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  • once of guys.

  • Jay's two cents here and you may have seen our last talking head video what we talked about the new 20 Siri's family from in video.

  • I talked about some of the specs and really just sort of a recap of the keynote without a lot of opinion in there because it takes time for us to absorb that information.

  • Obviously, the public has absorbed that information, and there is a lot of opinion floating around and a lot of it negatives.

  • I kind of want to address some of that, give you guys some food for thought and give you my two cents.

  • Now that I've had some time to kind of absorb and process the information that is out there, M s I brings ultrathin gaming to life with their new GS 65 stealth, the 4.9 millimeter basil 144 hertz 10 80 p panel in video graphics and eighth Gen Intel CP use Make the new GS 65 self a true powerhouse with a small footprint.

  • Find out more and had a pre order by following the link in the description below.

  • So after the keynote is over typically what happens at these events as they drop black curtains everywhere.

  • And then there are gaming stations set up.

  • There's really time, you know, V.

  • R and racing simulators and all the games that were kind of showcased at games con that are gonna be utilizing Ray tracing and stuff with the new cards are on display for the people in attendance at the keynote to get hands on with and inevitably, you probably saw a reddit post and or a Twitter post and whatever got this got really reposted and got a lot of traction about a gentleman who played shadow of the Tomb Raider with Ray tracing on it was only getting 30 f ps in 10.

  • 80 p, and that caused a lot of stir in the gaming community.

  • Unfortunately, there's a lot of ignorance in the gaming community, and people who truly don't understand they just the only language they speak is F.

  • P s, and they understand what's actually happening with this.

  • We want to straighten some of that out.

  • I want to talk about pricing, and I want to talk about the mentality of pre ordering and why you should never pre order.

  • In my opinion, anything not just graphics cards or games or cars, just pee.

  • Ordering is always a bad idea.

  • The company should earn your money.

  • Let's talk about that now.

  • The 20 Siri's cards specifically those cards that we're gonna be using touring the 15 to 60 are gonna be G force, not touring.

  • They are designed and built around Ray tracing.

  • That's no surprise.

  • We've talked about that, Ray Tracing is the newest Well, it's really not new, but it's the newest available thing on consumer grade cards.

  • It's able to actually handle Ray tracing a real time.

  • That's why the keynote was, like 95% rate tracing.

  • Let's take it 100% retracing, and Jen's son was really, really getting off on that because it's something they've been working on for 10 years.

  • Obviously, he's hugely emotionally and financially invested into that core, and that's why that keynote talked about that.

  • But the thing that really was missing from the keynote, which is which was very odd because every invented event I've ever attended where a new card is introduced, they showed generation on generation improvement in terms of F.

  • P s.

  • Even then I take those slides with grand salt, you always should within video.

  • And Ian tell, you should always take the independent reviewers and kind of mash up a bunch of those and form your own opinion.

  • But that was missing entirely.

  • There was not a single graph showing F.

  • P s.

  • All they showed was Ray tracing performance generation on generation, Which is why I showed in the and mention in the last video take it with a grain of salt.

  • It's marketing B s.

  • You can't take a card like the past killed Core, which is just rest arose a shin and compared with rate, real time Ray tracing.

  • Of course, a card built for it is going to destroy it.

  • It's like taking a card that's not built for double precision and parrying against a card that's built for double precision and saying, Look how much better this card is.

  • Of course, it was built for it, so that's exactly what happened here.

  • But because there were no F PS benchmarks, people lost their minds.

  • Maybe that could mean there's not as big of a gap as you'd be expecting.

  • Of course, it's not a five X gap like they're showing on pastel.

  • It's probably more like a 50.25% or 25% no 25% improvement, which is kind of what we've seen year on year.

  • Linus has done this video.

  • I've done this video in terms of where we take five or six generations of cards.

  • Compare them with the latest games, the latest drivers, and we see 20 to 25% year on year improvement.

  • And I think that's probably what we're gonna more expect to see.

  • Raster ization is literally how every game has been rendered until today, because now we're doing it with Ray.

  • Tracing restaurant station and Ray tracing are not directly comparable.

  • Which is why, when you saw this article going around of a gentleman, that was very upset, that he was only getting 10.

  • 80 p 30 f ps with Ray tracing turned on r R TX on and that card a lot attraction.

  • A lot of gamers were like, Oh my God, this car stupid card!

  • A super slow.

  • Why, we're only getting 30 f ps where you're getting 30 f p s.

  • With that mode enabled, which is hugely impressive if you even remotely understood what has to take place for real time Ray.

  • Tracing toe happen now that doesn't mean rationalization.

  • Gaming performance is gonna suck.

  • It means it's probably gonna be through the roof.

  • The thing is, you're just seeing two completely different approaches and how it was handled.

  • The problem is to you're seeing a card that is not out yet with drivers that are not fully matured yet on a game that is not fully built yet.

  • So I think this is just This was just fuel for a lot of people to get super upset and salty.

  • I saw a lot of people even say I'm canceling my preorder.

  • I don't believe you.

  • Let me tell you why if you were the kind of guy that's gonna run out on Day one and do the pre order on the same information that we all had now, suddenly you're just like does this card sucks.

  • I don't think either one.

  • You never pre ordered to begin with or two.

  • I don't think you really canceled to pre order, but that's besides the point.

  • You can't directly compare the two, but that leaves again to the speculation that it almost that Andy that invidious felt kind of like I am the press conference.

  • To be honest, the fact that in video never showed any gaming performance figures at all with the standard DX 12 and rescue ization and all that stuff that led a lot of skepticism, which meant a lot of room for people to speculate, which is what you're seeing.

  • Now you are seeing speculation passed off as fact when nobody has the details.

  • No reviewers have their cards yet.

  • No reviewers have been hands on, with the exception of what they experienced at the after party after the keynote.

  • We all have to play the waiting game now because you're not going to see any reviews until, like probably right before launch or at lunch.

  • That's my That's my best guess.

  • Now talk about pricing, cause that was the other reason people got super mad.

  • Why is 80 I'm gonna say 10 80 t i at least once in this video guys, it's I've been saying it for last 2.5 years.

  • Why is the 28 e t I $1000?

  • Oh, my God.

  • Why is it $1200 in on video site Why'd they raised the price?

  • 300 bucks or whatever it is?

  • There's something I think a lot of people that it's just It's in your face.

  • It's staring at you and nobody is seeing and realizing.

  • And I wanna explain this.

  • Do you guys remember back when the Terry Crews build was just about done?

  • And then they launched the second pass scale, Tighten the Titan next Pee.

  • But it was a little pee when we dubbed the other one the big P because was Pascal and not to be confused with the X and Maxwell.

  • You guys remember all that crap?

  • That was the second Titan of Pascal that the 10 80 t I launched right after the standard tight, next launched.

  • And then after the 10 80 t, I launched the Titan expert, the little Pea launched all three of those were the same court.

  • All three of those were the exact same architecture.

  • The Titans had a one extra gigabyte of ram and the Titan X P had more crude a course in the Titan X, Big P and the 10 80 I.

  • It was an extremely confusing situation that we all complained about and this is where in video actually did the right thing.

  • In my opinion, they took the Titan name with Titan.

  • Volta stripped the G force off of it entirely, made a completely new drop down a family of graphics cards on the website for drivers called the Titan Family.

  • And now it is segregated entirely, which is what it should have been.

  • Remember the Terry Crews build?

  • They initially didn't want to send me tighten cards.

  • They wanted me to use the 10 80 t I because they said the Titan card is not built for gaming, which was complete bullshit, because it was the exact same core and family and architecture and everything as a 10 80 t i cart.

  • So now, to get rid of that confusion, they have stripped the Titan name entirely.

  • The other thing in video was always known to do is launch the standard 80 and 70.

  • Siri's cards were later, a few months down the road, the Titan card would launch, and then immediately after that, sometimes one month as soon as one month after you get the A T.

  • T.

  • I.

  • Siri's card, which was a kick in the face to the Titan owners because it was always the same chorus, the Titan, but for much cheaper and the Titan was always $1000 or more.

  • The first Titan launched $1000 then the Titan Exxon Pascal was $1200.

  • And that's the price that stayed all the way up through the Jet I and Sif versions of the cards.

  • It was always the case, the tea I never launched at lunch.

  • But now we're actually seeing the 80 Siri's T I launch on Day one, which shows you the full stack from the top down, and it's gonna work its way down to the Syria.

  • The 60 Siri's card, the 50 Siri's card, which will be G force cards, not touring.

  • By the way, this is a good thing.

  • All they did was take the Titan card and rename it a T.

  • T.

  • I, which is why it's available on Day one.

  • It's $1200 for the Founder's edition card.

  • M.

  • S.

  • R.

  • P.

  • Of 9 99 It's another good name because the Titan card was always an in house brand.

  • Kept close to the chest.

  • You couldn't make custom PCBs.

  • You couldn't make custom coolers etcetera for it.

  • Now you can, because now the IIB is actually have they have the plans in the reference and they could make custom cards.

  • So, you know, technically, the 80 t i is accustomed.

  • Titan 80.

  • Siri's cards with the non T I is a $699 M S R p.

  • That's technically $50 less than the 10 80 t.

  • I launched it at 7 49 Theseventy Siri's card is $499.

  • So 500 bucks, which is essentially the same price the 10 80 had launched it.

  • I guarantee you the 2070 is going to be faster than the standard 10 8 It might even be faster than the Titan or the 10 80 t I.

  • But again, we don't know because all of the marketing stuff was based on Ray tracing and not rest ization and standard gaming performance.

  • That's why there's so much speculation.

  • But everyone's mad about the pricing.

  • When all that happened was a name shuffle, that's all that happened.

  • So the a t t.

  • I is really a titan.

  • The 80 is still the 80 in the seventies, still the 70 and you're getting those for this roughly the same launch.

  • Pricey always were within 50 bucks, but now you get all the ray tracing technology put on top of the gaming performance that's going to be at least 20 to 25% faster than the previous family of graphics cards.

  • Benchmarks will obviously have to stand by that and show that I'm really hoping that it does.

  • Otherwise, there's no one sent by the cart.

  • Which brings me to my last point.

  • Today.

  • If you have a past kill Siri's card, it's probably not in your best interest to go out in pre order in or even by the 20th Siri's family.

  • Unless you were just the kind of guy like me who wants the latest and greatest, you want the bragging rights and you straight up, get off on hardware, Then that's probably the card in the series for you.

  • You have to have the latest and greatest, and you're okay with paying for that.

  • You don't care what anyone else thinks you shouldn't.

  • Anyway, no matter who you are, you shouldn't care what anyone else thinks.

  • Then it's right for you.

  • But in terms of generation, our generation, gaming performance, it's going to be a 20% at least improvement across the board with all the rate tracing stuff available in the future.

  • What's not gonna happen, though, is Ray.

  • Tracing is not going to get easier to render.

  • So with you seeing the 10 80 p 30 f ps with Ray tracing on on the shadow of Tomb Raider demo, that was that was shown.

  • That's not gonna get any better.

  • This is first Gen for this guy's.

  • That's something that's going to improve over time as the hardware matures.

  • So if you're buying this card specifically for the rate tracing, don't expect cutting edge performance in terms of F.

  • P s.

  • Just the fact that you can even do it in real time is the amazing part.

  • And that's obviously what in video is hugely excited about.

  • There was a massive investment in time and money on that, and I don't fault them for being excited about that because, like I said, performance, which is still somewhat secretive and pricing, in my opinion, is still in line with what you would have always expected from a new family of graphics cards.

  • Amy guys prove me wrong.

  • If you've got a different opinion.

  • Put it down in the description description.

  • Oh, you don't have access to description.

  • I do.

  • Put it in the comments down below.

  • Tweeted at me.

  • Put it on Reddit.

  • I don't care.

  • This is a discussion that's worth having.

  • I don't think anyone should be pretty pre ordering these cars.

  • I never pre order anything.

  • The company should earn your money first.

  • Don't give them your money before they earned it.

  • I've always felt that way about anything that includes a pre order, especially games, and that's something I'm always going to standby.

  • But obviously you can see our reviews here.

  • Once the embargo's lift, you will be seeing the 20 Siri's family reviews here on this channel, and we can talk about any of it until we have something to talk about and we're allowed to talk about it so guys sound off in the comments below.

  • If you've got a difference, a difference of opinion or if you think there's something I missed in all of this, thanks for watching guys.

once of guys.


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B1 中級

人們對NVIDIA RTX很不滿意......我想這就是原因。 (People are MAD about NVIDIA RTX... and I think this is why)

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