字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Many religions have festivals which celebrates light overcoming darkness. 許多宗教都有慶祝光明戰勝黑暗的節日。 Such occasions are often accompanied by the lighting of candles. 這些盛典通常都伴隨著燃燒蠟燭的儀式。 They seem to speak to every culture and appeal to people of all faiths and of none. 這似乎對於所有文化都具有特殊的意義並吸引著每一個擁有信仰和無信仰的人們。 They are lit on birthday cakes and to mark family anniversaries when we gather 當我們快樂地圍繞在光源的周圍,在生日蛋糕上點燃蠟燭 happily around a source of light. 並記錄著家庭的紀念日。 It unites us. 它讓我們團結在一起。 As darkness falls on the Saturday before Easter day, 在復活節前一天的週六夜晚 many Christians would normally light candles together. 許多基督教徒都會一起點燃蠟燭。 In church, one light would pass to another spreading slowly and then 在教堂裡,一根蠟燭會緩慢地傳遞給另一個人,隨著 more rapidly as more candles are lit. 更多的蠟燭被點燃,傳遞的速度更快。 It's a way of showing how the good news of Christ's resurrection has been 這是一種展示基督復活的好消息是如何從第一個 passed on from the first Easter by every generation until now. 復活節世代相傳至今的方式。 This year, Easter will be different for many of us, but by 今年,復活節對於很多人來說將會是不同的,不過藉由 keeping apart we keep others safe. 保持距離,我們可以確保他人的安全。 But Easter isn't cancelled. 但是復活節不是被取消了。 Indeed we need Easter as much as ever. 事實上我們現在比任何時候都更需要復活節。 The discovery of the risen Christ from the first Easter day 從第一個發現基督復活的復活節起 gave his followers new hope and fresh purpose 給了他的信徒們新的希望和新的意義 and we can all take heart from this. 而我們都能夠從中得到勇氣。 We know that coronavirus will not overcome us. 我們知道新冠肺炎將無法擊敗我們。 As dark as death can be, 儘管和死亡一樣黑暗 particularly for those suffering with grief light and life are greater. 特別是那些遭遇悲痛的人們,光明和生命更強大。 May the living flame of the Easter hope be a steady guide as we face the future 願復活節的希望之火能夠在我們面對未來時成為支撐我們的嚮導 I wish everyone of all faiths and denominations a blessed Easter. 我祝福每一個信仰和教派的人復活節快樂。
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 蠟燭 點燃 信仰 基督 復活 光明 女王在第一個復活節資訊中說:"冠狀病毒不會戰勝我們"。 ('Coronavirus will not overcome us', says the Queen in first Easter message) 578 9 ally.chang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字