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  • What is that?

  • This is a Reynolds 1910 envelope sealer.

  • Okay.

  • Can you imagine if you work for the power company licking closed a few 1000 power bills a day.

  • You home?

  • I I acquired it at an estate sale.

  • I'd like to sell it because it's taking up space in my house.

  • I'd like to get about $400.

  • I would probably spend the money on a birthday present for my husband.

  • His birthday's next week.

  • This is really need.

  • This is something that definitely made a company's business easier when this thing was in proper working order and you had a great operator who was doing 50 to 100 envelopes a minute.

  • I love it.

  • I mean, there's things that they did back then.

  • They don't do today.

  • I mean, you don't see gold leafing on office equipment anymore and this right here, they could have made this for a little less money, but it wouldn't look good in this time period.

  • Aesthetics were very, very important.

  • In the early 19 hundreds, this envelope sealer was actually pretty high tech.

  • It eventually evolved into an automatic version and today those machines could do 15,000 envelopes of our.

  • So how did this thing exactly work?

  • The sticky part of the envelope would be here, fed through this way.

  • There.

  • Yeah, Come out.

  • And then, from what I figured out was that you had to close it, push it through these other Siri's and rollers.

  • Okay, Erica.

  • Cool.

  • So you want to sell it?

  • I'd like to Yes.

  • How much you want for it?

  • I was thinking about 400.

  • It's more of a decorator thing that it is a collector thing.

  • I mean, weird little things like this go for a couple 100 bucks in this size.

  • I'll give you 100 for it.

  • Can you do 100 half?

  • Um, I'll tell you what I'll give you 1 25 1 35 1 25 41 35 1212 Just because I'm a wonderful human being, I will go 1 31 30 Thanks.

  • All right.

  • Follow.

  • Be able do some paperwork.

  • Okay.

  • I took $130 for it because I really just didn't want to have to take it home again.

What is that?


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A2 初級

典當明星:1910年信封封口機|歷史沿革。 (Pawn Stars: 1910 Envelope Sealer | History)

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