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  • What's up Attackers! Welcome to your Thursday edition of the Daily XP, bringing you to the

  • latest and greatest in the world of gaming. I am your host, Ashley, and today we are checking

  • out the Hearthstone's worldwide mobile launch, Dark Age of Camelot and ArcheBlade! Your daily

  • XP starts now! This is news from yesterday, so apologies

  • if I'm not the first to bring this to your attention. But Hearthstone, Blizzard's trading

  • card MMO finally comes to the iPad for us in the US, and the rest of the world. The

  • Worldwide release sees a special iPack achievement where you can find special cards, including

  • rumored Legendary and Gold cards. Mark and Kirk have been checking out the iPad version

  • and have had a fun time so far. Be on the look-out for our first impressions of Hearthstone

  • iPad soon! Typically when we talk about a game trying

  • to succeed on Steam Greenlight, it means that a new launch is coming. Well .. not today.

  • And not by a long shot. Dark Age of Camelot may be the oldest game ever to try and campaign

  • through Steam Greenlight, as it approaches its 13 year anniversary later this year. As

  • far as we can tell, nothing new would be added in the Steam version, the developer is most

  • likely trying to ramp up a bit more subscriber base to keep the game running. The comment

  • page on Steam already has over 200 comments for people praising the game and welcoming

  • new players. Codebrush Games has announced that ArcheBlade

  • is officially launching next week, April 24th, on Steam! ArcheBlade has been marinating in

  • Steam's Early Access since March of last year and the team is excited to finally go into

  • full release. With the launch they are bringing the customization system titled "gear up"

  • which will add over 500 items to the game, as well completely revamping the training

  • mode. Codebrush Games is holding a few giveaway events on their Facebook page in anticipation

  • of the launch, so check that out as well! Thanks for watching the Daily XP. Be sure

  • to hit that like button and subscribe to Attack Gaming for Daily content. Check out our website

  • for more MMO News, and our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for general randomness! Have a

  • great day, and we'll see you guys again tomorrow!

What's up Attackers! Welcome to your Thursday edition of the Daily XP, bringing you to the


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新聞。黑暗時代的卡米洛特》登陸Steam,《ArcheBlade》上市等消息!| 每日XP 4月17日 (News: Dark Age of Camelot on Steam, ArcheBlade's Launch and more! | The Daily XP April 17th)

  • 131 1
    richardwang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日