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On day one, no one you know is sick.
It feels like a normal day.
It may stay like this for a long time, until one day, a few people you know are sick.
And suddenly a few days later, it will seem like everyone is sick, and it will feel like it happened instantly.
Everything looks fine, until it isn't fine.
This is the paradox of pandemics, and it's why with an outbreak like COVID-19 you hear health officials calling for huge, drastic, and rapid responses in the early days when infection numbers are still relatively small.
這就是「大流行悖論」 ,這也是這次新冠肺炎疫情爆發會看到官方衛生組織開始戲劇性且快速並大動作回應的原因,即使在爆發性傳染的現象尚未發生前。
Some people worry these actions are overreactions.
Sports teams playing to empty stadiums, or not playing at all.
Canceling huge gatherings and festivals.
Temporarily closing schools and offices.
Telling people to avoid personal contact?
Media sensationalism.
But this way of thinking fails to appreciate how disease outbreaks work:
It was really never fine to begin with, but we don't notice until it's too late.
Hey smart people, Joe here.
嘿,各位聰明的觀眾,我是 Joe!
How bad will the coronavirus outbreak get?
That's what we all want to know, and the answer is in one of these curves.
This is what a rapid global pandemic looks like.
Little to nothing to slow the number of new infections means a lot of people sick in a short amount of time.
A slower global pandemic looks like this.
The rate of new cases is lowered, and they're spread out over a longer period of time.
And which one of these paths we end up on is important because of this line.
It represents the capacity of our health care system: the number of beds, doctors, respirators, and everything else.
What experts fear is a sudden explosion like this overwhelming this capacity.
And what's really interesting here is that even if these two curves represent the same total number of people that eventually get infected, in the rapid outbreak scenario more people will die because there won't be enough hospital beds or ventilators to keep them alive.
This is a strange idea.
That even if the same number of people eventually get sick in the end, even without a vaccine or a cure, taking drastic action before we see things get bad, that will save lives all on its own.
即使在沒有任何疫苗或者說治療方式出現,最後受感染人數也一樣。 我們要在情況惡化以前採取激烈的行動才可以挽救許多不必犧牲的生命。
What we're doing isn't overreacting.
It's exactly what the science of epidemics tells us will work.
And that's counterintuitive, because our intuition doesn't really "get" exponential growth.
Instead of thinking about viruses, let's say you have a pond, and on the pond is a single lily pad.
This type of lily pad reproduces once a day, so on day two, you have two lily pads.
On day three, you have four, etc.
If it takes the lily pads 60 days to cover the pond completely, how long will it take for the pond to be covered halfway?
The answer is 59 days.
答案是 59 天。
The area covered doubles from half to the whole pond on the last day.
I bet some of you knew that, though, because you're pretty smart.
But on what day do the lily pads cover a mere 1 percent of the pond?
那麼你們知道這些荷葉要花多久就可以覆蓋 1% 池塘表面嗎?
Surprisingly, that doesn't happen until day 54.
意外地,答案是 54 天。
The pond is basically empty, until it's very suddenly not empty.
We go from covering less than a percent to covering the whole pond in just the final seven days.
我們從荷葉只覆蓋 1% 的池塘表面直到整個池塘都被覆蓋只花了七天而已!
This is exponential growth and it's how pandemics work.
We multiply today by some constant to get the value for the next day.
The time doesn't have to be days, but that's helpful to use for something like lily pads—our constant was two—or COVID-19.
其實時間單位不一定是要用天,不過這對於計算荷葉增長速度 (以上所得出的倍數是 2) 或是新冠肺炎比較容易理解。
Starting in mid-February we've seen between 1.1-and-1.4-times more cases each day.
從二月中開始,我們可以看到每天受感染人數的成長速率大概介於 1.1 到 1.4 倍之間。
A number over one tells us every day we're seeing more new cases than the day before.
You can see the number of total cases starts to add up really fast.
Exponential growth can be scary.
But obviously this can't go on forever and fill the known universe with viruses, for a few reasons.
The virus will either infect everybody, like our lilies filling up the pond, or what actually happens is the virus stops finding people to infect: either by running into people who are already sick, or we isolate people who are sick, or thanks to something like a vaccine spreading resistance in the population.
But over time the growth rate will naturally slow down, and we end up with a curve for the total number of cases that looks like this.
This is called "logistic growth" and we call this curve a sigmoid, which is a weird name, but luckily it starts with "s" which also happens to be the shape of the curve.
這是「邏輯斯生長曲線」,我們稱這為「S 函數」。英文全名聽起來可能很奇怪,不過它的第一個字母代表了曲線的形狀。
While I was working on this, Grant from 3Blue1Brown released a really good video digging into more of the math behind why and how this all changes, and he's definitely my go-to when it comes to math, so I'll put a link down below so you can watch that later.
當我正準備這部影片時,3Blue1Brown 推出了一部非常棒的影片。他用深奧的數學來解釋趨緩現象是如何發生的。而且每當我有數學問題他的影片都是我的參考首選,所以我會在影片下方放上他頻道的連結,大家可以去看喔!
Now, remember that the height of any point on our S curve tells us how many total cases the outbreak has caused as of that day.
But if we take the slope at that point, that shows how many new cases that day.
Which makes sense, not many new cases early on, then a whole lot each day, and then not many new cases again as the virus dies out or goes quiet.
這看起來蠻合理的。剛開始沒有什麼確診病例,隨之又新增大量病例,而後期可能沒有那麼多人感染 然後進入高峰期快速成長 然後再過一段時間病毒失去傳染力 這個坡度又開始趨緩
If you've taken calculus and worked out derivatives before, then you may see where I'm going here.
Plotting the different slopes along our S-shaped curve, we get this.
沿著這條 S 形曲線標出不同的斜率,我們會得到這條紅色線。
This is what health officials are worried could overwhelm our health care system.
But luckily, we can make it look like this instead, if we change how our S curve looks.
幸好,我們可以透過改變 S 函數以讓紅色曲線能臨界點。
How we do that is by lowering the constant we multiply by from day to day in our exponential growth.
The really important thing here is, for a virus that humans have never encountered before, like this one that's causing COVID-19, no one is immune to it.
The only way to lower the growth rate, isn't medicine or anything like that, it's to slow down those infections and keep them from happening in the first place.
A real outbreak plays out like this: You have a bucket of infectious people, I.
爆發性傳染我們可以這樣看:我們有一群帶原者,稱為 I。
And you have a bucket of people who haven't gotten sick yet, S.
然後我們有一群健康的人 S。
The I bucket is tied to the S bucket so that the more full I is, the faster S empties into it.
好比說兩個把 I 與 S 綁在一起,而當 I 水桶越滿,代表 S 水桶清空速度越快。
But people are also getting better all the time.
So the I bucket has a hole in it that empties into a bucket R for recovered people at some constant rate.
所以 I 水桶有一個洞可以讓它可以流進 R 水桶,代表著有一個固定速率的人會康復。
So if we can lower how fast S empties into I through some drastic action, I will empty out into R, and we'll stop emptying S.
所以倘若我們可以透過大規模的行動來減緩 S 流進去 I 的速度,那麼 I 裡的水會漸漸流光至 R,而隨後將可以停止把 S 清空至 R 。
If our bucket of infectious people is empty, we starve the virus out.
一旦 I 裡的水都清空至 R,那麼病毒自然就無處可去。
So even if we somehow did nothing else to stop a disease outbreak or pandemic, and the same total number of people get infected in the end, it is so, so important to slow down how many new cases we see every day, to flatten the curve and keep a pandemic from overwhelming health care.
In 1918, in the early days of the worst influenza pandemic in history, the city of Philadelphia ignored warnings and held a parade attended by 200,000 people.
在 1918 年曾爆發出一場人類史上最嚴重的大型傳染病,美國費城政府不顧警告依然舉辦了一場 20 萬人的大遊行。
Three days later, every bed in Philadelphia's hospitals was full, and 4,500 people died within a week.
三天後,費城的所有醫院人滿為患,然後接下來一周內有超過 4500 人死亡。
At the same time, St. Louis, two days after detecting the first cases, closed schools, playgrounds, even churches.
Work shifts were changed.
Public gatherings of more than 20 people were banned.
亦禁止舉辦超過 20 人以上的聚會。
And this was the result: a tale of two cities.
That's why officials are calling for such drastic action so early on, canceling events and school and everything else, before most of us actually know anyone who's sick.
Because with something like this, everything looks fine until it isn't fine, and if we wait until it's our turn to get sick, it's too late.
Stay curious.
And wash your hands.
We'll be talking more about that soon.
And as always, a huge thank you to everyone who supports the show on Patreon.
然後我要再次感謝各位在 Patreon 對於我們節目的支持
Your support helps us make videos like this faster than we normally could to get good information out to people who really, really need it.
If you'd like to join our community, just check out the link down in the description.