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  • All right.

  • So welcome back to another stream.

  • Um, today, what we're gonna work on is the same thing that we've been working on for the last couple of Monday's.

  • And that is the productivity app.

  • So I'm gonna try Thio, get this all started off again for us.

  • Um, I think this is the one, and we're gonna run it too, On the simulator.

  • All right.

  • So I didn't stream last Monday because I was just too tired, actually, Stream.

  • Uh, so that's kind of why I did not stream that that Monday.

  • And that was also after the 12 hours straight stream, which it was a lot tougher than I thought it was gonna be and really like 12 hours isn't too much to actually be sitting coding like I've done that several times before, but just doing it in front of people and like knowing that there's people watching you.

  • It's kind of a different.

  • It's a different element to it.

  • So, uh, I was pretty tired after that, but let's take a look at where we were.

  • So this is essentially gonna be like, where we left off.

  • Ah, on the last stream.

  • We're on that 12 hour stream to do up.

  • What a wrong.

  • Okay, also, I don't know if I'm a running the I don't think running the server?

  • No.

  • Okay, so I'm not running the server after.

  • Start that up.

  • A swell, uh, new window as let's go into the right folder.

  • Projects my projects for all the activity.

  • Todo Okay.

  • And then which one did I think?

  • It's Python.

  • Hi.

  • Yep.

  • Okay, so that is the server is up and running.

  • That's good on you.

  • We are.

  • We've got our, uh, project up, okay.

  • So we can look out.

  • This is what we did last time.

  • So we built the log in screen, which is essentially Now, if we, uh, if we run the app to start, it will just show us this log in screen because we haven't logged in yet, and then we can use our use her name.

  • I think it was cow.

  • And I think the class where is just 123 Oh, shit.

  • I don't remember the password.

  • Um, okay, where did we have?

  • We can open up.

  • We can actually check this pretty easily by just going here and just doing so like star from you, sirs, I think.

  • Okay, so we have one.

  • You, sir, who's used to name is Cow on DDE.

  • Yeah.

  • So the password is Cal 123 Okay, so then we just go in to the lab paste that in here.

  • 1234 No cow.

  • 123 And then we sign in.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • So didn't sign us in.

  • Why didn't it sign us in?

  • Go see that they use her name is the same as well, so that we're not just doing a simple mistake of typing useful.

  • Wrong.

  • Okay, No, no cow.

  • And then, actually, cow, I want to 123 slide.

  • Okay, okay.

  • So we kind of have to fix that as well.

  • I think because right now the thing that didn't work was the fact that I typed in Cal.

  • So the user name and then I did a space because I did the space.

  • It didn't work.

  • So something that we need to do is, um, type in or do something that essentially removes the whole spaces so that if there's a space at the end, then it should remove that.

  • So that's a bug that we need to fix.

  • Let's actually bring up a new window here.

  • So we'll create a note just for all the like bug reports or something like that.

  • Bugs, Um, actually, and then save this US bug report.

  • Okay, So, Bug, um, typing Yusor name on pace space does noise your name on dhe.

  • They will have something like below that fix, um, removed.

  • Put 10 show spaces at the end off, um, whatever gets sent.

  • Okay, So that is then that bug reported somewhat.

  • And, um okay, so we have that.

  • And the next thing is going to be, too.

  • Once we log end, let's log in first.

  • I want to be free.

  • Okay.

  • So we should then get the list of tasks that this specific user has.

  • So we need to create something both on the back, inside and on the front inside for actually, like, adding a task and loading different tasks.

  • So I think real.

  • Start with the back end, and then just making sure that all of that works.

  • And then once that works, we can get into adding it to the U.

  • S phone.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • So he can't open up that for some reasons or not.

  • We need Thio.

  • Uh, download that again, I guess I don't know for a new front door.

  • So wrist, I have grievance told so I could just do that instead.

  • Grew brew CASS.

  • I stole a song.

  • Yup.

  • Okay, so a lot of people are like asking whether why I, um, started the stream late, I think I think the reason that you I think it's late is because it's, uh or in Sweden.

  • We've like, I think we pulled the time back an hour or something.

  • Maybe be pushed it forward.

  • Wait.

  • I always get confused.

  • So, like, where we go with the watches, like I think it's Yes, it's winter time right now, so we pull the time back an hour.

  • So if it would have been one o'clock my time Ah, a week ago, then right now it's 12 o'clock my time.

  • So we're essentially an hour earlier.

  • Which is why, if I say said that I'm supposed Thio Stream at two PM Central Europe.

  • I think I said one PM Central European time, then that my time would be Oh, I don't know Right now, At least it's two PM my time and I know that Central European time is usually one hour before my time.

  • So at 2 p.m. My time, it's usually one PM Central European time.

  • But now I think maybe it's the same.

  • We're not sure, anyway.

  • Okay, this is taking a long time to install.

  • I usedto insomnia to kind of test the AP.

  • I That's why I That's what I'm doing right now in reinstalling that because for some reason, that 10 1 open.

  • Um, okay, but let's continue with something else then.

  • So we have the back and open here we have our resource is record dot pie.

  • Okay.

  • This one.

  • Do it.

  • Okay.

  • On dhe, we have a project register.

  • Okay, Register.

  • I just have to kind of get back into where we were.

  • You sewed up.

  • I know you don't task.

  • Okay?

  • Model stopped by.

  • All right.

  • So we have tasks here.

  • We've created that model for the daughter base.

  • Let's see if we have it also in the post, Chris or in?

  • Yeah, let's see if it's been added.

  • So like, star.

  • Okay, so I think we do have it's ask here.

  • Yeah, So we have two tasks, um, for this user and that ISS note is Cal Holden and note here is law and completed his false repeats.

  • Uh, is something else deadline?

  • Okay.

  • I don't really know what this is or why or how it created.

  • Um, anyway, this is what God?

  • All right.

  • Hi.

  • Tasks test up.

  • I Okay, so we have Oh, yeah.

  • Okay.

  • So have something here and this ISS post decisional task.

  • I'm sorry, too, huh?

  • It seems like we might have already, um, done that part.

  • So I'm gonna try to check just to see what this looks like in the in the app right now, because seems like we may have built this already.

  • Somewhere on re order I'm trying to find, like where I Okay, I think I know where I created this.

  • Now I'm going to guess that I created okay, I'm a little bit split right now because I'm trying to get a couple things to work at the same time.

  • Um, so what I think I did?

  • First of all, let's just uninstall this and reinstall it again and see if it will work.

  • So I'm sorry that this is like, a little bit slow right now, but that's kind of what It's like when you're trying to set everything up again after not having looked at it for a week or two.

  • Okay, that's installing again.

  • I think what I did was when you use insomnia, you can do different FBI requests and you gotta test it out.

  • So I think I did like a test where I tested adding a new task via insomnia, and that's kind of how we can see it in the daughter base.

  • So that's where these tasks came from.

  • Is from just me basically testing at the A P I.

  • So then that means that we can add tasks.

  • Yeah, So here you go.

  • You see something?

  • Post register.

  • Okay, create a new one.

  • New request on this will be, uh, get tasks.

  • Maybe because I think the first thing that we're going to do is just getting all of the task that we already have is right now.

  • We don't have a weight, actually.

  • Add a new task within the hour if you press the ad button up here and nothing happens, but we have a way of displaying all the tasks.

  • So what we're gonna do is we're gonna make just a quick little get request here.

  • We're gonna test that and see if we can actually get Uh huh, Yeah, if we can get all of the test.

  • I think we already have this.

  • Um I'm not super organized about this thing.

  • It seems like so we need Thio rename this thing.

  • We can remove that.

  • However, yet look, a delayed click to confirm, huh?

  • Okay, then we want to rename this one.

  • How do we re name?

  • That's okay.

  • Renamed good s so that we can do the get requests for tasks.

  • We can get all the tasks.

  • And, uh okay, So what we get back?

  • Is this thing prepared to do so?

  • All right.

  • Okay.

  • Let me think.

  • Okay.

  • We're really running it again on DDE.

  • What?

  • She what?

  • We're what we're gonna work on today is then actually getting the tasks and displaying them here to the user.

  • So that means that it seems like that a p i or the Yeah, the back end part of that is already done.

  • Which means that we only need thio basically get all the tasks.

  • So let's see, build reorder ble or durable lists Task list.

  • Where do we have a task lists.

  • Okay, Get list.

  • So this is where you want to get the list of all the tasks?

  • No, this is gonna be a some sort off.

  • We need to do that.

  • Get requests first of all, and then we also need Thio.

  • Convert that into something.

  • So, firstly, classes task.

  • Do we have everything that we need completed?

  • Reminder.

  • Okay.

  • Completed deadline reminders.

  • No task.

  • Okay.

  • Mmm.

  • So the question, I think the only thing that I've left out is this part, which is the list of tasks.

  • Um, and that is something that we need to integrate on the back inside.

  • So we need some sort of relationship between the notes, um, so that we know, like, okay, this notes or this note has all of these notes and vice versa.

  • I like, since a note or a task can also have tasks or a list of tasks within it.

  • That means that we need have some sort of, like relationship between different tasks to be able to tell whether the task is like a main task or whether it's just a sub task to another task which I'm not quite sure how to do.

  • So the question is like, How do we formulate that question?

  • Relationships in daughter bases.

  • All right, wait.

  • Maybe this doesn't matter right now.

  • Um, task I d Okay, way Have a lot get test list.

  • Let's check out kind of how we where and how we did the different get requests.

  • So block resource is a P I register you, sir.

  • Depository.

  • Okay, when we create something similar here and we call this gift tasks get you, sir, tell us.

  • And what do we use to get that we used the A P I Q.

  • Okay.

  • You're so cool right now.

  • I'm just like, copying things that we've done previous previously and just really naming them essentially to what's the method is gonna be for getting getting this toe work or for what?

  • The method is gonna be t to get a little test that we wanted.

  • You want to get so on its tasks, we want to do a gift request.

  • We don't send any body at all.

  • All right?

  • Okay.

  • My soul's Jason doctors.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • So here we need to Oh, no shit.

  • So we need to return.

  • This method essentially needs to return a list of tasks or all the tests that we have.

  • Um, which How do we do that task, Dr.

  • Jason Import that.

  • Mmm.

  • Because this one, if you look at this method, it returns a future You, sir.

  • But what we want to return is not a single item.

  • So we don't want to return just a single task, like so we want to actually return a list of past, which I'm not sure we can do.

  • Oh, wrong method.

  • So here, this one should return a list of tasks and mmm.

  • So we need to know kind of what we get back, daughter.

  • Okay, so the daughter here will give us this, which is an array of different items.

  • So then we want to basically blew through that ray and get a lot of tests on display them to the user.

  • Okay, so four.

  • Uh, hey, Sohn.

  • Um okay, so on in soul.

  • So I think that is kind of what the what are loop will look like something like that.

  • So then we can get J song into this method, and then we just need to create a list here of task, uh, times tinkles on your list and then test uh, return past like that.

  • Okay, um, so now we need to create from Jason Method within our task thing, actually, let's also create it here, so create this Publish subject you, sir.

  • Gift use register used to.

  • All right, let's just try, uh, yeah, all right.

  • Years or get her or Okay, I'm not really sure what I'm doing right now.

  • I'm just, like, hoping that some of this stuff is gonna work at task Gift, sir.

  • And then this will be a task.

  • Um, and then we'll import the library, So, um okay, copy this pace.

  • That and this should be observable task.

  • Get test fast, you upstream.

  • Okay.

  • And then we probably need to do the same thing here, So task get her dot clothes.

  • Okay, This was not the right way.

  • So here we go.

  • We have something called a user block here.

  • We need to probably create another class called, uh, task.

  • Look, I would guess, and then we need to do the exact same thing that we just did, but we need to do it in this separate class, so this should be task getter.

  • Kids test.

  • Okay.

  • Copy what we created here and then just paste that in there.

  • But maybe we should just call that get tasks or something.

  • Us?

  • Okay, this should be a list task.

  • It's time.

  • So I'm not really sure that this is gonna work, because I'm, like, hoping that just essentially doing the exact same thing, but just switching it for the specific thing that we're actually going to use is going to just magically like work, which sometimes maybe even most times isn't the case.

  • Um, so hopefully it will work.

  • But I'm not really I'm not super confident because we're making a lot of changes.

  • Or like, we're creating a lot of things at the same time just to make one thing work, And that usually means that it's gonna be pretty difficult than to actually pinpoint where something goes wrong if something does go wrong.

  • But now we've added the get user tests here, and we can just do final, uh, tasks full off.

  • Maybe equal task boule.

  • Okay, you sir, Look, we're there, so Well, so we need to change some things because we re named something again.

  • Not sure that this is like the best way to do this.

  • It feels like Ah, I don't know.

  • I'm not super confident in, like using state management like this.

  • And right now we're using block Hope.

  • But I hold that this is kind of how you would do it.

  • Um, okay.

  • A p I that is.

  • Okay, So now the let last thing that we're gonna d'oh just create the from Jason Method, which we're gonna again check how this looks in this one from Jason looks in the user class, and then we're gonna pace that because it's gonna be pretty much exactly the same.

  • Only that it's gonna be task instead of you, sir.

  • Okay.

  • Parse J.

  • Sohn.

  • What do we need?

  • We need title, uh, completed.

  • And how do you write?

  • Maybe it's just I d actually, let's just add most of the things.

  • So this so deadline on this notes?

  • Nope.

  • Let's not add debt line.

  • Actually, the reason we're not adding that is because I, for some reason, have put in something like on deadline of put in this, which it's supposed to be a date and not a word.

  • So, uh, if we tried to like parts that in this eye within the app, then it's gonna gonna just do something really strange, Which we can just fix that by adding a proper date into the daughter base.

  • But right now, I don't really There was something like, there's something on the window.

  • Wait.

  • Okay, so I think it was like a bird or something.

  • I was trying to get in through the window.

  • Anyway.

  • Um, okay, uh, let's notes is what we want.

  • Okay, so we have a note, I d Okay, if I did notes.

  • Reminders you, sir.

  • I d one.

  • All right, There we go.

  • I think we have everything that we need.

  • Okay, so now we just need thio test this, I guess.

  • Let's see that everything is the way that it should be.

  • I think so.

  • All right, so now let's look at this is main.

  • Okay?

  • Future sign in you, sir.

  • Gift A P I G.

  • Okay.

  • I think this is probably the closest thing to what we actually want Or wait in trey page.

  • Here we go.

  • Task lists.

  • There's gonna be a future.

  • Let me think.

  • Main page Lord.

  • Dean of a signing you, sir.

  • Okay, let's do something like this.

  • Final p i k.

  • Uh, because we need to have some sort of access to the A P I G.

  • So what?

  • We're gonna D'oh!

  • We're gonna do this in trade, okay?

  • No.

  • So we want this to be up here.

  • We'll add it like so and then in through a page, this key.

  • Okay, So that means that when we initiate this Paige, we need to also provide the key.

  • Uh, which we will d'oh.

  • Somewhere wherever we let's search for it.

  • Remained up.

  • Start.

  • There we go.

  • Entry page, and then a p i g.

  • This.

  • Okay, maybe this work interest page.

  • Right?

  • Gift list.

  • So somehow we need to actually get the the least off all of the tasks where I'm not quite sure how to do in the proper way.

  • Food build, reorder the list.

  • The last task list.

  • Okay, so we probably need a future builder.

  • So we're gonna have something.

  • Here is Well, that's gonna be tasks task list.

  • And then this one will be where we get the test list.

  • So task block widgets dot ap i ke Okay, so then list tasks, task task block, get use of tasks, return tasks.

  • Okay, I think that is how we were gonna get the tasks and then in here we need to change this to be actually a future builder instead or for the child to be a future builder.

  • You're a builder.

  • Uh, future equals gets list, I think.

  • Builder build.

  • Okay, I just need to check how we did it with the future builders.

  • Sure, Phil Main duct arts.

  • Here we go.

  • Future builder builder Bill.

  • Context facing snapshot.

  • All right, so we're gonna just do we're gonna pace this.

  • Whatever I have saved.

  • Okay?

  • That's what I say on DDE.

  • Then we're gonna copy away this.

  • We're gonna paste it in here.

  • Okay?

  • Way do not care about with poor sweet.

  • So, uh, okay.

  • And then this is what should be returned, I guess.

  • Mmm.

  • Okay.

  • And then in here, we just need to list.

  • Okay.

  • Now, will this work straight away?

  • I'm not sure.

  • Okay.

  • Really.

  • Let's just run that and hope that it works straight away.

  • If this works straight away, I would definitely, very, very surprised.

  • Okay.

  • What is the error that we get?

  • Okay.

  • The following.

  • No such method era future builder Dina Me, uh, together length was called on no more remained up dark.

  • 50 Okay, Okay.

  • I'm not sure what that kind of thing waas but that terrorist, no dot Where does the print No dogs.

  • Okay, let's log out.

  • Okay.

  • It still gives us that error.

  • Now, for some reason, uh, no such method, and it seems to be here, so that seems to be right here.

  • This is where we're running into some sort of error.

  • Um, which I don't know why we're getting that error.

  • Like, we're only getting 200 or two ones on the daughter Bayside.

  • Which should mean that it's all good.

  • 123 If snapshot, that has dot Uh Okay, two.

  • All right.

  • So here, all of a sudden it prints the AP I k for us, and then I don't know what happens after that, uh, friend here athe I plus with a p I and then just do a couple of spaces so that we don't so that we actually get can see this.

  • I can't find it.

  • I mean, Okay, Okay.

  • So, dust seem like we're actually getting the AP key to go in here.

  • But then something happens after that.

  • That's like, not working, get new, certain tasks.

  • We just thought a p i g.

  • Let's just do this, Prince.

  • This is kind of where I think building all that stuff out that we just coded out and not testing any part of it before you.

  • Actually, uh, prominence, for the first time, it's a really bad idea, because now it's like, OK, where do we actually go wrong?

  • It's quite difficult to find the specific spots where something happens, s so we get in here, which is good.

  • Um, but still it, like, it doesn't seem like this is actually where we're running into errors.

  • It seems like it's somewhere else, but we're gonna check it anyway, just to make sure.

  • But this is not where we're running into errors.

  • Uh, authorized.

  • All right.

  • I'll look in the chat for a little bit your list.

  • You will find the error.

  • The builder needs item count, which is snapshot belt length.

  • Okay, I will listen to you.

  • Uh, so I'm guessing that is in, uh, in here.

  • Right?

  • Main duct, Arthur.

  • And then 53 somewhere.

  • Here.

  • Snapshots.

  • Snapshot.

  • I thought of that length.

  • Question Mark zero bottom challenge after builder.

  • Okay, So is there something here called item before?

  • If snapshot that has a daughter.

  • So I Adam count a snapshot?

  • Not sure.

  • Like where?

  • You mean, because item count after builder daughter?

  • Because I can't really find a place where that would get put.

  • Snapshot equals no snapshots of thought.

  • So do you mean I should do if snapshot doctor laying this sequel to Sierra or something?

  • Okay, let's go to this fun.

  • Just I just want to see if we can actually get this right.

  • Okay, So I should pass item count as an argument to the building.

  • So item count or something in your future, build a return.

  • You can use a list for you dot builder, and then you need to use item count because you're returning a list of items or Dr Future Builder returning.

  • You return a lister, your dog builder.

  • But why did this work before them list you, Doc?

  • I don't.

  • I think we're maybe on different pages because this is not the page that has all of the items.

  • This is the page that has, uh, just either the log in screen or the science.

  • It either shows the home page or it shows the log in screen and get home page ISS Where we where we get this page?

  • Essentially, I think maybe who were misunderstanding each other.

  • I'm not sure the following no such method are dirty states.

  • The getter length was called on the receiver.

  • No trifling ling.

  • Uh, widget creation.

  • Tracking is currently disabled, enabling it means star.

  • Okay, let's do this now, friends, uh, and, um and then plus tasks, Doc, too String.

  • Just see if it even gets If this is where runs into something case, it seems like we don't get there.

  • Which is good, I think.

  • Okay, let's remove that right now.

  • I'm just gonna go through it and see.

  • Tried to figure out kind of where everything goes wrong.

  • Intrigue pages where we want to go to kids place.

  • Okay.

  • Possum story.

  • No, no.

  • All right, let's go.

  • If we get to that place Hello.

  • Okay.

  • So we do get in here, and that's could be Well, it is an issue in some way, at least because we're not getting past here.

  • Um, because if we try to try to print something here, Okay, so we're not getting past this from Jason Method, okay, But we do.

  • We get into that method at all.

  • Maybe we should just print friends.

  • J Song Stop to string.

  • No, don't.

  • Okay, so we can print the Jason stuff, which looks like this, uh, which is good, because that means can weigh.

  • What can we do?

  • Okay, let's just try to print J.

  • Sohn, uh, come falls.

  • So dust print falls here, which means that we can access the stuff inside the Jason that we send, so that's really good.

  • Um, now I think there may be something that happens inside our models.

  • So inside the task, Uh, all right, why don't we get tasked up from J.

  • Sanjay?

  • So that should work, I believe years from Jason Result dog.

  • All right, let's just do a try catch in here.

  • So try this and then catch.

  • Sure.

  • Hey, Korean.

  • Hey there.

  • So type into isn't of subtype string.

  • There we go.

  • Okay.

  • So, task i d.

  • I believe it.

  • Iss that is string, which should be in okay from that again.

  • Key item, doc task.

  • All right, So, prince and empty string again.

  • Or an empty list in essence of types.

  • Okay.

  • Where could that happen?

  • I d use our i d.

  • Those are the only to introduce that I confined.

  • Um Mmm.

  • So in a task, I did task.

  • I did.

  • I do.

  • No.

  • Completed.

  • Okay.

  • Complete title is strange.

  • Completed this, Cole No type into this knocked off Subtype Street.

  • All right, I'm restarting the app and we'll see about that.

  • Does any difference.

  • Makes any difference.

  • Uh, plated.

  • All right, We're just waiting for this to restart and still feel.

  • Gives those a ton of errors.

  • Um, but instance of task instance of task.

  • Okay, At least that means that we're getting a list of different tasks, which is good.

  • Ah, not sure why it doesn't display it, though, but I guess that's something that we can find out.

  • Okay, let's take a look at the entry page just to see why it wouldn't display them.

  • I don't have a title test list.

  • Insert new index item.

  • Okay.

  • Task block.

  • Uh, future builder.

  • Get list print?

  • No.

  • Okay.

  • So what?

  • What seems to be going wrong is just something here, I think.

  • Or maybe I'm not sure.

  • Ah, okay.

  • Build reorder herbal A list.

  • Okay, Children, A reorder herbal list view.

  • It's this, like, item.

  • Can't know.

  • It doesn't have that.

  • Okay.

  • Was bling Okay, so it seems like we don't get so it says really no daughter, which is what we print up here.

  • Hope.

  • And then it prints zero, which is the length of the task list when we get into building the list off tasks here.

  • And that means that we at this point when we get into the reorder herbal lists method, then the task list iss equal to zero.

  • But that is because we don't get any daughter here.

  • So the snapshot has no daughter when we tried to get the list.

  • Why doesn't have any doctor, though?

  • Task looked at getting you, sir.

  • Tasks your cellblock get user tasks.

  • Everything gets cold the way that it should, and it kind of it does Give us.

  • Um Mmm.

  • Because we can print like this would be the last step by yes, here, where we actually create the list off, uh, tests.

  • And then we returned the tests here.

  • And if we're unable to return the tasks, then it should throw the exception here called Failed to post failed to load post, uh, should say tasks, but it doesn't print that at any point in this when we're on it, which means that it probably does succeed and we try.

  • We tested this and it did succeed.

  • So, um, we know that we can get the tasks.

  • But then for some reason at this point, when we try to actually retrieve the tasks, there's something that breaks.

  • Essentially.

  • But what is it that break?

  • I feel like the goal of this stream just before we can actually finish it.

  • It's just to be able to actually display the tasks.

  • Once we can do that, then I'm happy to just call it a day.

  • But we want to get to the stage where we're actually displaying something to the user from the daughter base.

  • Um, so that's the goal that we have to achieve before we can end today.

  • Okay, so try checking your list view, builder.

  • I'll check that out.

  • That link that you sent, let's say I hate pop ups.

  • Flutter future builder with list view builder.

  • What's our future operations should trick a product details.

  • If, Okay, we're gonna copy that.

  • I think I've seen that before.

  • Maybe not sure that looks similar to something that I've seen.

  • At least I believe that there's some sort of loading We're just wasn't there.

  • So if this one then return container print projects Natural thought is Okay.

  • Turn.

  • Call him.

  • Okay, wait a second.

  • Okay, so in here, we do that, right?

  • But we don't need.

  • And that instead of projects snap, it's going to be just snapshots, and then this is going to return this thing.

  • Okay, so hopefully it works to just copy that like that and then and through this.

  • Okay, so what do we need to do?

  • We also need to set task list to be equal to show.

  • Don't doll, huh?

  • Okay, let's run that.

  • Okay.

  • To get her length was called on No off cores, but where was called on?

  • Okay, main duct aren't 54 25.

  • Just gonna see if that Yeah.

  • Okay, so that didn't remove all the errors?

  • No.

  • Okay, so there's some.

  • For some reason, we're just not able to get the daughter here, huh?

  • But why iss it?

  • No.

  • So we're getting the list years.

  • Maybe we should just d'oh!

  • I don't know if this actually it makes a difference.

  • I don't think it should, but anything to make this work.

  • Okay, That didn't change anything.

  • Uh, slap show.

  • Oh, boy, Get her length.

  • Was cold returns, you know, for some reason.

  • Here, task.

  • Look, Get your service agents, I think.

  • Okay, Um All right, let's figure this out.

  • Resource is which way does it go?

  • We call you, sir.

  • This one.

  • Your sunblock get used tasks.

  • This one.

  • So we should just keep printing this until we get to the point where it's not know, Then we try to figure out why it it's no.

  • Okay.

  • So already here it's not?

  • No, but you sit tight.

  • Well, I guess this doesn't really return anything.

  • Okay, let's just print that to see trying to work if we get something back here.

  • Uh, waas tuhs to string.

  • Plus.

  • Okay, so we do get something here, but for some reason, we can get the list.

  • What if we just do that?

  • Build re order list?

  • Uh, one.

  • All right.

  • So you say something about Tug 10 says something about you.

  • Shouldn't you try?

  • We'll be accessing the tasks through the stream in point instead of calling, getting you to test.

  • Um, I'm not sure how to to that, to be honest and like when I looked at, because this is essentially have followed some tutorial.

  • And what they showed was something, um, was essentially what I've done with the user.

  • And okay, let's open this link how to handle state and flutters in the book pattern.

  • Okay, maybe we can try something like this.

  • Um, so switching all of this for a stream builder instead.

  • What?

  • And then go what Isett task law rights dogs gets.

  • We don't need to delete that quite yet.

  • And then we'll go to you said, walk up the loss.

  • Just the return.

  • So and we'll go to the entry page build reorder lists stream dot our initial daughter context.

  • Well, let's just do this for now.

  • Just a test.

  • It okay?

  • Doesn't seem to be working.

  • Should build reorder list.

  • Simple context.

  • Task list list should be equal to soon.

  • Uh, shut daughter.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • Uh, plus this.

  • I'm just trying to figure out, like, where this is going wrong.

  • Uh, and it's not type subs 0.0.

  • Paul, why does this not work?

  • Right?

  • So I think the problem right now might be that we're using the wrong type of or we're doing the wrong way to start with because or at least not the most easy way.

  • It feels like this is a lot more difficult than it actually has to be, because what we can do is just get the daughter from, uh, the A P I.

  • And then we can use display it to the use of straight Wait.

  • Right now, we're just like we're making it super complex.

  • By using the flutter block pattern.

  • We're making it a little bit more complex, at least with the hope of having a little bit more structure to it.

  • Like what?

  • All that this dust, like this folder here called Resource, is in this folder called Blocks.

  • All these different files do.

  • It's essentially provide a bit of structure to the project.

  • So when the project gets even more advanced than what we're at right now, then it becomes a little bit easier to kind of keep track of everything because you have separate files that take care of separate things.

  • And if you just like if you don't use something like this than when the AFT gets bigger and bigger, it's gonna get more and more difficult to keep track of it.

  • But that also means that for doing the sort of simple things.

  • It gets until you get like, really good at it and you, like, know what you need to do and how to do the different things.

  • It kind of becomes a little bit too difficult, more difficult than what it's worth.

  • So I think what I will have to do is just basically read up a little bit on the block pattern so that I know what I'm doing a little bit more for the next time.

  • Because right now it feels like we're not going to get this actually work.

  • Even if we sit for another two hours, we're probably still gonna have these kind of errors.

  • So it's gonna be better.

  • Better to just pours for now and then get back to it another day and try toe make this actually work.

  • This was like a really sucky session, But those sessions are sections that happen and is like sometimes this is the reality.

  • You just sit and you work on one single error for like, to two hours.

  • I think we've been sitting now, um, and you don't end up actually solving it, and then usually the thing that you need to do is actually like, read up on what it is you're trying to do because right now I feel like I'm out, like, out of my depth of working with these block patterns and essentially just followed a tutorial.

  • I didn't read it properly.

  • I just kind of did it and I got it to work.

  • But now that I'm trying to make it even more advanced, it's I'm just losing my losing, getting lost, I guess in what I'm doing.

  • So I feel like it's gonna be Maur worth it to just stop right now.

  • Read up on it for the next couple of days and then come back to you guys tomorrow or not tomorrow on Monday next week and then hopefully I will have ah figured out kind of how to make this actually work.

  • And I will be a little bit more well read on the topic of using block pattern, and then we can get this to actually work and we can display it to the user.

  • What I could do now is just parse this straight away from the A p I and then show it.

  • But that is kind of a short term fix and it's not what we're gonna wanna have in the end.

  • So it's better to just do it right from the start and put some effort into, like reading this sort of stuff and trying to figure out how this actually works.

  • So that's gonna be it for this stream.

  • I hope I'll see the next one.

  • And that will be on Monday again at what is the 2 p.m. My time's a Swedish time.

  • I don't know if that is now what that time is now, just the time.

  • It's like changed, but it's gonna be 2 p.m. My time Swedish time.

  • So you can just google Sweden time and then you'll probably be able to figure out what time it's gonna be in your country.

  • Um, yeah, so sorry.

  • This was, like, not super interesting to watch, but I wanted to share the entire process everything, every line of code that I actually right on this app.

  • I wanted to share live, so that kind of means that it's gonna end up being like this sometimes.

  • All right, that's it for today.

  • I hope I'll see you tomorrow or not.

  • Tomorrow next week.

  • All right.

  • See you guys.

All right.


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