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-Millie Bobby Brown, thank you so much for being here.
I miss you. I miss seeing your face.
I'm so happy that you're doing this.
Thank you so much.
Where are you? And how are you doing?
-I'm good.
I'm in Georgia right now, but I'm doing well.
I'm just staying quarantined. How are you doing?
-I'm doing well, as well.
You know, I got kids running around and, you know,
doing the show, but it's been really kind of a great thing,
a good outlet for me to do the show,
'cause the feedback has been great,
but we're raising a lot of money.
And a lot of people are -- Yeah, we're doing a lot of good stuff,
and it feels good.
-Yeah, that's good. I'm glad.
-Are you in, like, a music studio or something?
-Yeah. This is the studio in the house.
And these are all my brother and I's collection of records, so...
Little bit of Adele in there, too.
-Yeah, I love that.
I heard that you got a new puppy.
Is that true? -Yes.
I got a dog, and her name is Winnie.
-Yes! -Yes, I know.
-That's the best name. -She's the most adorable thing.
She's a full poodle. She's about what? 4 months now?
-Oh, my goodness.
Oh, no! Oh, no!
You are so cute. Hi, Winnie.
-Last night was her first night sleeping in bed with me,
so she was, like, very happy.
But I've got her to be, like, my little, like --
my something from home, 'cause I'm always traveling.
So, like, it's always nice to just have something that's,
like, kind of there for me when I'm traveling and on the road.
So -- I know.
She came to the "Stranger Things" read-through
and, like, she was just, like, spoiled.
So I feel like she's got plenty of
godmothers and godfathers around her.
-You guys have stopped filming, obviously, right?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah. We stopped filming.
We already shot two weeks in Lithuania.
I mean, not me, but the crew and stuff,
so we were just about to get into it.
But, you know, for everyone's safety
and well-being and health, we --
Obviously, production put a stop.
But we're ready to get back to work
as soon as this is all over.
-Are you doing -- Are you recording stuff?
Are you singing while you're not --
-I'm trying.
Me and my brother are always in the studio
doing stuff, writing stuff.
But right now, I mean, I've been tie-dyeing.
-Ooh! I was going to say I love that shirt.
You made that? -Yeah, I made it.
I know. I'm just so talented in the tie-dyeing realm.
-Can I ask you a question? How does it work?
'Cause I thought I used to understand.
Does it involve rubber bands or what is it?
-Yeah, rubber bands.
So, you get like -- It depends what kind of, like,
tie-dye you want to do.
But this is, like, a swirl.
And you basically just swirl the T-shirt
and put rubber bands around it and then you pick, like,
the colors that you want to do with it.
And then you leave it for about five hours, and it's good.
It's ready to go.
-I love that, love that. -I'm gonna make you one.
I'll send it to you. -Thank you.
You know, everyone that comes on has been highlighting --
I'm getting something.
Everyone that comes on has been highlighting
different charities.
-And we really appreciate you being on our show.
And thank you for being on the show, really, personally.
-Yeah, of course. -Your charity is UNICEF.
-How long have you been working with UNICEF?
-Oh, my gosh.
I mean, I would say maybe -- maybe two or three years
from the beginning of, like, our relationship,
which was me going and hosting their annual gala,
and then really being awarded an ambassador, been about a year.
And that day was kind of the craziest day of my life,
because that's, like, one of my
biggest achievements and biggest dreams.
And so I realized that was my biggest dream,
and now my biggest dream is going to hopefully influence
and achieve other people's and other young people's dreams.
So it was actually a really big day for me,
and I was really excited.
And I've never been more proud to be a UNICEF ambassador,
especially with everything that's going on right now.
You know, they've been working
in situations like this for a while,
so they are very well-prepared.
And, yeah, I'm just very proud.
-Go to unicef.org. Any dollar amount counts.
$1 is great.
Anything you can do. It's an amazing organization.
We love UNICEF.