字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hi, my name is William Walczak, and I'm the CEO of Hiilite, and this is Tina. 嗨,我的名字是 William Walczak,我是 Hiilite 公司的執行長;這位是 Tina。 I'm the Chief Design Officer of Hiilite. 我是 Hiilite 公司的首席設計長。 We want to talk to you about something that's near and dear to our hearts and that is: How we can overcome negative thoughts and how we can overcome adversity. 我們想跟你聊聊某件與我們的心極為密切的事情,那就是:「如何克服負面想法和逆境。」 In this past week, we've had a couple of difficult things happen to us. 過去的一週,我們經歷了一些難關。 We've had a death, and we've had that one of our clients tell us that they have cancer and they're actually shutting down their business. 我們經歷了生離死別,且有一個客戶告訴我們他罹癌了,所以需要關閉他們的公司。 So, what we wanted to do is let you guys know what we do when something difficult happens. 因此,我們想要做的就是讓你們了解我們在遇到難關時,都怎麼應對。 So, what do you do? 那麼,你都怎麼做呢? Well, typically we follow three steps, and we have a short little acronym for you to help you remember this. 嗯...通常我們會遵守三步驟,而我們準備了這些步驟精簡的首字母縮寫,好幫助你們記憶。 So, it's "MAL" and what that stands for is having a positive mindset, having positive actions and having positive language. 那就是「MAL」,它們分別代表正向思想、正向行為以及正向語言。 So positive mindset is actually just practicing and making sure that you think positively about things, reminding yourself about the good things. 正向思想其實就是練習和確保你對事物能保有正面思考,讓自己想起美好的事物。 So, journaling for example works really well. 舉例來說,寫日記就非常有效。 Tina listens to podcasts every single morning that help her. Tina 每天早上都會聽對自己有幫助的 podcast。 It's purely inspirational and it's actually something that that really helps me too. 那很鼓舞人心,實際上它也對我很有幫助。 So, last Friday I was feeling like very lazy; I made a hundred excuses why I shouldn't work out. 上週五我感覺非常懶散,我為自己找了一百個不該健身的藉口。 But instead forced myself to go to the gym, and by the time I was there, I was totally reenergized. 但是我反而強迫自己去健身房,而當我到那裡時,我便完全恢復體力了。 Rather than just waiting for myself to feel ready to do something I actually did it, and then while I was doing the positive behavior I started to feel better. 事實上,我會直接行動而非等到認為自己準備好才開始,而當我正在做正向的行為時,我會開始感覺更好。 So that's a good example. 那是個好例子。- And you'll actually pull people in, I knew that she was going so I went too. 而且你其實會吸引人加入,當我知道她要上健身房時,我也一起去了。 -Yeah, and thank you for coming; it meant a lot. -So... -對,謝謝你跟我一起來,那對我來說意義非凡。-所以... No, thank you so much for pushing. 不,謝謝你的鼓舞。 So your health is extremely important and that's one of those reminders this past week. 你的健康是極為重要的,這是上週的提醒之一。 It's... you can be as successful as you want, but if you don't have your health it doesn't really matter. 你想要多成功就能多成功,但如果你沒有了健康,那成功便不太重要了。 So, schedule your health, schedule meals, schedule workouts. 因此,妥善安排你的健康、飲食以及鍛鍊。 So that's positive actions, and the last one was language. 那麼上述就是正面行為,接著最後一項就是語言。 When you're feeling negative, it's easy to talk about how hard everything is. 當你感到消極時,你很容易開始談論所有事的困難之處。 Will always says this, rather than phrasing it, "I'm having a hard time," saying "there's an opportunity for growth." "There's an opportunity to learn something here." "I'm excited for..." Will 每次都說「這是個成長的好機會。」、「這是個學習的機會。」、「我很期待...」這種話來取代「我很難受。」 So just by changing your language a little bit can really help shift the other things—the mindset the actions. 些微地改變你的言語,真的能夠幫助你改變其他事項,也就是思想和行為。 And if you have any other ways of overcoming negative thoughts please write them in the comments below as well. 如果你有其他克服負面想法的方法,請寫在下方留言中。 The more we share and the more we talk about these things, the better we can do. 當我們分享和談論越多這些事情,我們越能夠變得更好。 -We look forward to seeing any other suggestions you have in the comments. -Thank you, bye! -我們期待能看到留言中任何其他建議。-謝謝,再會!
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 正向 行為 負面 思想 難關 健身房 總是怨天尤人嗎?3 招戰勝負面想法!(How to Overcome Negative Thoughts) 11015 415 doris.lai 發佈於 2020 年 07 月 05 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字