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  • number 67 sports betting.

  • Right now you're trapped at home with your Children.

  • They're driving you crazy and you want revenge.

  • Simple.

  • Because all live sporting events have been canceled, ESPN is REBROADCASTING some of the greatest sports games of all time games where you already know the outcome.

  • All you have to do is tell your kids these old games are happening live and then get them to bet against you, putting all of their allowance on the team, you convince them, can't lose.

  • For example, when ESPN rebroadcast the 1980 Winter Olympics miracle on ice hockey game with the U.

  • S team against overwhelming odds, beat the Russians.

  • You get your kids to that all their money on Russia.

  • And if your kids get suspicious and asked why the footage looks grainy and old, just show them some of my show and say, See, all television made during quarantine looks bad, and if they say okay, but what does it say?

  • 1980 Winter Olympics and where the Winter Games in April Just tell them it was postponed until now due to the great pandemic of 1980.

  • And if you miss the game when it's shown on ESPN.

  • No problem.

  • You can get them to bet on the 1981 made for TV movie Miracle on Ice, starring eighties actor Steve Guttenberg.

  • And if they ask, why does this game look like a movie?

  • You've earned your place here.

  • You know it.

  • I know it.

  • Now all of America knows it.

  • Say something like I don't know.

  • I think they're just trying to keep up with quippy.

  • Get off my ass.

  • It's a great way to win money and crush your kids spirits.

  • Plus, you look like a hero because you spend family time watching the game with them and remember, always have them, then move the money because you do not know where that cash has been.

  • Morning facing best on old games, only works on shoulder between the ages of six months and four.

  • If any child older than four falls for this, you've got much bigger problems.

number 67 sports betting.


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柯南給壓力過大的父母們的檢疫小貼士 - CONAN on TBS (柯南) (Conan's Quarantine Tip For Stressed Out Parents - CONAN on TBS)

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