字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 It's Gamming Week™ 這週是遊戲週*遊戲週* On this channel and you clicked on this video because you're a gamer *wauw* 你點了這個影片,因為你是個玩家,沒錯! That's right. 你或許沒有意識到,但如果你有用手機玩過數獨,那你就是玩家! You may not know it- 天殺的,G fuel正在你的血管流動,所以讓我們進入正題 but if you ever played *flashback* soduku on your phone 我們來做你笑你就輸遊戲版,因為遊戲永不停止,喔 太棒了 you're a gamer god dammit. 我只是因為這是麥塊才笑的,現在我懂了我懂麥塊的梗了 G-Fuel is pumping through your veins. 我現在懂這些的笑點了 So lets just jump into it. 看看這個蛋糕 We're doing YLYL gaming edition 因為他現在chubby chump了,現在我得看jojo了,這樣我才能懂他的梗,耶 Cuz gaming never stops. 嘿,讓我來幫你 Oh great- 喔不用了 我來就好 *laughs* 讓我來吧 我堅持 我是紳士 I'm laughing only because it's minecraft. 沒問題的 Now I get it-I get the minecraft memes 放輕鬆讓我來 *laughs in japanise school girl* 你認真? 我男朋友正在幫我 I can be part of the joke 男朋友?????? Look he had cakes (村民跑出來) Because he's Chubby Chub. (oof) 他們只需要用類似Instagram小短片的東西,不過這看起來真的很有趣 Now i just have to watch Jojo. 嘿,刪除這個,趕快把這個刪除! Then I can finally be part of all the memesh groups. 為什麼我要笑,這根本就不好笑 *depressed yay* 太美了 OOOOOH 只有真的玩家,才能明白,只有真玩家才知道這是什麼 NO 閉嘴。我才沒哭,好嗎 *laughs* 一年級生:雨雨別過來,改天再過來 They need to do this with all "relateble" instagram "comedy" 雨: Then it will actually be funny. (is it even possible) 我的天,我快掛了,喔!等等,是遊戲周,美妙的人生,讚讚讚 Ey delete this. 如果你不認識這些經典,別說你懂藝術。天哪這些是在麥塊中的創作嗎?,哇操勒 DELETE THIS right now 這些可真是潮爆,這些是沙拉嗎?這真是太棒了 *laughs* 現在我是個老師還有 你現在是我的學生 Why I'm I laughing? It's not even funny. 我一直都想玩這個 Beautiful. 這是最棒的一部份!! I-Only real gamers understand. 好喔,玩家們,我等等回來,我得玩遊戲了,我的老天鵝,只有日本...只有日本... Only true gamers know(s) what it's like. 大衛! Shut up I'm not crying ok?- 嘿!老兄,我們走!什麼,我都沒看你過來呢大衛(麥可),你從哪來的,我可不擔心這個 1st grader: Rain rain go away come again another day. 這可真屌,我有看過這個場景,我知道沒人在乎,但他們確實...我並不知道他們真的在之後模型化了 (Why I'm writing this part you can just read it) 大衛! Ha ha. 別這樣!,他們正在作曲呢!這太難過了 Oh God im dyeing- oh wait it's gamer week infinite life baby. 別這樣,幹嘛射他 Glug glug glug 天殺的,這些都太短了,我要怎麼撐超過十分鐘 *reads text* 你媽是GAY God damn is that the art in minecraft? 不,你才是 GOD DAMN 讚 That's some edgy sh-(christian channel) Is that a fs-salad? 2018的memes各位,這些真不錯,為什麼我沒看到這些 Thats awsome! 這就是你在一陣子不玩遊戲的後果,你少了這些笑點 I've been meaning to play this. 難以相信 Thats the best PAAART! 你媽是gay。不,你才是 *laughs* 如果傳播還有他們做的這些 Yes. 別說出來 Ok gamers be right back I have to play videogame. 沒blyat(髒話),失望 Oh my god 喔!讚啦 Only Japan... only japan. 我要更多這種的,它們太棒了 *laughs* (you laugh you lose and he's laughed at every single one so far) 還有一個老兄也是這樣,我找不到影片,一位老兄他拿著超大樹枝還是啥的,拜託,幫我找一下 Ey man what's going? 我想再看,大家都在遇到黑暗靈魂的第一個boss的反應 What I didn't see you come in Davy where did you come from? 做stanky leg,如果你享受這系列的話,馬上,我要怎麼做stanky leg Ah don't worry about it. 好了我現在怎麼知道做stanky leg,如果你是個玩家,那麼你也一樣能做stanky leg That' sick I've actually been there. 但如果你不是玩家卻想做的話,上帝會禁止你,只有玩家才有權力做!!! I know no one cares but they ac-I didn't realize they actually- 這是什麼模組,這是惡靈古堡!沒錯 Modeled after. 該死的,我想要完整版,拜託 DAVY 俄羅斯下水道的真實紀錄 Ha-Oh come on. 這真棒 They were making songs together. *我們可以請新郎入場嗎?* That's so sad. *嗨 honey 你好嗎?* *quiet laugh* 不!!這令人難過!!! Like come on why u shoot him :( 這真是太難過了,是我進場應該也會這樣 *Laughs...again* 喔不,他好難過 God dammit these are so short how I'm gonna get to ten minutes 讚,他現在開心了 Oh my god. 我看過這個,但這個很美 Great. 天殺的,這遊戲看起來超老的,我的老天 ? ? 2018 memes everyone 我的天 That was good tho- 這個好笑,我喜歡 Why did I not see this? 歐麥尬又來,這是我的最愛,這超讚的 This is what happens when you take a break from gaming. 這超棒 You lose all touch 我的最愛之一 Unbeliveble 看,又是俄羅斯,這次又有什麼東西 Video: Ur mom gay. 這是啥 No u 不!!!!!!!!!!!! Aahhhh 啥鬼俄羅斯肛門,解釋!如果你是俄羅斯玩家,解釋看看 How to (?) anime thots. 這是什麼?我從來沒玩過或是玩完黑魂3,玩家們 Oh my God ok,好好好,非常壯觀 Don't say it. 這些是玩家,還是? no Blyat ok,玩家時刻 Disappointed 歐買尬,這是黑暗靈魂嗎 *laughs* 我現在得馬上玩黑暗靈魂3,俄國人對於便便洞有什麼問題 Oh heck yeah. 我只是假設他們是俄國人,抱歉了,玩家們 OOHHHHHH 這真是美極了 (im going to stop writing *laughs* cuz it's just too much of it) 喔,這爬山礦工 I wish there was more of these they are so good. 對,這是在發生這事之後的反應,驚喜的是他並沒有個玩家時刻 Where's the one where the guys? 哇,讚喔 I can't find it. 某個仁兄花了一堆時間在設計這些 It's a guy carrying a giant log or something please find it for me. 然後就看起來像這樣 I wanna see it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ (here you go my guy) 蠻符合現實的 Everyone's reaction to the first boss in Dark Souls. 逮到他了!做得好 玩家 Do the sanky leg this episode right now. 我的老天,兄弟 How do I do stanky leg? 看看這老兄 Ok I know how to do the stanky leg. 一點都困擾,非常經典 If you're gamer 什麼 You can do the stanky leg too. 喔買尬!! *This is epic* 我的天,這是交叉事件,我的天RRR,他們在完美連動,這太讚了 But only if you are gamer. God forbid you if you do it whitout. 這真是太美了,做得好,這真的超棒 ONLY gamers have license! >:( 暴雨殺機感受,這真的很棒 What kinda mod is-is this Resident Evil? 我超愛這個,我重看了不知道幾次 It is. 看看這老兄 God damn it. OK,好了,最棒還是shawn,拜託 I want a full version please. 為什麼這那麼有趣,這根本就不有趣,我看這個超多次,超級有趣 Heyy. 他們都不做像這的遊戲,喔等等,他們做了 EWWW! 喔等等,還有一個我忘了 Actual footage from russian sewers. 什麼來著,,他會吃掉我們,你知道我說的那個嗎 Eeeheheha 拜託,這是遊戲周欸,幫一下,當他正在前進,救救我們,救救我們,他會吃掉我們,就是這個 Ohhh this is great. 這也是最棒的 Nooo that's so sad 我的英文很爛 This is so sad. 人肉排 It's gonna be me when I walk out. 你可真是友善的兄弟 *boom* 你是怎麼找到這些人的 Oh no he's sad. 這處刑真是太棒了 Oh yay he's happy now. 救救我們救救我們,在消防局 I've seen this but it's beautiful 不,我才不放鬆 Well god damn this game looks old. Jesus Christ. 我反而越來越蕉躁了 Oh my God. (Oh my god indeed) 10/10,絕對傑作,遊戲周會繼續下去,但是得謝謝大家,以及大家的支持 That was good. I like that. 非常感謝你 Oh my God yeah. This is one of my favourite. 超潮玩家的stinky leg,大家我們下次見,喔?周邊? 問號,好喔 ,相關連結在下面 It's so good. *hey* Ahhh it's so good. One of my favourite. Hey look it's russians what are they up to this time? What is this? NOOOO God da-whats whit russians and buttholles? Explain. If you're a russian gamer explain. What is this? I've never actually played or finished Dark Souls 3 gamers. (this is so sad) Ok. All right. Very epic. Are those players or?.. Ok. Gamer moment. OH MY GOD! Is that in dark souls? I need to play dark souls 3 right now! What's with russians and poopy holles? I just assume they're russian. Sorry gamers. That's so beautiful. Oh the cla-oh my God. Yeah that's about the only reaction allowed f-if that happens. Suprised he didn't have gamer moment. Wow amazing. Someone probably spend a lot of time programing that..for it to just be like that. *swedish accent* Wouldn't it be realistic Got em. Well done gamer. Jesus Christ dude. Ohohoaww Look at this dude. Not bothered. At all. Very epic. What? OH MY GOD! *hyena laugh* Oh my god it's a crossover event. OHH MAH GOD they tie in together so beautiful! Ye-he-he-hes! Ohh that was beautiful. ? Well do-ha-hah ?? Oh man.. those are the best. Heavy Rain failing this is so good. I love this so much. I've wached this a milion times. Look at this dude. (oof) Ok. All right all right. The best one is Shaun tho. Come on. Why is it funny? It's not even funny. I've seen this too many times (?) *trucker dad accent* They don't make games like these. Oh wait they do. Oh wait they still do. Definitely. so good. Oh wait there's one..there's one I forgot Ah what was it? What is uhh? He's gonna eat us. Do you remember that one. Come on it's gaming week. Help a brudda out. Where he goes *swedish accent* "Help us help us he's gonna eat us!" There it is. Yes. This is the best. My english is suck. Human steake. You're very frendly man. How do you find these people? (sry gamers im too lazy to write what they're saying) Help us help us. The genuine frustration is so good. Elp us elp us the fire station. No i'm relax not. I'm opposite relax. Skim and qua-aewww! Stockholm syndrome. (feelings of trust or affection felt in many cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim towards a captor. I got you idiots) 10\10! Absolutely wonderfull.? Gaming week is going on. But it's thanks to you guys and your support. Namaste. Thank you very much. Epic gamer... stanky leg. And I see you guys next time. Oh merch ? Ok epic. Link description. WHAT?! (i'm not even gonna bother with this) (did you notice his eye whites go green?) (ok bye go do something with your life now) (plant a tree or something I don't know) Bye
B2 中高級 中文 PewDiePie 玩家 救救 老兄 俄羅斯 遊戲 你笑了=你是個玩家 - YLYL #0062 (You Laugh = You're a Gamer - YLYL #0062) 25 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字