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  • Imagine if the internet took hold in China.

  • Imagine how freedom would spread

  • Unrestricted internet access is a source of strength.

  • That country has some of the toughest internet restrictions in the world.

  • The government in China's tightening up on internet restriction it says

  • because of the number of anonymous postings that poke fun at the government.

  • So you think they're ultimately going to be on the right side of history the Chinese government?

  • I am 100%. For sure because nobody can stop this technology revolution.

  • It's 1987 in West Germany and a university professor has just got an email.

  • It contains one short sentence.

  • He's just received the first email from China.

  • But it isn't until 1994 that the internet becomes available to the public

  • under the presidency of Jiang Zemin.

  • Like many of his compatriots Jiang is deeply influenced

  • by the work of Alvin Toffler

  • an American writer whose book Future Shock predicts a super-industrial revolution

  • brought about by the moderation and regulation of technology.

  • Computers combine facts to make new knowledge

  • at such high speed that we cannot absorb it.

  • But computers are expensive and hardly anyone owns one

  • so the internet cafe is born.

  • It costs around 25 yuan or $3 for an hour.

  • In 1995 a former English teacher called Jack Ma heads to the U.S. on business.

  • While he's there he does a web search for the word beer

  • are no results about China.

  • He returns home and starts an online yellow pages.

  • You don't make any money, you've got extraordinary claims

  • and yet you make nothing.

  • That's the internet.

  • By 1999 the company Tencent releases OICQ and Jack Ma creates Alibaba.

  • It's the Millennium and the unveiling of the Golden Shield project

  • which includes a new surveillance system made up of content-filtering firewalls.

  • The system becomes known around the world as the Great Firewall of China.

  • It only takes a couple more years for China to overtake the U.S.

  • and have the world's most Internet users

  • Fast forward and it's 2012.

  • Xi Jinping is elected general secretary of the Communist Party

  • with a vision of "cyber sovereignty".

  • Protecting the country's internet from foreign influence.

  • Notable restrictions include Winnie the Pooh because of comparisons made to Xi Jingping

  • and the letter N.

  • It doesn't take long for controversial new laws which "ensure cybersecurity" to appear.

  • These grant the government unprecedented access to foreign companies

  • including their hardware and sensitive user data.

  • In 2018 Freedom House names China as the worst country in the world for online freedom.

  • But China soon starts exporting its to take on the Internet

  • to countries like Vietnam, Uganda and Tanzania.

Imagine if the internet took hold in China.


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B1 中級

中國如何創建自己的互聯網 (How China Created Its Own Internet)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日