字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 So, what advice would I have for someone who wants to be an entrepreneur? 那麼對於想要創業的人,我有什麼建議? So, everyone's path is different, so, take anything I have to say with a grain of salt. 每個人要走的路不同,不必將我說的話照單全收。 But, you know, a lot of folks think of entrepreneurship as, "Hey, I have a new idea for a business," 很多人認為創業就是,「嘿,我有一個創業的新點子」, whether it's a restaurant, or a new technology company, a new social network⏤whatever it might be, and they put a lot of emphasis on the idea itself. 無論是要開餐廳、成立科技公司或是創辦社交網路——不論是要做什麼,他們都特別強調想法本身。 And I think most entrepreneurs would tell you that a lot more depends not only on the idea but the execution of the idea, 我認為大多數的企業家會告訴你,不僅是想法,一切更取決於如何執行想法, and, really, just how ready is the world, is the market for your idea? 以及這個世界、市場是不是準備好接受你的新點子? And so, my advice would be, especially if you're early in your career, try to build as many skills as you can. 所以我的建議是,嘗試培養越多技能越好,尤其是在你事業剛起步時。 And to be an entrepreneur, you have to be a little bit of a jack-of-all-trades. 要成為一名企業家,你必須要稍微變成萬事通。 So, know your finance, know your accounting, know your marketing. 要了解財務、要懂會計、懂行銷。 And you don't have to know it necessarily academically, but know it intuitively. 你不一定要有相關的學術基礎,但是要有敏銳的直覺。 Pay attention to how other people are doing it. 注意其他人是怎麼做的。 Think about your strategy. 好好思考你的策略。 And wherever your area of interest is, if it's to start a restaurant, get to know that business really, really, really well. 無論你感興趣的領域是什麼,如果你要開一間餐廳,你要非常地了解那個產業。 Work in a restaurant at all levels. 去一間餐廳從事各個層面的工作。 If your goal is to work in tech, work at some tech companies, get to know that really, really well. 如果你的目標是科技業,就到科技公司工作並徹底了解那個產業。 Get to know not just the technology, not just the product management, not just the design, but the sales aspect of it. 不僅要了解技術面、產品管理或產品設計,也要了解銷售層面。 Get to know the management aspect of it. 進一步了解管理層面。 And the whole time that you're building yourself up, that you're working in industry and learning these various skills, 在你鍛鍊自己的過程中,在產業中工作並學習各式技能時, make sure that you have some time to fiddle. 要確保自己有空閒時間做其它事。 The best entrepreneurial ideas that I've seen are the ones where folks get to know a space well through their craft, 我見過最棒的創業點子是發生在一群人透過他們的能力更很好地了解一個空間, and then they have an idea, and then they're able to have a little bit of time to test out that idea. 然後他們會出現一個想法,並能夠花點時間來測試這個想法。 Not only build it, not only prototype it, but put it out there somehow and see how it the market responds. 不只是要建構它、製作原型,還要生產出來並觀察市場反應。 And if the market is responding very favorably, if people are saying, "Wow, I want more of this. How can I get it?" 如果市場反應極佳,人們說:「哇,我想要多得到一些,我該怎麼得到它?」 Then I think you're on to something. 那我想你就成功了。 And all of those skills that you would've built up over those many years, 而你多年來累積的那些技能, not only will they help you execute on the idea, but they'll help you convince other people that you're ready to execute on the idea, 不僅能夠協助你執行向法,也會幫助你說服其他人你已經準備好執行這個想法。 which is maybe just as important⏤potential investors, people that you need to co-found your venture with. 這可能更是重要,因為他們可能潛在投資者或是共同創辦人。 And also, you know, my last point is know what your weak points are. 還有,我的最後一個建議是,了解你的弱點。 As you experience all of these dimensions of starting a business, if you know that, "Hey, maybe the marketing isn't my thing", know that. 在你經歷過創業的各個層面時,如果你發現:「嘿,行銷可能不是我的專長」,那就要有自知之明。 And then you could find someone who's good at it, who can complement you. 然後你就可以找一個行銷高手來協助你。 If you say, "Hey, I like the entrepreneurial side, but scaling up a business isn't my cup of tea," find great operators who can help you scale it up. 如果你發現「我喜歡創業,但我對擴大經營規模不感興趣」,那麼就找一個可以幫助你擴大業務的優秀經營者。 So, that's my two cents; take it all with a grain of salt. 以上是我的淺見,供各位參考。
A2 初級 中文 點子 想法 企業家 迎接 參考 科技 來自可汗學院創辦人的創業須知,想創業的一定要學起來!(What advice do you have for someone wanting to be an entrepreneur?) 11204 113 林宜悉 發佈於 2023 年 08 月 04 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字