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  • [Music playing]

  • It's super cool of Mercedes to give us a first look at the EQC, and right off the bat you

  • can tell it's a Mercedes.

  • Mercedes has been making cars for the last 130 years, and today they just announced their

  • brand new all-electric vehicle: the Mercedes EQC.

  • It's kind of an SUV type of vehicle competing with Tesla's Model X.

  • While Mercedes has been around for 130 years, Tesla's only been around for 15.

  • Mercedes made 2.4 million cars last year.

  • Tesla only made 100,000.

  • So it will be interesting to see what the 2 companies can come up with when comparing

  • the 2 vehicles.

  • Let's get started.

  • [Intro]

  • And even though it's a fully electric vehicle, it does have a grille in the front which I

  • found interesting.

  • A lot of the Tesla's do not have a grille because there is no need to cool down anything

  • inside of the engine bay because there's a frunk in a Tesla.

  • But the Mercedes, on the other hand, has it's motor in the front engine compartment.

  • So the front headlights have their LED bands that go all the way across the top giving

  • it a very unique look.

  • And the grille is actually functional.

  • There's a cooling system inside that brings the temperature of the batteries and the motor

  • down with the air flow.

  • The door handles are pretty normal.

  • Open it up.

  • Inside of the EQC.

  • Let's take a look.

  • My camera man has arrived.

  • Dan, you want to hold the camera for me?

  • [Dan] You got it!

  • [Zack] So I've been inside of a couple different Mercedes cars.

  • I've been inside the G-Class when we did that road trip across Spain.

  • I've been inside the A-Class and the S-Class.

  • If you've driven a Mercedes in the past, you're going to feel right at home in this.

  • It has the same Mercedes vibe as their previous cars...with a few subtle differences.

  • So we have the standard dual screens that we saw premiered with the A-Class with these

  • little buttons right here that toggle back and forth between all the information.

  • There are quite a lot of buttons in this vehicle, including this track pad.

  • But one thing I do like is that specifically, Mercedes designed these to look like circuit

  • board patternsthe same type of design you would see patterned inside of a cell phone

  • or a motherboard computer.

  • As well as, these silver lines going around the sides are modeled after an aluminum heat

  • sink, which is pretty cool.

  • So while Mercedes has maintained true to their normal interior design, there are a couple

  • aspects that are more futuristic.

  • So if you've been on the internet at all in the last couple years, you would know that

  • Tesla's had some production issues.

  • Obviously, scaling vehicle production is one thing, but there's minor issues like body

  • panel gaps in the Model 3 that Tesla has had problems with.

  • One step ahead that Mercedes has is where they've been designing vehicles for 130 years,

  • they already have those little cosmetic issues figured out and probably won't be a problem

  • with their newer electric vehicles.

  • Another cool thing is that Mercedes has dual charging with AC and DC, and can go from 10%-80%

  • in about 40 minutes, which is pretty quick with how massive that battery pack is.

  • Now that we've seen the outside, let's jump inside the components and see how the battery

  • pack and the motors actually work underneath the car.

  • [Music playing]

  • So the interior of the car, there are two motors.

  • There's one right here in the front, and there's one in the back as well.

  • And so the front is a more efficient, more powerful motor.

  • But if you want the performance, then they combine the back and the front at the same

  • time.

  • The front motor has more copper windings inside which makes it more efficient.

  • So the battery pack is in the floor of the car, and to charge it up, it's right back

  • here.

  • Also, one more cool thing with the motor is that there is individual mounts here, here,

  • and there, as well as on the other side.

  • Because the motor is one of the things that's gonna have the most vibrations in it as it's

  • moving, and this whole contraption is going to keep the thing stable, eliminating a lot

  • of the noise transfer inside of the car.

  • So one cool thing about having the battery in the very bottom of the vehicle is that

  • it gives it a low center of gravity, so there won't be any rollover if you're taking corners

  • super tight.

  • Obviously, with lithium ion batteries there are a couple things to be concerned about.

  • One is temperature.

  • Another is like punctures to the sides.

  • And so Mercedes has taken special precautions with this frame, that their side impact zones

  • and front impact zones to keep those battery cells safe.

  • It gives more structure to the side of the car.

  • So if something impacts, it has multiple layers of metal to go through before it reaches the

  • internal battery compartments.

  • And if you look at the top of the battery, these black tubes running along the top can

  • keep the battery cool as well as warm up the battery in cold conditions.

  • Where I'm from in Utah, there's a lot of snow on the ground in the winter, and the batteries

  • aren't optimal when they're cold when they're in the freezer.

  • If you take your cellphone and stick it in the freezer for a couple hours, your battery

  • percentage is actually going to go down.

  • So where the cooling and the heating system are combined in this battery, you can drive

  • the car optimally in cold conditions, which is pretty cool.

  • So these are the individual cells inside of the battery pack right here.

  • And the battery pack sits inside of the massive chassis over there.

  • It's interesting that Mercedes chose to go with the pouch style lithium ion instead of

  • the cylindrical batteries like Tesla does.

  • So where there are 384 of these pouch style lithium batteries inside of the EQC, Tesla

  • has about 7,000 of those little cylindrical batteries inside of their car with the same

  • battery capacity.

  • One cool thing about the EQC is that it has 2 motors.

  • So it's effectively all-wheel drive.

  • And, if one of the motors for some reason stops working, the other motor can take over

  • and fully power the entire car.

  • Whereas if you have a gas-powered vehicle, if your motor dies, it's over and done with.

  • So it's nice to have like a redundant system in an electric car with 2 motors.

  • [Music playing]

  • So there's no official price point on the EQC yet, but rumor has it is supposed to be

  • competitive with the Model X when it comes out.

  • And my buddy Dan here has had a Model X for a long time.

  • So what are your do you feel?

  • Are you going to trade in your Model X for this thing?

  • [Dan] I like the car.

  • Availability is supposed to be in the U.S. maybe early 2020, which is around the same

  • time I'll be getting my roadster.

  • So I'm going to hold onto my Model X for a few more years.

  • Like there's no reason to go and like put down a deposit.

  • I think I can wait a little bit.

  • But I do like this car and I think there's still a lot that we need to learn about it

  • over the next few years.

  • Like, what is the super charging network, or the charging network going to look like

  • in the U.S. because right now it's kind of weak, really weak, compared to my Tesla.

  • I love road trips.

  • What is the price going to be?

  • Rumors are it's going to be less expensive than the Model X.

  • We don't know yet.

  • It's going to be a while till we know for the U.S.

  • So it's a good looking car and when Mercedes builds something, they build it with really

  • really high quality.

  • They've taken a long time to build this thing and I think a lot of the reasons are because

  • they are doing a lot of different testing on it.

  • I'm sure that there's going to be a lot more thought behind this than the Tesla's that

  • are...some would say are thrown together in a rush from a car company that's only been

  • around for a few years.

  • So.

  • [Zack] Mercedes has been around for a long time.

  • [Dan] And I love my Tesla.

  • I love it.

  • But, I don't know.

  • I've never...I haven't even driven in it yet, so I need a test drive.

  • Okay, so back to you.

  • Would you trade in your Tacoma for week?

  • [Zack] First of all...there's no good...I need a truck, and there are no good electric

  • trucks right now that are ready to buy.

  • And also, one thing to keep in mind is that this Mercedes car, like Dan said, is still

  • way out down the road.

  • It's not even going to be released in the United States until maybe 2020.

  • So even though Mercedes has been around for 130 years, they're still a baby in the current

  • electric market space where Tesla would be the adult, even after 15 years of being there.

  • [Dan] It's exciting.

  • I love it.

  • There's a lot of questions.

  • Like would you buy this over a Model 3?

  • I think I would.

  • I feel like it's nicer, especially if the price point is closer.

  • [Zack] As of right now...

  • [Dan] As of right now, yes.

  • [Zack] Remember, the Model 3 is going to be like a year and a half old by the time this

  • thing comes out.

  • [Dan] Right.

  • You might have a $35,000 Model 3 in a year and a half, who knows.

  • [Zack] Could go either way.

  • [Dan] Overall though, this is great.

  • This is great for sustainable energy.

  • This is great for the future of electric cars.

  • More competition.

  • People that have been on the fence and said 'I'm not going to buy a Tesla, it's not a

  • legit car company', they are going to look at this and say, 'Oh, look at this, Mercedes

  • has an electric car.

  • It must be okay to get an electric car', and they might start looking into it and buy a

  • car, and that's good.

  • [Zack] Yeah, the more knowledge, and the more cars, and the more information that's out

  • there is better for everyone.

  • We do know that the top speed is right around 110 miles per hour, so it's a little bit slower

  • than the Tesla's, but the EQC does have regenerative braking, so every time you step on the brake,

  • it can charge the batteries.

  • Or if you're going downhill it will charge the batteries, and that's a good feature to

  • have in an electric car.

  • Most people are never going to buy an electric car just to save the planet.

  • They're going to buy an electric car when it's performance and the price outweigh it's

  • gas-powered counterparts.

  • And as more car manufacturers jump into the industry, the overall price should come down

  • while the performance should go up.

  • Competition is always a good thing.

  • And the more competition there is, the lower the price is, the more people are going to

  • be buying electric vehicles which helps the planet overall.

  • Mercedes is working on their own version of autopilot with a bunch of cameras up there

  • behind the rear view mirror, as well as radar behind the Mercedes logo which also lights

  • up underneath this LED bar up at the top.

  • And then there's another camera right here down at the bottom.

  • So on the back of the car we have thegascap.

  • It opens up and we have the AC and DC charging right here, top and bottom.

  • And it also has a QR code right here.

  • And that QR code is for emergency responders.

  • If they come and the car has been wrecked or been in an accident or something like that,

  • the emergency responders can scan that QR code and know exactly where to turn off the

  • battery and help the person inside.

  • So we don't know the exact range of the EQC, but it does have an 80 kilowatt hour battery

  • which means it should be around 250 to 300 miles, give or take, a little bit...and...which

  • is pretty interesting compared to the different battery pack inside of the Tesla.

  • Remember, this one has those flat batteries that I showed you earlier.

  • The nice thing about Mercedes stepping into the electric car world, means that now everyone

  • needs to step up their game.

  • And it's going to be improvement for all the consumers around who want an electric vehicle.

  • Super huge thanks to Mercedes for having us out.

  • If you have any questions, go ahead and leave them down in the comments and I'll try to

  • answer those.

  • And thanks a ton for watching.

  • I'll see you around.

  • [Music playing]

[Music playing]


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B1 中級

電動奔馳內部初探!- 特斯拉該不該擔心? (First look inside the Electric Mercedes! - Should Tesla Be Worried?)

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