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  • - Make a fist.

  • Make it strong.

  • Make a tight fist.

  • When you apply pressure,

  • you're going to apply pressure slowly.

  • You're going to do it gradually.

  • Partner B, you try to resist.

  • Do your best to resist.

  • - To be honest, first time speaking like this.

  • I cried during the exercise.

  • That was crazy.

  • When you said the mind of a partner A,

  • I decided that it was not about him.

  • It was about me.

  • And I closed my eyes too,

  • when I was pressing on his arm.

  • I was the strongest.

  • It was not about others.

  • It was all about me.

  • And when he decided that this arm just want to stick.

  • It took me one second,

  • and then I pushes it back and it was over.

  • I start crying.

  • Was like, okay

  • It's always about others in my life

  • and I want other people to succeed

  • but I don't want me to succeed.

  • And when you said this mindset with the power

  • and HTC at the end and all that thing.

  • I decided to do the same thing, but on my side.

  • Close my eyes.

  • And it was so powerful.

  • Thank you. Thank you a lot.

  • - So. What are you going to do differently.

  • - Because I always think about others.

  • And I will just focus on my goal from now.

  • - What are you going to do differently.

  • - Myself, I will take action.

  • I know I can succeed.

  • - You know you can what?

  • - I know I can succeed.

  • - I can't hear you.

  • - I know I can succeed.

  • - I cannot fucking hear you.

  • - I know I can succeed!

  • - I cannot hear you.

  • Louder.

  • - I know I can succeed.

  • - I cannot hear you.

  • - Louder, come on.

  • .

  • - I know I can succeed!

  • - I cannot hear you.

  • - I will succeed.

  • - A round of applause

- Make a fist.


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A2 初級

專注於自己而非他人......(你需要聽到這個) (Focus On Yourself And Not Others... (You Need To Hear This))

  • 7 1
    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日