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chaining up there.
And right now I have a baby on a rock and tossed.
You guys get to meet you both, Meteo, you introduce yourself for us.
Uh, my name is on Rock.
I'm from India.
I live in Matthews owes.
I'm in the cost of one.
Unit three on.
I'm planning to Johnson.
And either electrical engineering or computer science.
I'm Josh from also from class.
Apparently three planning concentrated CS and I also Excellent.
Let's take a look at your final project.
So this this is an android way, which we developed which head to keep track of how much pollution you caused to Theo and the environment.
So this is just not gonna and I'm just gonna sign up for that.
So my name on my using him I could sit on a rock on Foster, caught on a rock.
If I sign up, it shows a brief description of the app itself and how it works.
Just gonna skip that.
Guarded on here, you can enter your user name and password.
So my safe use an ambush on a rock on my possible.
So I'm just gonna log in to help.
It shows the tips and tricks for the app way have love carbon route score.
Which kind of gamma phi is the app?
A little bit so obvious.
Basic off 100 is when you neither contribute to the earth in a constructive manner Nor do you destroy the environment.
On this is district up to how you can improve your score.
So do a lot of good things for the environment.
I'll get a higher score exactly straight for barking.
Basically, that's what gives you the list of fun.
Fact for random facts about April apparition and global pollution is a whole thing about this.
Is that when you returned home screen on you go back to it again.
Facts refresh every time you fax everyday on Josh, How you doing?
Can you have?
Okay, so how you doing?
This'll is going to show basically your contribution to the environment in three different components.
If you will transit plastic waste and air quality right now, they're currently all zeros because we did not put any data into it.
So how about that right now?
So if we were to do that, we have to do at our stats, huh?
So say we did something like we went from, uh, Davis Square to, uh, Harvard Square.
This'll uses Google maps, FBI.
Good match.
Does all the calculations for us.
And also, as you see here, you see that there is Did you use your vehicle today?
So this is gonna become more, much more specific.
So this is now the Jews public transport today.
So if say, I didn't use anything that would just continue onwards and then that I walk today if I didn't just continue onwards.
But it's also the same concept.
So if I did cycle, so say I did from our name.
Let me in.
Portland, Maine.
Thio, Boston.
And may How many points for that?
But before that, we're gonna also come for a plastic bottle.
Plastic waste.
So now a fuse for, say, 1 500 militar bottle and say 21 liter bottles on.
Then here we use, like the amount of plastic bag.
Say, I used, like, three posse bags.
And then after inputting this, you could see that score here Since we walked so much.
Became 268.
Weigh about 100 mark.
You want to be out so you got rid of the environment positively just because of the fact that you didn't use a personal vehicle or a public transportation, because that would a polluted environment a lot on a tangible facts for that, if you go into how you doing so you can see the amount of pollution it would've used.
So you went from David's Gotta Have It school, right?
So that's that's this level of pollution.
You 441 kg is a particulate matter on this.
We generally know don't know this being harmed environment in such short trips, but this is a more tangible representation off how you can affect environment.
Got this.
Gives 66 Grand's Off plastic, which used in the form of plastic bottles and bags.
Sure, you can see how you can affect the quality just because the fact just because the fact that the trip was pushed too short from Harvard Square toed David Square, you didn't want you to a party.
That much remains constant at 33.
The nice thing about this is that for people who don't necessarily want to look at all these numbers, you can also have a look at these pictures which represent, like for here.
It's like approximately.
It's closer to zero amount per minute in terms of the amount of pollution that you did.
And it's based on the amount of positive, which was quite about quite a bit.
You were responsible or accountable for forming a possible 108 specimens of Marine.
Yeah, this is really detailed.
Looks like you put a lot of work into this.
Yeah, it seems like there's some data sources you must have used for these calculations.
Yeah, so basically, a lot of it came from looking online, researching and looking for articles.
How scientists are, for example, like a formula and as long as and also with transit and, like, sort of the proportions between using a personal goal against using public transit.
So very cool with anything in particular motivate you to for, like, an environment lap Or, I mean, be constantly asks a question of how one can make a difference.
This this'll answer the question.
Who is first is how you contribute evolution.
How you going to do with it?
Revolution on another is how you can help the environment.
So it's two ways of going on.
That's what motivated us because there's no sort of tangible information of how you country with the global environment with police.
That would be a very inspiring.
I commend you for your your noble efforts.
I also hear from my colleagues that you two are involved with CS 50 and other ways but not fifties tradition on its own.
It's like a lifestyle on Be totally love this tradition wrong CS like CSFB lunches CSU Hackett owns.
And I mean, it was more than a class for us, to be honest.
Yeah, I got to really give a shout out to ah, Ramon and Valerie for Lucy's 50 luncheons.
They really gave us some good times there.
And you, just like you said CSU.
If he was not just the class, it was just so much more.
And I really appreciate the experience I have.
You're here.
Have you been seeing multiple lunches for me?
I've been so everyone he's been telling me about the three lunches with that didn't go too and how much I regret it up.
Glad you're taking National Resource of Jackson.
Thanks for taking the time to talk to me.
All right.
Thank you so much.