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  • - [Announcer] Imagine yourself one year from now.

  • You've tackled your pre-diabetes,

  • you're eating well, staying active, and reducing stress.

  • You've even made new friends, all because you took charge

  • of your health and lowered your risk for Type 2 diabetes.

  • It's possible when you join

  • CDC's National Diabetes Prevention Program.

  • Coaches help you with real-life solutions.

  • This could be you, it can all start today.

  • Find an online or in-person program.

  • Visit

- [Announcer] Imagine yourself one year from now.


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B2 中高級

想象一下:您和國家糖尿病預防計劃。 (Imagine: You and the National Diabetes Prevention Program)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日