
wanna be anywhere near you.”
And so I'm not interested in fearlessness.
Somebody said to me the other day, “Tell us how you conquered fear,” and I was like,
“I… it's adorable that you think I conquered…”
Did you read the book?
Yeah, that's also…
I'm afraid right this minute.
I'm afraid, like, almost every minute of my life.
So I haven't conquered it and I'm not interested in conquering it.
Actually, what my relationship with fear begins with is a tremendous amount of respect and
appreciation because fear is the reason I am still alive today.
It's the reason you're still alive today.
Every single one of us can point to a moment in our lives that we survived because we were
Because they said... the thing, the voices said, “Get out of that ocean, the waves
are too big.”
You know, “This car is going too fast.”
“Don't get into the apartment with that guy.”
“This street is not safe to walk down.”
All of us are here because our fear is constantly protecting us, that's its job and it does
its job beautifully.
It's just that it's all jacked up on Red Bull and it's really trigger happy and it
doesn't know the difference between a genuinely dangerous situation and just a little bit
of a nervy situation.