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  • I'm looking at this guy, and I'm thinking off the top of my head like a Clint Eastwood so I would get get very close to the mic.

  • See, the mike can hear your hair growing.

  • You can hear your thoughts.

  • You don't have to project.

  • But I'm also looking at his face.

  • He's got this in the site going on right there.

  • And he's got a huge you villa.

  • Don't mess with my you, Villa.

  • Hi.

  • My name is Bob Bergen and I am a voice aholic.

  • I am probably more known for things that aren't me.

  • Believe that Porky pig.

  • For about a year ago, the 30 30 years about three decades I was Marvin the Martian in Space Jam.

  • I'm gonna blow up the earth that obstructs my view of your indecision.

  • That lovely Tweetie Oh, anal putting cat, Bucky the squirrel in the Emperor's new groove.

  • So today I'm going to see pictures of characters and try to bring them to life and kind of talk you through my process of creating characters for cartoons.

  • Who I think that's a pig.

  • I'm gonna picks.

  • I'm looking at that guy.

  • He's he looks blue collar.

  • So so I'm thinking he's got He's got round shoulders, so I do the round shoulders.

  • I got the side face.

  • I'm sure Buddy Hackett now.

  • So I'm thinking like a buddy had this sort of thing with the football on the waters.

  • You have a football helmet.

  • You know, years ago when he was playing football, lots of problems, lots of injuries have to protect the grain man.

  • Even though I'm grand, I kind of protect the gray matter because he's an alien and he's kind of green.

  • Maybe I'll squeeze the back of my throat.

  • That doesn't a little bit more than sort of character, and he's got sort of a sin.

  • Orders, like a pig snouts everyone for no reason at all that when it gets upset, I meant to do that.

  • He's a very sweet guy with a big smile, so I might just give him a very big smiley face.

  • Or, I mean, he's looks like he's getting down on one paw Thio to propose.

  • So you might be a little net that she might be a little bit little bit nervous.

  • I mean, look at her.

  • She's cool.

  • I just look, I mean, look at that nose.

  • Look at those spots.

  • Look at that one paw.

  • That one light.

  • Paul, if we had kids on the gug, they have this beautiful little both Get down on one knee.

  • And I think, honey, it's been a few years.

  • Which would you like to marry?

  • Me?

  • I mean, come on, my, Felicia, your fleas.

  • Very classic comic strip villain.

  • Sort of thing goes there stereotypical driving a car.

  • That's the stereotype.

  • But why?

  • I sometimes like to play opposite the type.

  • He might be the evil butler, the butler, And every once in a while, driving around yesterday, Where can I take you?

  • And when he takes the car for a little little joy joy ride, like, right now, his eyes were wide and I've got the Mercedes right here next to me, and I'm going to go to in n out burger and I'm gonna have three double doubles.

  • Oh, my Wow.

  • Okay, for those looking to do this little tricks of the trade, the microphone is the ear of your scene partner.

  • Where you are on Mike corresponds, is where the characters are in the actual cartoon.

  • I'm looking at this guy and I'm thinking off the top of my head like a Clint Eastwood so I would get get very close to the mic.

  • See, the mike can hear your hair growing.

  • You can hear your thoughts.

  • You don't have to project.

  • But I'm also looking at his face.

  • He's got this in sight going on right there.

  • And he's got a huge you villa.

  • Don't mess with my you, Villa.

  • I could also you know, you could You could give him a slight accident.

  • Some kind of a just a nondescript, nondescript sort of accent.

  • Don't mess with me, man.

  • Do not mess with me.

  • I got weapons.

  • I got a knife, I got a gun.

  • I got tiny little feet.

  • Don't make fun of my little feet.

  • Also classic comic strip.

  • That's great.

  • He's got the little beard he's got his bald is sort of like an aged Lex Luther, your typical maniacal, sort of evil character, But that's making a little older, so I'm not gonna make him ancient, and we're gonna make him a little bit order.

  • Oh, Superman, My plan is to take that s and get rid of it with kryptonite.

  • But I could actually make him even older than that because nobody's told me there's There's no description on the page, how old the characterised, but he's kind of old.

  • I might start with the guy right here, get him a little bit order, even order than that.

  • And I can if I want.

  • I can take out its teeth and making an even older than that.

  • And if I want to make him one step close to death, don't do that to you.

  • I'm flying a spaceship and hold these during Cantor acts.

  • Not sure where I'm going, but who I'm going there.

  • Whoa, He's happy.

  • He's musical, so and you sing in a lot of cartoons people, you know, whether it's the show where the theme song singing is a plus, he could possibly be on Edwin.

  • I'm a little bit country.

  • I'm a little bit rock and roll I can also make in the country Western singer.

  • I got the green scales for you.

  • He also has a little like a like a bird feather on the top of his head.

  • So maybe he's a hybrid, so I can just maybe give him a little bit of an occasional.

  • Okay.

  • My father was a dragon my mother was a chicken.

  • I would like to, but I'm very you physically played.

  • The character of the voice will follow Very, very big on the physical.

  • I will look at the character like this with a big mouth and the big buck teeth.

  • And all the sudden I'm now making him a build.

  • Um, a little stupid.

  • Just what taco?

  • Short of a combination plate.

  • But I love to play my music.

  • All right, so let me just say the operation didn't go great.

  • All right?

  • But it doesn't matter if my happy day that I'm gonna marry the thing of my dreams, dear.

  • Oh, I'm so glad you used the teeth whitener.

  • It's beautiful.

  • It looks just like my draft.

  • So it's really funny and fun about him.

  • You could play him, You know that the evil guy like this, But I think it would be even more entertaining if if he was just a typical sitcom dad from the fifties like Ward Cleaver.

  • Oh, hi.

  • De area.

  • So I spent a little bit too much time in the in the sun booth, but I think I'm okay right now.

  • She sees me a rabbi.

  • Do you have a little bit of moisturizer.

  • Like it was just a pitch.

  • Thank you.

  • Well, I'm a bit of a chain smoker here, you see?

  • And I want a cigarette or two.

  • This is obviously not a PC.

  • Cartoon will be fun for him.

  • As if he hasn't.

  • He's got a disease.

  • I'm a very big on diseases When you're thinking of quirks for characters.

  • You want to think of something in the personality.

  • I call it a signature.

  • The signature is something the actor does.

  • That kind of brings the character to life and makes the memorable like, like, able to eat that cookie stutter.

  • So this guy, he could he could just have a little just a little conversation.

  • Then he catches us brother again.

  • But, oh, I gotta get a cap.

  • Scuse me.

  • I'm okay.

  • I'm okay.

  • I've cut down to seven packs.

  • This is fun.

  • Okay, so he's he's the devil, and he's got He's got a contract.

  • Now.

  • Again, you could play an evil, but I'm looking at this.

  • I'm looking at this guy.

  • I look at this devil, and I think I just, uh, just an agent trying to get a deal.

  • Hey, how you doing?

  • Good to talk to you.

  • By the way, you know, we couldn't get your scale.

  • In fact, you would have to pay them to do this voice A very big part.

  • Very big part yet.

  • Let me just sign on the dotted line.

  • Don't Don't even worry about the fact that there's no screen credit.

  • No, I know you.

  • You know me.

  • We know each other yet by now.

  • Well, he's just the rabbit, you know, And he's flying on a helicopter and Oh, yeah, the ladies down below that, everyone.

  • Hey, look.

  • Hey, look, I got the wedding proposal, right?

  • Oh, gosh.

  • Where's the wedding proposal?

  • It's supposed to be on the flag.

  • Hey, down below.

  • While you're married, I think he said yes.

  • Will you marry them?

  • I think she said yes.

  • And by the way, So you'll see the propeller on the plane and I'll be a little bit louder because you got to imagine there's gonna be some some post production mixed sound effects that might be in the finished product.

  • And then maybe it's steering a little.

  • All those physicality is that you do physically play.

  • The character of the voice will follow So this guy's steering last Guineas on the stair, right?

  • And then he's gonna go.

  • And the whole time you still have to stay on Mike.

  • That is the hard part.

  • And then just up on, even if it's not in the script as I'm looking down there, I'm going to be o crashing into the building and then just kind of flop.

  • Oh, that's fun.

  • This is Ah, rainbow kitty with with an avocado on his or her shirt.

  • I like to go out and I'm an individual.

  • I do have one horn like goal in life is to have a 2nd 1 I can't afford it right now, but I've got Saturn's rings around my waist and it makes me feel special.

  • Sort of a Western.

  • I'm seeing sort of, ah, family.

  • Ever seen Sam Elliott sort of guy, so because the microphone to pick up everything, I could keep him right here.

  • What?

  • I'd get really close right here, and I might even talk our mission inside of my mouth cause you got cigarettes, cigarettes being held up by that big mustache, and he just looks a little bit intimidating, so I don't think I'd have to get any bigger than this unless the script asked for him to have a shootout resume.

  • So advice to those who want to do what I do.

  • Study improv, study, acting, then study voice over.

  • And they're different genres.

  • A voice over this is animation, obviously.

  • Animation games, those air, those air character voices.

  • But there's also commercial voiceover.

  • There's E learning.

  • There's pros.

  • There's narration, there's toys.

  • There's games.

  • There's animate when you're hired to do television.

  • Saturday morning cartoons were hired to do at least two characters, and you might have tohave different intent.

  • So one character might be sound asleep in another.

  • Character comes running in their houses on fire.

  • So you go from really This guy comes running in and he's like, Hey, wake up, Your house is on fire and this guy's gonna try toe, lift them up and shake him and shake him and shake him and the other guys flopped over.

  • I don't get that Wake up.

  • You've gotta actually have these contrast ing energies together and you're kind of recorded in real time.

  • Thank you, Vanity Fair.

  • This was a blast.

  • I'm Bob Bergen.

I'm looking at this guy, and I'm thinking off the top of my head like a Clint Eastwood so I would get get very close to the mic.


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瘋人院配音演員即興創作12種新的卡通聲音|《名利場》。 (Looney Tunes Voice Actor Improvises 12 New Cartoon Voices | Vanity Fair)

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