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I wanted to make the video before the Sun Goes Down and the cat decided
to jump on the table
hello my name is Nael and with my
partner Nicolas we're gonna do the 4L trophy this year
The 4L trophy is a raid that take place in Morocco from north to middle of it with
only 4 L cars
there are old cars that are very reliable very easy to fix and
they also used on more hostile environments such as snow or sand.
So this is a trip that's gonna take place during three weeks
we're going to first
drive from here where we live to Biaritz
which is city in France where we're
going to get checked on the car and meet the other people coming along with us
and we're going to drive down to the south of Spain travel by boat to Morocco
and start the raid adventure there
there is a bit more than 1000 cars going on
this adventure with us meaning that
we are about 2,000 2,200 people
because each car is equipped with one pilot and one co-pilot
once we're in Morocco we've
got six steps to do in the less kilometer as possible
the only trick here is that we don't get a GPS
we do have a map and a compass and that's
where our scuba diving skills are going to be handy because if you didn't know I
I'm a dive guide
I have been trained to take people on underwater adventures
So I need to be able to navigate with the compass
the specificity of this
adventure is that it's also a solidary raid
meaning that we're going to be
giving money to two organizations
the first one is the Red Cross in France
we're gonna mainly give food and money
and the second one isEnfants du désert
children of the desert that are building school and giving school supplies and
stuff to kids in need in Morocco
and to add on
top of that we decided to make a zero carbon emission raid meaning that every
carbon emission that we're gonna make are going to be either lowered
as much as we can
or compensated
if you want to have a bit more about that
see the calculation and stuff there is a link to a folder Google Drive link on
the description which shows exactly how we calculated everything
the main carbon
emission is going to be the car obviously
we are going to drive I think
8,000 kilometres or something like that so obviously this is going to
be there we cannot decrease it
The second emission is paper with the road books
hopefully they reuse it or they'll try to recycle it but we can't know so we're
going to compensate
third one is going to be the stickers on the car this is
quite an expensive adventure
I'm gonna make a video about how to prepare and
the entire trip how much money you need to have and such
but because it is expensive
we have sponsors that paid to put their ad on the car
and stickers are
made of plastic that if they're not recycled properly they're going to emit
carbon so that's gonna be accounted for as well
and the one you might not be
thinking of is YouTube and emails
if you upload something on the internet it's
gonna go on a server it's gonna be stocked somewhere
and that need cooling and
electricity and this account for a lot of carbon emission in the world so if
you want to lower your carbon emission you can delete old emails from eight
years ago or make sure that everything you put on a cloud is useful
To compensate our carbon emission we selected two websites that were
trustworthy because if you go on the internet you might see a lot of...
I wanna say greenwashing people that delivers green certificate
when they are not doing anything
so the two with we chose are Reforest'Action which is a French
website slash company that plant trees
on places not only in France but places that
need more trees
and that also creates work for people that might not have one at the moment
and the second one foundation good Planet which is a website
that also allows you to calculate the carbon emission of your trips so we had
a comparison between our calculation and this website to make sure that we were
on the same page and we're going to overcompensate that
just to make sure
that we're going on carbon
As I mentioned before we are going to have
some donation to Enfants du désert
and to do that we decided to give only
secondhand stuff not crappy stuff but
for example I had to go through my
school supplies to when I was a teenager and a child was my mom a lot of stuff
was still good to go so they up there
and I had a co-worker giving her some
clothes from her child that they are not wearing anymore but she decided to give
them to me so that other people can enjoy it
I had a co-worker giving me
some pencil some backpacks and stuff so
we are making sure that nothing it's
emitted more than what that was created before and thigs are I reused and stuff
So as I post this video a we are probably going to be on the road
three weeks if you want to follow the raid there is a link to a direct scores
and events that going to happen here or in the description
And for the next weeks we are going to post the preparation of the car
spoiler alerts
where the 13th of February we are leaving on the 17th and the car is still not ready
so if you want to know how we pull that off and what happened you can subscribe
to our YouTube channel click the little bell to make sure to be
notified when we post the next videos
And a video is gonna appear here
We are very excited to go on this adventure
Nicolas has dreamed of this adventure
since I don't know he was 15 so
it's gonna be fun!
see you next time bye bye