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Let's bring in Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman.
He's the author of Arguing With Zombies available now in Barnes and Noble's condescending nonfiction section.
Are There Paul?
First we wanted to talk about this upcoming relief package.
Congress is considering another trillion dollar turmeric and ginger shot to the economy.
The government sort of let us down with this last bill didn't even meet the bare essentials.
It just wasn't enough.
And you can agree with that, right?
The bill was a lot could've been works.
It could easily have been hugely worse, given that the characters involved.
But it's ended up that it's it's It's a good first start, but we certainly are gonna need, um, at least a trillion more, probably more than that.
And you're right to mention people left behind Paul.
I mean, I think this bill absolutely needs some funding set aside for luxury pube trimmers.
I mean, there is no invite to the stimulus gala.
There were no charm bracelets with little ballet shoes on them.
When am I going to get some money for some Ah, home audio gear to finally start my history of Maserati podcast.
People need content right Now, I also think you should be able to endorse the stimulus check to your niece as payment for the full niece experience.
You know, Rich, you got a lot of nieces between the ages of 2125.
Very statue at gorgeous.
Well, moving on the news has been a real bummer lately.
So we thought we'd cheer people up with a new segment called What's the Good news, man?
Ask Paul Krugman, man as crew van.
So appalled.
Good news in the headlines today.
What do you got for us?
Oh, uh, wow.
Um, the, um it turns out I mean, tell us about your latest column, and maybe we'll jazz it up.
What have you written lately?
We've done a pretty good job of reacting faster, something we've never seen before.
There's nothing like this, but we pretty quickly concluded that what the appropriate policy is, which is put aside all of your pet projects.
I want infrastructure, But infrastructure is not the answer right now.
Some people always want tax cuts.
That's nothing.
That we really, really need is relief for the people who are necessarily unemployed.
That's right.
What do you think is the most efficient way to route that relief because people have been talking about different timelines for when they get the checks.
What do you think is the best way to do this?
The implementation is looking pretty bad because we don't have.
We've kind of undermined the capacity of government to do complicated things.
And so I would have gone for something that was much simpler and just bypassed most of the usual yet pretty serious situation.
Thank you to our guests Teddy Hopper, Eleanor Palmer and Paul Krugman.
You can catch his new master class on the fundamentals of burlesque.
This has been inside the hill.
Yabba dabba doo.
Who put that in the prompter?
I'm not mad.
Just tell me so.
Paul, What's a crew?
It's a jug.
It's a job.
So basically, I'm a jug man.