字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 I've been playing Animal Crossing for 14 years, and now I'm really excited for New Horizons. 我玩《動物森友會》十四年了,我很期待即將推出的《集合啦!動物森友會》。 It's one of the games where I could go home, and completely immerse myself, just by like, hanging out with some villagers, collecting some furniture. 這是款讓我一回家就沉浸在其中的遊戲,在遊戲裡和村民玩耍或收集各種傢俱。 I would say Animal Crossing for me, has helped me feel a little bit less lonely, by obviously playing with friends. 跟朋友一起玩《動物森友會》讓我不再那麼孤單無聊。 But connecting with villagers that have all these different types of personalities that I feel are relatable. 透過和遊戲中能跟我產生共鳴、不同個性的村民交流。 Animal Crossing is an amazing game. 總之,《動物森友會》是款超棒的遊戲。 It's a game that you can always just come back to daily and just have a bunch of fun. 它是一款每天都能讓你玩得不亦樂乎的遊戲。 The chance to have your own place and watch it grow. 它讓你有機會打造屬於自己的天地,並看著它進步、改變。 I find it like a zen garden where you can pick it up, and sort of mold the world to, sort of a calming atmosphere for yourself. 我覺得有點類似禪意花園的概念,它會帶給你一種寧靜平和的感覺。 My partner and I will definitely be spending time like after work just...building a town together, making a little progress. 下班後,我和我的伴侶一定會花點時間在遊戲裡打造城鎮,讓它逐漸變得更完善。 I've always played with family growing up. 這是一款我和家人從小玩到大的遊戲。 It's always been a part of my life honestly. 老實說,它已經成為我生命中的一部份。 I played the game with my sister a lot when I was younger. 我小一點的時候,常會和我姐姐一起玩。 We would always search for fossils together. 我們會一起挖掘化石。 And she would put the fossils in the museum, and I would bring the fish to the museum. 她負責把化石帶到博物館,而我負責把魚帶到博物館。 I ended up playing a lot with my sister, and we ended up bonding a lot. 我經常跟我姐姐一起玩,也因此培養了深厚的感情。 So, it was something that we shared as a family. 所以這是我和家人一起分享的遊戲。 She wants to get a Switch just because she's really excited and wants to play New Horizons with me. 她因為想和我一起玩《集合啦!動物森友會》,所以一直想買一台 Switch 主機。 I know I, I wake up, head right to the beach, collect all the shells for the day. 我知道我每天起床的第一件事就是到海邊收集各種貝殼。 Go to Nook's, sell them, grab a cup of coffee. 再去 Nook 商店賣掉貝殼,然後買杯咖啡。 It's just like everyday life but even better and more peaceful and cuter. 就像是日常生活,但它更棒、更平和可愛。 Filling up the entire museum, and having that full completed one is like my favorite element of everything. 把整間博物館填滿,擁有完整的館藏是我最喜歡的遊戲元素。 I like to collect the fish, that's my favorite part of the game. 我喜歡收集各種魚類,這是我最愛的遊戲環節。 Like that's like the number one thing I always wanna do. 那永遠都是我的首要之務。 I always had a really fun time just seeing like fish in the water. 光是看著魚在水中游,就讓我感到很有趣。 When you see a huge, huge one, it's like, "Oh my god, which one is that?". 當看到巨大的魚,你就會心想:「我的天啊,牠是什麼魚?」 So, it was always really exciting just when you, first pull it out of the water and seeing like, "Oh my gosh, I got a whale shark!". 所以把大魚釣上岸的時候,然後發現:「天啊,我釣到一隻鯨鯊!」,真的很讓人興奮。 I love the social element, I love designing my town. 我愛社交的部分,我熱愛設計自己的村莊。 And I'm also just very attached to all the characters. 我也非常喜歡遊戲裡的其他角色。 You meet all these villagers and these animals that seem to have their own personal lives their own thing going on. 你會遇到很多擁有獨特性格和生活的村民和動物。 It feels like, they care about me, they're like, "Oh, welcome back!". 他們感覺起來非常關心我,他們會說:「歡迎回來!」 Or if I'm gone for a while, they'll like miss me. 或我太久沒玩,他們還會想我呢! It's like a home away from home, you know, everyone there is gonna be happy to see you. 它就像是另外一個家,裡面的每個人都很開心見到你。 You will log in and you have mail waiting for you. 進入遊戲後總會有信件等著你。 You have little villagers coming up to you and saying they miss you. 村民們會馬上跑來找你,並說很想念你。 And it becomes like a nice place to just be, to be you, really. 在遊戲裡,可以盡情地做自己。
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 遊戲 村民 動物 switch 博物館 貝殼 Switch 遊戲《集合啦!動物森友會》為何爆紅? (Why I Play – Animal Crossing: New Horizons) 22787 709 Annie Chien 發佈於 2020 年 05 月 07 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字