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  • [whimsical music]

  • - Hi guys, welcome to sunny Scotland.

  • This is a hoarders guide to Glasgow

  • with me, Scara Wood.

  • So let's get our hands dirty.

  • [whimsical music]

  • Today, we're going to be doing kind of hyper real,

  • super natural big eyes, big lips, big nose,

  • big everything kinda look.

  • First step is we need to get

  • all my hair outta the way so I'm gonna do that.

  • I like to try and make myself kinda look like a doll,

  • like one of those creepy porcelain ones,

  • that kind of rounding out of the face.

  • The bigger the things around you are the smaller you look.

  • Like wearing oversized clothes

  • makes you body look smaller

  • and like having big eyes makes your head look smaller.

  • To play with this sort of idea of feminine

  • and petite and baby-like.

  • So I'm gonna start by cleaning my face

  • and then we're gonna put on some foundation.

  • Really love that it runs in family to get

  • an insanely red face.

  • We're gonna get rid of that right now.

  • So I grew up in Northern Ireland.

  • I think I was always like artistic,

  • or just read as like queer.

  • But artistic.

  • And it was really funny 'cause I went to an all boys school.

  • Because it's Northern Ireland, they didn't really

  • think they needed to have a rule about makeup

  • 'cause it was like no one would've wanted

  • to wear it anyway.

  • I would put a full face of white foundation on

  • and then use a makeup wipe just to rub

  • out the dark bags under my eyes.

  • So I looked as unhealthy as possible.

  • I did have friends, whenever I was a teenager.

  • But I think I struggled to find

  • people who were interested in the same

  • things as I was, for the most part.

  • So I spent a lot of time on the internet.

  • It's really part of this queer millennial experience

  • to find your sense of identity and belonging online.

  • So next I'm going to start mapping onto my face

  • where I want to do features later.

  • I guess I started experimenting with drag

  • whenever I moved to art school.

  • I think a lot of it was because I studied

  • fashion and textiles, which I kind of always thought

  • that was what I wanted to do with my life and my career.

  • I didn't really enjoy it.

  • I didn't particularly enjoy sewing that much.

  • I was in it because I wanted to make

  • haphazardly constructed garments for myself

  • and not have to really worry about like,

  • the industry or being sellable.

  • So then I started playing with makeup more

  • and like actually wearing makeup to look

  • like a different person as opposed to a dead person

  • with big eyebrows.

  • And I needed an outlet.

  • Drag performance sort of offered that.

  • But yeah, I much kind of prefer putting on makeup

  • and maybe performing a sad song to a quiet room

  • of like five people.

  • It was like five years ago I was diagnosed

  • with borderline personality disorder.

  • And a big part of that, for me, was sort of like

  • a disrupted sense of identity

  • and not really knowing who I was

  • and feeling like I didn't really exist.

  • And it was kind of like a weird time mentally.

  • And I sort of find that a lot of that

  • was related to like my love of historical stuff

  • and historical costume because in contrast

  • to the present moment where everything is changing

  • around you and like, you have to deal with

  • being an ever changing person.

  • But I love history because, it's already happened.

  • Historical aesthetics functioned for me for a while

  • as a stand in for a solid sense of who I actually was,

  • like identity wise.

  • I got diagnosed around the same time

  • as I came out as a trans-person as well,

  • which was a really fun couple of months.

  • I identify as a trans woman.

  • But also as gender non-conforming.

  • And I think understandably,

  • a lot of people find that confusing.

  • They sort of think like, well how can you be trans

  • and gender non-conforming?

  • If you're transgender, you're conforming to a gender.

  • But really mostly what I mean by that is

  • that I'm trans because I identify as something

  • I wasn't assigned at birth.

  • But I don't necessarily see that as a reason

  • why I should have to behave a certain way.

  • Just the act of like not medically transitioning,

  • or not feeling the need to pass as a cis-woman,

  • is an act of gender non-conformity.

  • So, next step we'll go in

  • and draw in the waterline, the waterline.

  • W'vve got a big tear duct today.

  • That's fine.

  • Usually what I do now is, we'll kind of start

  • to do a shadowy shading thing just around the whole eye.

  • If I make this stupid face like,

  • it allows you to stretch out.

  • Rome wasn't built in a day, it was built

  • over a series of really unfortunate makeup looks.

  • That was close.

  • Swatches!

  • I guess not only the makeup but also the way

  • that I dress, whenever I'm like, doing these looks

  • and stuff is to kind of self-infantalize.

  • I think I'm uncomfortable with the sexualization

  • of my body because to be sexual is to be

  • gendered a lot of the time.

  • And that's not comfortable for me I think.

  • I think the de-sexualized baby doll

  • is born out of that need to be like,

  • no I'm just like a baby, I'm just a child.

  • Leave me alone.

  • I never got a girlhood the first time around

  • so I'm gonna dress like a toddler in my mid 20s.

  • So I think we're getting somewhere.

  • Now I'm probably gonna go in with a darker color

  • just to really emphasize this like depth.

  • Ooh she is uneven!

  • Okay, now let's crack into these brows.

  • I don't have any eyebrows.

  • I shave my eyebrows off because obviously

  • it provides for sort of room to play with

  • whenever you're doing makeup like this.

  • And it's a lot less preparation time.

  • Plus my eyebrows were just not a very nice shape.

  • Now we're going to just line the eye with black

  • and maybe start drawing on some lashes.

  • So I usually do a full set.

  • And I used to just not wear any lashes on top of these

  • but sometimes if I'm feeling fancy,

  • I'll put a pair.

  • So we wanna cover everything.

  • And we're gonna draw ourselves a new lip shape.

  • Sometimes you just catch sight

  • of yourself doing this like [groaning].

  • So I'm just gonna use what was left of that color

  • that I mixed up on my hand and add in

  • a little bit of a darker brown.

  • And we're gonna just go over those lines.

  • Final step for the lips is the highlights.

  • Do them as if they're catching those ridges

  • that you naturally have on your lips.

  • Okay now that we look suitably insane,

  • let's do the nose as well.

  • It's the only thing that seems to be missing here right?

  • We wanna take my reasonably pointy nose

  • and make it kind of a little bit more round.

  • We're gonna do the eyes, finally.

  • So today I think, we'll go for maybe a nice bluey,

  • greeny, tealy eye color.

  • There are some moments in this where

  • I just kinda go like, what now.

  • I don't know.

  • I feel like I'm always very reluctant to like

  • call myself a performance artist because

  • there is that part of me that is like,

  • who do you think you are?

  • You're just putting makeup on

  • and dancing in front of people.

  • You're not an artist.

  • That's just something you need to drown out

  • and not pay attention to.

  • I know I was saying earlier that like

  • the importance of being self aware

  • and not getting too ahead of yourself.

  • But also like, you need to know what you desire.

  • And you need to know that like yeah, it's like,

  • just because you're scared of getting laughed

  • at for taking yourself too seriously,

  • if you feel it, if you genuinely feed entitled,

  • to, you know the world would really

  • benefit from me doing this.

  • I would really benefit from doing this.

  • But I go to exhibitions all the time

  • where people have been paid so much money

  • and given so much space to exhibit the same thing

  • over and over again and they're not saying anything.

  • So if you've got something to say,

  • you should have a place to say it.

  • I am now just gonna do all of the highlights on the eyes.

  • So, highlights on the iris, do the start shape

  • that I'm gonna do on the pupil.

  • So that is our nice, subtle eye highlight finished.

  • Very subtle, very realistic.

  • We've also dome some on the cheeks.

  • I think the next logical step would be

  • to put in my contact lenses.

  • Which is a big of a messy process.

  • So I'm gonna do it off camera because

  • I'm a very refined young woman.

  • Perfect.

  • Okay, so now, top lashes first.

  • Or should we do bottome lashes first?

  • Let's try our best to match it up.

  • Okay.

  • I think we're done here.

  • Let's go find the perfect outfit

  • to compliment this stunning makeup look.

  • [whimsical music]

  • This is the final look.

  • I think it's gonna transition me really smoothly

  • from day to night.

  • We're wearing the exact same silhouette I always wear,

  • which is this nice big shape eliminating

  • baby doll puff ball.

  • And I've paired it with these nice little pumps

  • that came to me in a dream.

  • So I thought I would make them.

  • I can keep the time in six different country's.

  • I feel like this outfit's only missing one thing,

  • so I'm gonna take you to one of my favorite

  • little hidden gems in Glasgow to pick up

  • the perfect pair of earrings.

  • [upbeat music]

  • Love it!

  • [twinkling music]

  • I might just stay here.

  • [soft music]

[whimsical music]


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揭祕Sgàire Wood的極致美肌法則|Vogue (Inside Sgàire Wood’s Extreme Beauty Routine | Vogue)

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