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  • That was Ben.

  • My head is beautiful, right?

  • You're always, like, already boarded.

  • Call my mom.

  • This morning.

  • You told me I was beautiful so I could take anything.

  • I think any crap we're gonna throw my way.

  • No, I was going to say I was gonna come.

  • Yeah, you're You're always down before me, but since you're throwing that, you're always dead before.

  • Oh, yeah?

  • Yeah.

  • Well, I've made a grave mistake.

  • Wait, Don't go.

  • Knock on you knocked on you on me.

  • 36 point storm Flip.

  • I got you.

  • I got you 31 Like it.

  • I love you.

  • And then, right?

  • Yeah, I'm simply, but it's pretty slow right now.

  • You know those things on me?

  • Pretty blue into more shield 38.

  • Wait.

  • I don't know where they're unaware.

  • I think Bush.

  • But what?

  • Your bargain pops 16 1 Yes, I did, because they're pushing laser.

  • Absolutely pushing, pushing percent up.

  • What do you even mean?

  • I don't even have anything, Do you?

  • Good one it doing.

  • Get out of me Literally.

  • Water.

  • Oh, in the water.

  • By the way, I don't think I have a combat shotgun in the last eight games.

  • Well, there's one up there.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • I have attacked Johnny, man.

  • I'm getting fricking class all day.

  • We're gonna need that.

  • Okay, here's what we're here to hear.

  • This song here's to not dying to pop this, right.

  • I'm gonna drink this.

  • You really I know.

  • Look, I got a quantity.

  • You know what I don't see?

  • Oh, I think you're there.

  • One you I don't know.

  • You're going check out molars 1 50 years.

  • Go.

  • We have people with abilities.

  • Get on top of you, and you're still a cop.

  • Great.

  • You're in your store.

  • Push up there, Cattle.

  • I'm going to okay him for 123 Don't get me.

  • Oh, you're 41 on top of me.

  • Try to get killed.

  • I don't know this guy.

  • This is weakening.

  • I don't want them looking knowing everything way Double heavy, Another storm live.

  • I can't fire us.

  • Foreshadows.

  • Have a jump shot.

  • So I get hit by your storm.

  • Okay, Just listen.

  • We have two storms then.

  • I have no feeling for shadows.

  • It's, uh, but Scott, look out for the chateau.

  • Check.

  • The one year plan is gross.

  • In close range.

  • Get her.

  • Get her one shot.

  • Get out here.

  • What?

  • Drop them in that room.

  • Lining up for a gang on that on the back one?

  • Well, yeah.

  • You know, sooner rather than later, as I'm getting absolutely destroyed right after we had no help.

  • I'm freaking three be wanting right now.

  • Oh, my God, That one.

  • No, you are not, bro.

  • I literally spawned to just save you.

  • Whatever This holding by the train again, they're late.

  • Get in their way.

  • Get a counter For how many times Tyler's been hit by the train.

  • We get that going, probably a.

  • There it is.

  • I noticed you didn't back out.

  • Huge value.

  • Run!

  • Hold it, Hold it!

  • Hold it!

  • I'm gone.

  • Did train just smashed?

  • Wait.

  • Just let him know, though.

  • Down to the left, To the left.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • Here.

  • Wait.

  • Someone's underneath us 74 on the guy in the booth.

  • I think I got that killed.

  • I did not 191.

  • Line up a heavy sniper on this kid.

  • East in the wood.

  • Hang on.

  • Loading right here.

  • Fire!

  • Fire!

  • Fire!

  • Get out!

  • Get Stephen!

  • Yeah, Fire!

  • What?

  • Wait, We got it.

  • We got it.

  • We got it This summer.

  • You're ready go, Go, Go!

  • Poppy Fields running with putting the light for everything.

  • Working.

  • All of us.

  • Thank you.

  • 40 40.

  • Green 15.

  • He's gonna get a read on this guy, man.

  • It's fine.

  • It's time.

  • Well, may what's the morning run out along?

  • Get lost.

  • Brat is glad to report 15 white 51 of that lottery The boy at the boss wants with 15.

  • I got that guy's wife.

  • But we have the heavies.

  • What?

  • Something I'm looking at I'm looking at I don't see him in there.

  • Their currency brick chopped off.

  • Yeah, right there.

  • Okay.

  • No, you really miss was under.

  • We gotta go sports that I give up.

  • Jump ahead.

  • I have to dump its You just jump Elaine on him.

  • Wrist rocket or you jump first and I knocked on the heavy side.

  • No, I missed my shot.

  • I'm sorry.

  • Easy shot.

  • You do it again.

  • Do that, Miss.

  • Do it again.

  • Just having typing.

  • I got it done.

  • It really see his little blonde head.

  • It's going to get please.

  • Here comes.

  • I just fricking completely missed it.

  • I don't know working for I dropped on the ground.

  • Keith wrote underneath these guys 136 will be at the jail.

  • Yeah, Grifting light.

  • I know you have Like that.

  • Yeah.

  • What I want I'm into air drop.

  • We gotta go again.

  • They're gonna jump out on me.

  • What you need?

  • Good behind, Lehman.

  • There are lame on there.

  • Go now.

  • You're double heavy type.

  • This chemical.

  • Oh, that Bert Cohen.

  • They just built.

  • I saw Do that.

  • Do this.

  • I can't go in this arm, dude.

  • E have a storm cliff way down.

  • 41 40 white.

  • Right there.

  • Right below you.

  • I'm gonna let you get to kill you.

  • Kill you.

  • Don't need to kill Nice.

  • 44 Blue Wear gold.

  • RPG here.

  • I'm gonna I don't know it's happening.

  • I don't know what saved.

  • I'm in the storm.

  • I'm not in the store.

  • One guy flying down.

  • I'm gonna be able to land it.

  • Gonna get on your high.

  • I am I Oh, you're high.

  • Pull it out.

  • What?

  • The bullet?

  • Bored, bored, bored.

  • I want it.

  • I think you're I think you're right.

  • 100 blue, right?

  • I can sort of put these kids to do it.

  • I shadowed instead.

  • Wait, I'm storm flipping.

  • Where?

  • Where?

  • Down there.

  • I got it.

  • down in here.

  • Blue on this guy.

  • He's weak.

  • I will mourn Shadow so I could get down.

  • But you can't.

  • All right, I'm gonna pretend on their 10.

  • I'm going down.

  • He's all 60.

  • Blue 40 something.

  • Don't get mad, Kills Have no idea how I feel.

That was Ben.


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