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  • nearly 17 million people are out of work in those government assistance.

  • Checks haven't arrived yet, and thousands of people are now struggling to put food on their table and food.

  • Banks around the country are also struggling to meet the unprecedented need.

  • It's an extraordinary time in American history, and this is just the latest example.

  • A sea of cars jammed into a parking lot in San Antonio.

  • More than 10,000 families waiting their turn at a local food bank.

  • The groceries are supposed to last through the month.

  • Similar scenes are taking place in cities across the country.

  • In Pittsburgh, the line of motorists stretches more than a mile at this food bank in Englewood, California the line of cars is nonstop.

  • Volunteer Chris Castro shows us what's inside the food box.

  • Each family takes home.

  • Every car that comes up today will receive one of these boxes.

  • £36 of non portable food with various items.

  • We have mashed potatoes here way have rice, a few bags of rice, split peas.

  • A few bags of these as well Way have canned goods.

  • We have a whole frozen chicken for every family that comes in and We also have a bag produce oranges here for today, lose.

  • Nunez, a mother of four, lost her job as a hotel housekeeper last month.

  • Yeah, it means that I have something before my guests.

  • For most of these people, it's the first time they've ever had to rely on donated food.

  • Some are resorting to selling face masks on the street just to make extra cash during the crisis.

  • Like this mom and son profiled in the l A Times, a stark reminder of how far the economy has fallen in just a few weeks.

nearly 17 million people are out of work in those government assistance.


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B1 中級

遍佈全國的糧食銀行線路綿延數裡。 (Food Bank Lines Across the Country Stretch for Miles)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日