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  • to reopen or not to reopen.

  • That is a question that starts off a new week of our down the middle coverage on CNN 10 on Coral A Zeus.

  • Late last week, the Trump administration issued new guidelines for how the U.

  • S.

  • Could reduce restrictions on where people can go and what they can do.

  • It's a three phase approach.

  • It would start with certain businesses allowing employees to return and limited numbers, and it would eventually lead to schools, gyms and stadiums being allowed to completely reopen.

  • But these air federal suggestions not federal law and President Donald Trump says it will be up to individual states to decide what to open, back up and win.

  • Those decisions will depend on how many Corona virus cases they have and how equipped they are to deal with them.

  • In New York, for instance, there have been more than 240,000 cases of Cove in 19 but states like main Montana and Wyoming have each recorded fewer than 1000 cases.

  • Many governors and health officials say testing is key to knowing who's spreading the virus, and that there's still not enough of that being done across America.

  • President Trump says his administration's working to increase testing and that the U.

  • S has tested more people than any other country.

  • There have been protests in several states, with people asking their governors to open things back up.

  • One organizer says small businesses are being destroyed under the lockdowns.

  • On the other hand, health officials have said the state closures and social distancing laws have been effective in preventing Cove in 19 from spreading.

  • So the debate pits economic concerns against health guidelines.

  • And because the disease isn't spread evenly across America, there's no one clear policy that can be applied nationwide in terms of testing.

  • In tracking Corona virus, South Korea has a variety of tools it uses.

  • But critics say what it costs in privacy is enormous.

  • A patient tests positive for the Corona virus.

  • Time is critical to trace where they have bean and who they've seen.

  • South Korea says it can access that information in as little as 10 minutes.

  • If I was confirmed with Corona virus, what would you do?

  • Then?

  • We put in the mobile phone number, the credit card number set the time period at all.

  • The information we need appears in our system your location from at least two days before you noticed you had symptoms.

  • How long you spent in each place how busy the area might have.

  • Bean Mobile emergency alerts have been sent out to the public, sometimes six or seven a day telling you about cases in your area.

  • It wasn't always this fast.

  • The K C D.

  • C says it took up to 48 hours to get the same information five years ago during the MERS outbreak.

  • Criticism of a slow response at the time after the law being changed so officials can now use patient statements, mobile records, credit card transactions, CCTV footage for an accurate tracing of transmission.

  • One recent example in my neighborhood shows just how much detail is being shared with the public by both the government and local businesses.

  • For example, I know the exact locations this individual went to.

  • I know the door that they used in order to get inside my local supermarket.

  • I even know that they bought dry chilli peppers at the self checkout.

  • So could this model be used elsewhere?

  • This is not advanced technology.

  • The differences will other countries have laws allowing them to use this personal information.

  • There were plenty of Corona virus APS here, a map showing every case in your neighborhood and around the country, started by students adopted by the government and a nap showing which pharmacies currently have masks in stock.

  • But the government says it is this system using big data to track citizens who tested positive.

  • That has been the key first step in their policy of trace test treat.

  • Paula Hancocks, CNN, Seoul, You 12th trivia.

  • Who are Thomas Marshburn, Jessica Mir and Andrew Morgan?

  • Are they all shark tank stars?

  • Federal Reserve leaders, British Royals or NASA astronauts?

  • All three of these people have spent time in space as NASA astronauts is quite surreal for us to see this whole situation unfolding on the planet below.

  • We can tell you that the Earth still looks just a stunning, as always from up here.

  • So it's difficult to believe all the changes that have taken place.

  • Since both of us have been up here, it's gonna be kind of like a planes, trains and automobiles scenario where I think we're gonna even end up riding in an ambulance for several hours across the Kazakh steppe in order to get to our airplanes, it'll be a little bit different than normal.

  • But this is the first time landing for both me and my crew mate, Drew Morgan, so we don't really have anything to compare it to.

  • It'll just be the way that it is for us.

  • Veterans across America are once again answering the call to serve, this time in the fight against Corona virus.

  • Team Rubicon, a disaster response organization, is among the nonprofits mobilizing their volunteers.

  • It's made up of veterans summer, helping with large scale efforts.

  • Some are doing the grocery shopping for elderly neighbors.

  • Team Rubicon founder is a CNN hero.

  • The Corona virus is pushing health care workers and first responders to their limits.

  • Volunteers are also stepping up to help those in need.

  • One of those is 2012 CNN hero Jake Would, a former Marine who served in Iraq and Afghanistan for the last 10 years, Jake's nonprofit team, Rubicon, has deployed veterans in response to more than 500 natural and humanitarian disasters.

  • It started with the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.

  • Let's get our causes.

  • Let's get our floor hex.

  • Jake led dozens of veterans go through and I'm gonna number the bed on a mission to help you catch up sales.

  • Now Jake's group is mobilizing its 100,000 volunteers to respond to the Kobe 19 crisis across the country.

  • For your team has launched a nationwide neighbors helping neighbors campaign.

  • Our volunteers were going in to supply much, much needed onto your assistance in operations logistics in the execution of food delivery for vulnerable populations assisting organizations like feeding America and meals on wheels.

  • This would all be used, maybe re dispersed different soup kitchens, nursing homes.

  • I'm very fortunate to be able to be a part of all this.

  • We're also helping to establish testing and screening sites, and collaboration with major health care systems are ends on both for e.

  • M T S on Both.

  • Soon will be operating a 250 dead federal medical station in Santa Clara, California We can't do this mission if we put ourselves at risk.

  • Safety has to be the number one priority.

  • It's really, really important that we follow established guidelines and protocol so that we're not contributing to the problem.

  • That's right.

  • It's all work that Jake believes veterans are uniquely suited for thes men and women who have volunteered to serve in harm's way before they may have taken the uniform off, but they still have service in their hearts.

  • They still have those incredible skills bags, and in times like this, we should be turning to veterans in our communities.

  • But Jake wants to help all Americans make a difference in their communities, regardless of whether or not they've served in the military there.

  • We're hoping that neighbors helping neighbors could become a nationwide call to action for all members of our society.

  • If you're at home and you want to pitch in Goto, team Rubicon, usa dot org's slash neighbors, and find out all the ways that you might be able to get involved with our organization role in this Together, we're trying to meet the need where we can to be able to help a little bit, feels my heart stay together.

  • Here's the newspaper.

  • This is about your community.

  • This is a moment for all Americans to rise to the occasion by thinking about the greater good.

  • We will get through this together because that's what Americans do best.

  • Gym's closed.

  • Many national parks are closed unless you happen to have your own granite outcropping?

  • There are just not that many places to go rock climbing.

  • So an arborist went into an old barn and built his own.

  • It took Noah Peck about three days to construct a wall he could scale.

  • He uses old tree stumps to fashion new climbing handholds.

  • And while most people stop when they hit the wall, that's where Pet gets started on his workouts.

  • So Noah pecked a great wave, stay in shape, and it's easy to see how we got roped into it.

  • Oh, sure, some might lay back or choose to belay around all day.

  • But climbers tend to be bolder than that.

  • The very idea repels Noah.

  • They're not afraid to take up the mantle.

  • Totally.

  • Ross on Carla Zeus, the American International School of Egypt totally rocks.

  • Thank you for watching from Cairo.

  • We'll see you tomorrow on CNN.

to reopen or not to reopen.


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開放還是封閉的辯論?| 2020年4月20日 (The Open Or Closed Debate? | April 20, 2020)

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