字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 So Kyoto is known to be this very historical and culturally vibrant place in Japan. 日本最具有豐富歷史文化的古都-京都 So me and my friend Angela ended up going to this street called Yasaka-dori 我和Angela相約來到京都這條「八坂通」 and we end up checking out this awesome shop called Maisendo. 我們最後來了這家「舞扇堂」 looks about the same the right size in your hand 你拿起來很適合 So elegant. 好有氣質喔 There are so many different designs! 有好多種不同的樣式喔 Oh my God! It fits! 我的天啊!我穿得下耶 How do I look? 我穿起來怎麼樣? Are you just being nice? 你是在騙我嗎? No it looks good! 是真的好看! I did the same thing as you. 我跟你一樣穿錯地方 I told you it's hard. 我就跟你說很複雜 How many times have you done this? 你有過幾次這樣的經驗? Yukata? 穿浴衣嗎? Like for every summer festival. 每個夏季祭典的時候都會穿 Wow, that camera really does magic. 哇!這個相機拍起來真的太美了 so we just got changed into our kimono and what are we going to do now, Tyler? 我們換好了浴衣了,那我們現在要幹麻呢? so Maisendo is not only a great place to buy like Japanese souvenirs for people back home. 在「舞扇堂」除了可以買到非常精美的紀念品之外 But you can also kind of participate in this nice traditional Japanese game called "Tosenkyo". 你還可以在這裡體驗日本傳統古早遊戲「投扇興」 Tosenkyo? What's that? 「投扇興」哇~那是什麼? Basically, kind of like Japanese darts we're going to be using these as our dart these ones oh god I 基本上就很像是射飛鏢遊戲,不過我們的飛鏢是這些扇子 don't want to break any of these right now I think I think I think they're pretty durable 用扇子?我不想用壞這麼美的扇子 我覺得這個扇子應該滿堅固的 I'm already gonna win! 我已經要贏了 That was good! 很厲害耶! To play tosenkyo, you need three pieces. 想玩「投扇興」這個遊戲需要具備三樣道具 You need the pillow or the makura. 首先你需要底座稱作「枕」 Then you need the "cho" or butterfly. 還要一個放置在枕上的「蝶」 Finally you need the sensu or throwing fan. 最後就是要有扇子來當作標 To score points, it's based on the positioning of 評分的標準 both the fan and the butterfly or cho in relation to the pillow. 要看丟出去的扇子擲中蝶的位置 Now there's a lot of different ways to score points in Tosenkyo but there's also a lot of 有很多方法可以得分 ways a lose points in tosenkyo. 但也很容易會被扣分 Omg Minus 2!? 扣兩分?! From the beginning!? 一開始就扣兩分 You are already in bad shape. 你已經輸在起跑點了 I'm still winning though. 零分我還是贏喔 Minus 2 points! 再扣2分 Minus 2 points! 得3分! see how much I can beat you by. 扣2分 oh really and peacefully very elegant 看我會贏你多少 Just go! 慢慢地、非常優雅地 What does that mean? 就丟了啦 Does that mean I win? 現在是什麼狀況 8 points!!! 是我贏了嗎? Nope! Not "kotsun" 加8分 That's points! 這樣有一分 Why?! 為什麼? If it leans on it, it's also worth points 如果扇子是靠在枕上,也有一分 This is ==== 這也太... HAHAAHA 得10分 10 points! 我要一箭射中蝶 I'm gonna swoop it under the butterfly. 記得要把扇子打全開 Make sure it's open all the way. 不要太用力 gently 我們來看看比賽結果吧! Let's see the results of this little game. 我很有信心我已經贏了 I'm pretty sure I won! 不一定喔 I wonder who won... 贏的人是 Hey no claps. Tyler Lucky 21! 沒人鼓掌 If it was golf, you would've won! 總得分21分 Positive thinking. 如果是打高爾夫球,你就贏了 Now we will hand you your license card! 好正面的思考啊 That was a lot of fun! 我們現在要頒發給你們證書 So Angela, How did you enjoy your Tosenkyo experience? 我這樣也算有證照嗎? I really enjoyed that I was really fun and it was actually my 謝謝~非常好玩! first time I didn't know I'd be that bad at it and I wasn't expecting you to Angela你喜歡投扇興這個遊戲嗎? be that good but how did you feel about it 我得老實說比我想像中的好玩 I genuinely enjoyed a you know winning 這是我第一次玩,我沒有想到我會這麼爛 I think it was a really fun experience. 也沒想到你會這麼強,那你覺得呢? I didn't think it would be as fun as it was but it turned out to be pretty 我很享受當贏家的感覺 pretty cool but actually uh Yasaka tower's not far from here 不過我覺得真的是滿特別的一個體驗 I was thinking we could walk 比我想像中的還要有趣 around in a kimono and take pictures yeah let's do that 也有一定的難度 let's go 著名的「法觀寺」就在這附近 get up 我想我們可以穿著浴衣去那裡拍照
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 浴衣 京都 飛鏢 遊戲 日本 底座 So MUCHHARDER THAN IT LOOKS!!!FT INTERNATIONALES ME | 日本京都,日本 (SO MUCH HARDER THAN IT LOOKS!! ft internationally ME | Kyoto, Japan) 206 3 周建丞 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字