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  • - Have you heard of the saying that,

  • money doesn't buy happiness.

  • And I say neither does poverty.

  • A lot of people they like to make that connection.

  • Well, you know I would rather be happy than rich

  • or wealthy?

  • Or money is not that important.

  • Or that it's okay, like if we set our goals too high

  • then we will get disappointed.

  • I don't know about other rich people.

  • But I have been rich and I have been poor

  • and I can tell you rich is a lot better.

  • Better to film my video in a luxury SUV

  • than on a bicycle.

  • Boss on the bicycle would not look so good.

  • So what I'm talking about is,

  • it has nothing to do with that if you are a happy person,

  • money will make you happier.

  • It would give you more tools and more currency

  • to do things to make an impact.

  • If you are a sad, depressed miserable person,

  • more money will make you depressed, sad and more miserable.

  • It has nothing to do with each other.

  • People like to use that as an excuse to justify

  • their failures.

  • To justify their lack of ambition.

  • And they say well, you know what it's,

  • I just want to be okay, I don't need a lot of money.

  • I don't need to be wealthy.

  • And I just want to be happy.

  • What I say is, why not both?

  • Why can't you have both?

  • Why can't you be happy and wealthy

  • at the same time.

  • Why can't you be happy, wealthy and healthy

  • at the same time?

  • Why do we have to choose?

  • Why can you not have it all?

  • It's like the saying, well, you can't have the cake

  • and eat it too.

  • Then my question is what is the damn point of having

  • that cake?

  • You want to have the cake and you want eat it too.

  • That's what it is.

  • So we have a lot of these misconceptions

  • and lies and myths that people believe in

  • that are not true

  • and very often they are simple excuses

  • to justify.

  • That's all that it is.

  • They are justifications.

  • And I could tell you that most people who are successful

  • financially, most, not all most are pretty happy.

  • Most are pretty happy

  • because they don't have to worry a lot of things

  • that most people worried about.

  • You don't have to worry about the bills.

  • You don't have to worry abour your car payment.

  • You don't have to worry about your house payment.

  • So a lot of the struggles and the hassles

  • that a lot of people have,

  • a lot of the simple things that people are worried about.

  • When you are successful, when you have more financial

  • means you don't have to worry about those things.

  • You could focus on other things

  • that are maybe more important.

  • You could spend more time with your family.

  • You could help the people that they need help with.

  • So don't buy into the whole bullshit of oh,

  • are people happy or rather be, no, do both?

  • Be wealthy, as well as, be happy, right?

  • Don't buy into all that.

  • By the way if this the first time you're watching

  • my video sure you click the link

  • and hit the subscribe button.

  • This is what I do from time to time.

  • If you have any other questions make sure you comment

  • below and let me know and I will take the time

  • if they're good questions.

  • To answer them for you from time to time as well.

  • Until then, I'll see you next time.

- Have you heard of the saying that,


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有錢人幸福嗎? (Are Rich People Happy?)

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