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  • I would like you to clasp your hands together and keep them in that position for a moment.

  • Some researchers see the brain as having two general modes. In one mode (often called 'right-brained'),

  • it is more intuitive, visual, and creative. In the other (often called 'left-brained'),

  • it is more logical, sequential, and analytical. All of us work in both modes, but naturally

  • tend towards one or the other.

  • According to the theory, if your right thumb is on top of your left thumb then you tend

  • to be a so-called left-brainer, and so are more likely to be verbal and analytical. If

  • your left thumb is on top of your right thumb then you tend to be a so-called right-brainer,

  • and more likely to excel in visual, creative, and intuitive tasks.

  • So, if you want to gain a fun insight into someone, maybe you should ask them to put

  • their hands together.

I would like you to clasp your hands together and keep them in that position for a moment.


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B1 中級

你是有創造力還是有分析力?在5秒內找出答案。 (Are you creative or analytical? Find out in 5 seconds.)

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    teatime 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日