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  • There's a number of ways you can read the eyes. Blink rate is really important to me.

  • I think blink rate, in terms of baseline behaviors, blink rates are a really effective way to

  • measure certain people's behavior. So, I mean, people can blink for a wide range of reasons.

  • People can blink because of the light. People always say, oh what does it mean? Maybe their

  • contacts are dry. Yeah, but if their contacts were dry, they'd be blinking that way all

  • the time. Go watch presidential debates, right? Go watch Mr. Mitt Romney and watch when they

  • talk about his finances. His blinking goes through the roof. The guy blinks like crazy

  • because he's anxious. He's trying to answer a question. He's anxious. Like, look when

  • somebody is in a high anxiety situation. Blink rates are through the roof because it's emotionally

  • linked, right?

  • And the cool thing is is not just to see that people are blinking a lot, but to see essentially

  • at what point in the conversation do you see jumps or deviations in blink rates. So all

  • of a sudden, a guy's having a conversation with his girlfriend. They're having, you know,

  • everything's fine, they're having a nice conversation. Then all of a sudden she accuses him of cheating

  • and his blink rate goes through the roof. Doesn't mean he's cheating, but it means he

  • is, you know, emotional about that topic. Okay? So blink rate is very, very useful.

  • Something that's easy. All you have to do is look somebody in the eyes, count for ten

  • seconds, and see how many times they blink in ten seconds. And do that at several intervals

  • and you can figure out their average blink rate. It's not that complicated.

  • So maintaining proper amount of eye contact is very, very important. What's the proper

  • amount of eye contact? Around 70-ish percent. Somewhere around 60 to 80 percent. It really

  • depends. It's really hard to narrow it down, but you shouldn't be looking somebody in the

  • eyes over and over and over again. It's one of the big mistakes people make in interviews.

  • They tell them to make eye contact so they look at the person like this. Oh no! It's

  • like, yeah, you don't build an emotional connection that way because it's abnormal. People don't

  • make that much amount of eye contact.

  • Another cool thing with the eyes is staring. Men tend to stare a little bit too much. They

  • come off as creepy. If you've ever found a guy with like a creepy, scary stare you tend

  • to see two things. One is their blink rate is really low. It's a cool thing about blink

  • rates. We like low blink rates in women, but we don't like low blink rates in men. So low

  • blink rates in women have like this pulling in effect when they stare at you in this camera.

  • Welcome. When men do it it's creepy. So it's an interesting difference. Also with eyes

  • dilated. We like women's eyes dilated more than we like men's eyes dilated.

There's a number of ways you can read the eyes. Blink rate is really important to me.


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B1 中級

如何讀懂眼睛|身體語言 (How to Read Eyes | Body Language)

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    nckuba 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日