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  • are some people having too much fun in quarantine?

  • This is the inside edition dot com Corona Virus News for April 7th 2020.

  • Kristen Cavalieri got some grief for her Caribbean quarantine.

  • The reality TV star spent three weeks in the beautiful island setting with her husband, retired NFL quarterback Jay Cutler, their kids and some friends.

  • Social media did not universally approve.

  • They're now back home in Nashville, and The New York Times recently reported on a couple staying at a five star resort in the Maldives after travel restrictions were imposed.

  • The Honeymooners air the Onley ones there, and they don't know when they'll be able to leave.

  • You're now two weeks into our most aggressive push for social distancing.

  • I know it feels much longer, by the way, for all of us.

  • Frankly, there has been a laxness on social distancing, especially over this past weekend that is just wholly unacceptable.

  • In the U.

  • S.

  • 45 states have stay at home orders for their residents.

  • The national death toll from Cove in 19 is at 11,000 with nearly 400,000 confirmed cases.

  • Here's more Corona virus coverage from the inside edition dot com team first.

  • Sal Bono.

  • All right, all right, all right.

  • Imagine if you're in an old folks home and in Hollywood, a lister shows up and announces bingo numbers.

  • Well, that's what Matthew McConaughey did when he appeared via videoconference inside a Texas old folks.

  • So during bingo night, I wonder if the people playing the game or a little dazed and confused when they saw the Dallas Buyers Club actor, Let's see what else we got for today.

  • Here's Marry Montalbano.

  • Cute couple alert.

  • Ron and Lillian of Sunnydale, California, met back in 2016.

  • They're both musicians, And so, with everyone cooped up in their houses these days, they decided to put on a concert for their neighbors.

  • So they both dragged their instruments and they're speakers out to their front porch, and they played a set for about an hour.

  • Lillian also live streamed it on Facebook so their friends and family could see and what it was all over.

  • She went to go turn off the live stream, but Ron had something else planned that no one saw coming way.

  • All have a lot to look forward to once this Corona virus crisis is over.

  • But this couple has a little something extra to celebrate.

  • Now let's see what Stephanie's working on.

  • I am working on a story about a deer who picked out the family who he was going to adopt.

  • Bob the deer.

  • Full disclosure could have been named Beyonce dear, but that's neither here nor there.

  • So, pop, the deer is roaming around Florence, Italy, found this family to adopt and just ingratiated himself.

  • Now he's living the high life in Rolling hills in Tuscany, eating apples and peas.

  • And it's just so cute in a very welcome and sweet byproduct of this quarantine that we are all stuck in around the globe.

  • So something toe hopefully make you smile.

  • For more on the Corona virus pandemic, be sure to visit inside edition dot com.

are some people having too much fun in quarantine?


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