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what is going on everybody.
And welcome to a tech review of some security cameras from Rhea Link.
So recently, as some of you guys know, I moved and I was in the market for some more security cameras.
I was doing a bunch of research.
I was just, like, completely blown away by the number options that are available on trying.
Figure out which one to get Ebola, and I get asked to review things all the time, but I don't think I've ever been asked to review security cameras.
But I was by this guy, right as I'm researching them, and the timing was just too perfect.
So here we are with the review now the camera itself is an R L C for 10 from Rhea Link, and these are actually coming in a full system.
So the system that I have here is tthe e r l k eight dash for 10 before basically just for the r.
L R L C four tens with a two terabyte DVR, which you don't necessarily have to get those exact things.
So what are these?
These are P, O, E or power over Ethernet cameras.
They are indoor outdoor cameras wherever you wanted to put them.
And they also have infrared, so you can see at night.
So they actually you can see all the little infrared led is there?
So that's actually quite a few ladies, so that should get us some pretty good distance and pretty good coverage.
The other cameras that I have, I want to say just have, like, four l E.
And that actually gets quite a bit of coverage.
So it'll be interesting to see how good these are.
So I've got four of these cameras to play with here, and so we need to talk.
About what p.
O your power either In it is.
And I think, really there's like three main categories you could probably make.
A you could really make 1/4 for sure.
Ah, with cameras.
But you've got, like, fully wired.
Let's say soapy.
Oh, he is fully wired, right?
You've got the camera has to be fully wired all the way to the central base.
Then you've got, like, WiFi type of cameras, which just need to be, and these air generally called wireless cameras.
These are going to be they still have wire for power, but they transmit data wirelessly, and then you have what are being called wire free cameras, which really just means battery powered.
Now, I'm not the biggest fan of battery powered cameras.
You know, the whole the way they work.
First falls off Sam batteries, but they're not always recording the only record events, like motion detected events or passive I r detected events, which I just not the biggest fan of.
They have their various use cases for sure.
But I'm more after, um, something that's just recording 24 7 Uh, so then that pretty much throws me to the category of the wireless or WiFi cameras versus fully wired now already have wireless cameras.
Those are really nice for when you you you have, like, a good distance from your main base unit.
But you're close to a plug that you could plug it, empower them so they have their use.
But the problem is, they still lose their signal from time to time.
I mean, like, just like the wind blowing can make the signal co away, and so that's kind of annoying.
So with Pou, just have high fidelity like it's gonna work or any fully wired camera, you can have a little more trust and faith in the system.
Um, 99% of what I use cameras for is like being bond the doorbell rings.
I just want to look right over to my monitor and see what's going on.
So, um, yes, I know that they have all kinds of things that you could just put up there.
The problem is, then you gotta, like, open up your phone or whatever, and I just I wanna literally be able to just look instantly and get my answer.
So anyways, not to say there's not places for, like, the battery powered stuff or you know, any other options out there?
It just kind of depends.
So in my case, I've got a garage that is unfinished.
So there's no insulation on the walls and there's really just plywood for the ceilings.
But being able to run the cords will be super, super simple.
Here also, the best deterrence there could possibly be so in here.
Um, we got basically four of these.
I think they're about 25 feet.
But don't quote me on that.
Uh, got four cameras.
DVR mouse for the DVR, and somewhere in there should be like in HD my cable in all that.
So you know, what I'm gonna do is gonna go ahead and pull away all this stuff and start plugging it in.
It doesn't come that Nancy, by the way, had already opened it up.
So are setting up super simple.
Just plug and play.
All right, let's drill some holes.
This is one of the best tools ever made on the camera.
There's, like 32 millimeter Alan Screws.
The each camera comes with the supplied two millimeter Allen wrench.
You can turn all those to adjust rotation and all that, so to adjust the camera.
All I did was I just used the rial link app on my phone.
And then I adjusted the camera exactly where I wanted it angle wise and all that.
So that was actually super darn simple.
Get everything set up.
Um, now did mention before that you could in theory, you could use a p o e camera, not actually wire it all the way to Central unit.
And so this picture is just a quick example of a way that I tested to make sure that I was correct there.
And sure enough, if you wanted to, you could have a p o e switch.
So in this case, I'm just using a Netgear P o.
We switch connected to Google WiFi router.
And then, um, obviously power the switch and then plug the camera into it and networks totally fine.
Interestingly enough, if it's on the same network as the envy, are the envy, are actually picks it up, and you could record straight to the N v.
But you can also do all the other things that you can do.
So this is just an image of the night shot from the app on my phone, the app again super, super simple to set up.
You just have to log in.
That's it.
Took me like I don't know, a minute to get everything set up, so that was really impressive.
This is of the backyard, the infrared.
It might be kind of hard to tell, but that's actually a pretty good distance there.
So the distance from where I'm showing this image now and again, this image is an image off of my phone, and I didn't realize it at the time that you can actually set the quality to be full qualities.
This is, ah, degraded quality in the name of one not using up a bunch of, you know, phone data, but also just to stream it very, very smoothly.
But when it records its records in high definition anyways, the distance there to the door is about 73 feet.
I measured it, and then to the corner there is 85 feet.
So if everything was in your favor, you might get the the up to 100 foot.
But this is actually pretty darn good.
That's much better than my other infrared cameras.
So then I have moved it a little bit and just to show you so the leaves there that are, you know, real bright, uh, those air 25 feet away.
So, um, that's that's pretty good, because I, you know, turn off all the lights and all that most of time when you see infrared, um, you know, examples of I r cameras, they generally have a light source that is at least aiding them on.
In this case, there was no light source.
Even the reflection that you see there.
That's the infrared.
So anyways, I'm pretty impressed.
And finally, onto the rial link software.
If the phone app was any indication, it's no surprise that the desktop app is just a simple to use.
Has quite a bit more features, though.
So first of all, you can obviously set up all kinds of different organizations of the cameras that you want to go with.
Also the well.
First of all, I'm only showing two cameras Thought was kind of stupid to show, like all of the cameras.
So anyway, just the two, and the reason why this is getting duplicated, interestingly enough, is B.
This is the camera that I showed just moments ago with that's connected on Lee via the Google mesh networking the Google WiFi router.
So, um, that's pretty cool.
It's it's being it's being shown twice.
Picks is being picked up as a net like a camera on the network, but also the N V R is picking it up because it's on the same network.
I didn't think that would happen.
I thought you would have to wire the camera to the N V.
If you wanted to record onto it.
That's not the case, so that's pretty cool.
So, anyways, you can change the layout, All that you could double click on one of them.
And yes.
So now you've got basically, like, full resolution of that camera.
Looks pretty good.
Um, and you can do all kinds of stuff.
So first of all, we could go into the settings for the actual desktop itself.
We could set up various rules and stuff for downloading and capturing, um, things like from your cameras to your local machine.
I wouldn't recommend it unless you've got giant hard drives, though, Uh, but then you can also set up the envy our itself by clicking on the settings here and then again, saying things you can do various schedules.
So right now, this is just a 24 7 schedule.
But I could, you know, knock out a block here or something like that if I wanted to, Or I could say, you know what?
In this time range, I actually record, but only if you see motion or something like that.
You can do so.
That's pretty cool.
And again, super intuitive.
Just to set that up and get it structured.
How you want.
Um, also besides it, according to your PC, you also can actually record the cameras to FTP.
So if you're really security conscious or you're really worried that you're gonna get broken into or whatever and you want to save the evidence, that's the best way to do it.
A lot of times, if they're gonna break in, they're gonna want to find out where it's getting recorded, too.
But if it's going to FTP, good luck.
So anyways, also, you could go to playback.
You can play back historically.
And if you're recording on motion or there's motion detected, um, you could very quickly find that otherwise like, I'll go the NBR.
I'll choose Channel two and I can see down here heads kind of in the way.
But I can see down here all the dates that there's something So this has only been connected Well, there have been connected as of yesterday to the specific spot s O.
What we could do is that I could just go over here all the other time.
It's just, um I I was headed my garage and we can hit play here, my partner to bring No, it's there Okay, So again you can see the night vision.
But it's getting a lot of reflection both from the porch light here, but then also here.
So as faras night vision, I'd probably want to, like, angle.
It may be away from the tree or something like that.
Or maybe cut away somewhere these leaves.
So we're not getting that reflection back to the camera.
It's good.
Let's try to find some daylight here.
There we go.
Okay, So, um, next thing is like, let's say, Oh, I see something I want to download it or whatever.
You could just come up here and hit this download, and then, basically, you can download it in like our chunks you condone.
Load multiple chunks if you want it, or all the chunks if you want it, but it's basically separated in the little hour chunks for you hit, download, and it'll go to your download directory.
So anyways, I believe that covers everything with the cameras.
Overall, I'm super impresses was one of the easiest ones to set up.
I was a little worried with, you know, having to run the wires, but again you could use a switch, but also really think does produce WiFi cameras.
So if that's what you're really going after, then use it.
Although I would say, if you do use Google WiFi, you know how good it is.
So I would probably rather use that than the wife like camera haven't used theirs, but the other WiFi cameras I have.
I don't like them as much because they lose signal fairly frequently, especially cause it's going to brick walls and many other walls to get Thio Central Unit.
Anyway, that's it.
I'm super impressed.
Really like these cameras?
If you're looking for, um, you know p o E cameras, I would highly highly recommend these.
If you have any questions, comments, whatever on the cameras feel for you leaving below.
Otherwise I will see you guys next time.