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uh uh Uh huh, huh?
Uh huh.
Not showing my face because it's real.
Sweaty from the 100 yen shop.
I got some Japanese mustard, spinach or comma to know I just had to go.
What a hiss.
One baby mango, two potatoes and a stick of butter.
Uh, come on, brain.
I'm so hungry.
Oh, good morning.
By the way, it's a good morning.
Yet today, when I started running, I just like I started and I just felt awful.
Why am I sick?
Because I just felt nauseous and a headache.
And then, just as I was getting high on site, Why I drink a lot of alcohol yesterday, I just totally forgot.
I went to a baseball game yesterday which looked like this, and it was awesome fun.
But I did drink quite a bit on Guy.
Just forgot that I did, I guess, a little bit hungover today.
The Mets.
What's happening?
It doesn't look very appetizing, doesn't it?
Tastes really good, but it looks kind of gray and crabby.
But today I'm going out with my friend and we're going to museums and stuff were under winner and just having a nice, easy relaxing day.
My friend is sick, so I'm not gonna show her.
Face it.
I think I'll be feeling so down lately.
Like, so stressed out.
It's like a big combo of, like, YouTube and life and jobs and housing and money and friends and creative outlets.
And yeah, with the stress I've been making, I can make one video, and I just hated it s Oh, I've got a left it for now.
I think I'll go back and finish ending in Post it one day.
But for now, we're gonna focus on this video because I'm feeling a lot better lately.
Yeah, yes, I went to Goto Go Tokaji Compaq aji temple.
It's someone with only heaps of cats.
And I took some pictures.
I just like and set them here.
This is delicious, by the way, This is freaking delicious.
Okay, let's go.
They're just so cool.
Hunters of the ocean.
Um, man, that better be a mega Lo Don't like a great white mean.
I'd like to say a very wide but megillah Don's just get me going.
Yeah, magically imagine Magic field mathematically feeling feeling of magic.
Okay, that kid has the perfect voice.
I have a voice for Children.
I thought he was part of that really long time ago and not very well.
Yeah, that face.
It's Yeah.
What is that?
What bag is that?
Why is everything so fleshy?
What is this, a cow?
This is a cow.
It's just one.
Yeah, I totally missed Red light.
We're seeing, you know, this is just one cow.
Oh, my gosh, That's a camel home.
You know what?
Oh, Looks like a badly made some toy.
Oh, like it's these these parasites, or is that, like, how they digest things and they use feelings to pick them up with something, But it seriously, no, it's gotta be worms who spoke.
It's supposed to give you a big hug.
China source.
What's that stuff?
His belly.
It makes him look really fat.
What is that?
That's, like, really Thank you.
Oh, Hey.
But guys like you, that's just such an awkward placement with this, you know?
Oh, he's gonna of fruit.
So were the Chinese restaurant in winter.
It just happened.
Orange field to film for you guys.
I'm really sorry, but we started eating.
Okay, We're gonna get full uh I don't know what's one that I want, which are what I like.
Yeah, I'm happy with.
Yeah, good.
E v.
That's cute.
I am home.
Oh, now I really want the purest of crappy food.
So I'm gonna go to Sid Market and get the ingredients I need to make this concoction.
It's just a whole bunch of bad food just mixed together.
And I'm gonna watch a movie while eating this.
That so that's currency market.
I'm tired.
This always freaking happens.
Ignore my messy house, but I left that light on.
I've put my shoes on.
I don't want to take them back off, and I have to reach that light switch.
I do this all freaking time.
I just have to, like, cruel.
Okay, Okay, that will you?
And, uh, I've been taking my shoes off.
I have it.
Oh, my goodness.
I did not think I would ever see these babies again.
And now I have two whole packs.
This is for people who are unaware.
Abby Machi, Whatever much is the best thing ever.
And mango What?
Every much is triple times the best thing ever.
Homely goalie.
So I don't know how they do it, but pretty much they get crispy things in here.
Crispy pieces of mango.
I don't know what it is or how they do it, but it's like sweet jelly thing with crispy pieces of mango.
It's so good and I really I've never seen it once before at my local supermarket or anywhere, and I got one pack and then it was gone forever.
And it's being like a month and 1/2 2 months since then.
And now that finally, I'll have to wait another two months to get the next back.
This is what I got.
So I have some sweet tofu.
Very flavor.
What everybody?
I have some better cause I live off the stuff chicken and beef chips and some bread that was on special cause I want to make pumpkin soup.
Sometime soon, I'm going to be making Brownie in a cup.
And so for putting and source.
I mean, I got a really bad, sweet tooth.
Just so you know you need butter, sugar flower.
I use Tanya soy milk.
You can use soy milk or an egg or half an egg.
Don't put a whole again.
That is a mistake and cooker.
Get your butt in the cup.
My great.
That cup full, like 10 seconds melting.
Pretty much just trial and error until you get it tasting.
Then you had your shot.
Okay, That's too much sugar.
Okay, we have butter and sugar down.
Good, Good.
I heard about a better cook.
I'm not good with recipes.
Should not be arrested.
Maybe this is just showing you that I'm making honey.
Do you, like so much flour?
Give a bit of a mix?
It's gonna be a bit dry.
Just a bit too dry to be a good enough consistency.
So then we add a little bit of you.
I think I've made it too runny.
I did a free breaking time.
I make this too many and then add more flour.
And that just gets a flowery Ever since I started, I told you instead of eggs because I'm sick of buying eggs.
Don't like likings.
I like good a time about that.
I don't like eggs.
I know it's about this consistency, which is a bit too running.
I think I was gonna have a tiny little flower.
Okay, it's not gonna get me unless I'm really over flower.
So we're just gonna go with that consistency way.
Let's put in the microwave for about 40 seconds.
No one's ever asked me what my favorite piece of cutlery is.
It's actually this little spring for this fork.
It's a jellyfish.
Can't really see, But it's a time.
Little Jimmy.
Yeah, sweets to food.
Peel off the list.
It's kind of water.
Even first that was kind of grasp it.
Sometimes I get this right, Let's see if I can do it.
That really happens.
Usually like motion.
It comes out like throw the results And then I just like, scoop out the brownie and company.
Just put it in there.
It doesn't look amazing, but it tastes great.
Just let Ronnie and Fruit with story, so let's set up a relaxing space.
I don't eat this every day, not every day.
I think this is just for like, a I need to stuff something bad in my face.
If I go to my bed, then it's actually the incident.
Doesn't work very well.
This so I can't want you chewable movies or anything, so this is kind of like my chill zone.
Um amazing.
I'm sorry.
Bad for you, but amazing.
I'm gonna watch a movie and chill out.
Only lovers left alive.
I've got halfway through so far but the extent cut out last night so I could finish it.
So we're gonna watch again.
I will talk to you after this video.
After this movie, I'm gonna relax.
Yeah, I finished movie.
I really enjoyed it.
I just feel like I'm missing something.
I loved the acting.
I loved the atmosphere I loved.
I loved a lot of things about it.
I just feel like there's something I'm not quite getting.
I don't know what it is, but I feel like I got this part of me that's missing when it comes to the completion of the maybe in my head.
So maybe love to watch it again some time and figure it out.
I'll be reading some stuff and I can't seem to figure out what it is.
Anyway, I'm super tired and I'm gonna do so.
I've done some work e mails, and so now I'm just gonna maybe try and edit this video on relax and maybe foolishly doing so.
Thanks for coming along.
I'll see you next time I love you guys live alike or is described or comment comments, Right?
I read all the comments.
I love him.
Alright, guys, I'll see you in the next video.
You It's happening.
Uh, blurry camera neck, huh?
That should be the self nickel dame alive.
Oh, no.