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  • young and goose and welcome back toe.

  • Untitled goose game top of junk.

  • Inning three.

  • Go free, brother.

  • Speed Goose man.

  • Don't know which way me and go.

  • Oh, this way!

  • Yes!

  • Grab them!

  • Grab them!

  • Grab them!

  • I look like a rubberneck chicken.

  • OK, go!

  • Just go.

  • Just go.

  • Yeah!

  • Oh, stronger!

  • Who's Yes, we got It's actually working.

  • Yeah!

  • Yeah!

  • Use that goose head!

  • Use that beak.

  • Hello, young telegram Goose.

  • You won't be friend.

  • Hi.

  • So nice make someone break the fancy vase.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Cabral, you stop freaking out.

  • Hey, Cameron.

  • Right here.

  • I know you think this is the real Jack.

  • No, you cannot use this and Goose help the woman dress up.

  • Dress up the book.

  • Make the man spit out his t get dressed up with a ribbon.

  • Oh, cute woman.

  • Dress up the boss.

  • Okay, I'm gonna wait for him to drink some tea.

  • It's okay.

  • Go ahead.

  • Don't Don't buy me.

  • I'm just going to get Goose, Okay?

  • My camera is freaking out, okay?

  • Drink.

  • Drink.

  • It so pertain.

  • He's an older Patti calf there next to his or her flat cap on a pipe.

  • Jace, you might as well be Irish.

  • Take a supper.

  • Tae Oh, for sandal.

  • Go break into your husband's sex with your wife.

  • Okay?

  • Are you gonna do anything with your tea?

  • I'll be back, mister man.

  • Fine.

  • Where else do I go?

  • Hey, I'm in.

  • You're free, brother.

  • Run, brother!

  • Yes!

  • Rise!

  • Rise, brother.

  • Wait.

  • Is she going to think I'm uh oh, okay.

  • You can't mess with me.

  • Get your socks.

  • Tim it Hey, I need to get rid of this impostor.

  • Me?

  • Thought m real goose.

  • I am fake Goose me.

  • I'm Real Goose.

  • Let me stand here.

  • Here we go, huh?

  • Perfectly blended in.

  • If I stay here long enough, they'll never suspect me.

  • Day 97 as fake goose woman.

  • Put a ribbon on me today.

  • Thank you.

  • I got your drawer.

  • I got your drawer, asshole.

  • Special Shit head.

  • It's amazing.

  • Okay, what else did I have to do?

  • Make the man spit out his tea?

  • I feel like I was on the way to that.

  • Helped the woman dress up the bust.

  • Make the man go barefoot.

  • I like that Quentin Tarantino style.

  • Mmm.

  • Brother.

  • Okay, that doesn't really help all that much.

  • Who are you?

  • Gonna?

  • You gonna drink some tea.

  • You want some PG tips?

  • Some Earl Grey.

  • What do you want?

  • Let me know, and I shall get it for you, Steve.

  • For you.

  • No, no.

  • Hey!

  • Oh, man, That was mine.

  • He was an asshole.

  • Give me a damn slippers.

  • Oh, Dick, I got your slipper.

  • Where am I gonna hide it?

  • I don't know.

  • I have to make him go barefoot.

  • Uh, tied it up here.

  • He'll never find it perfectly.

  • Camouflage ID.

  • Okay.

  • As he reads his paper, the silly swamp.

  • I'm not doing anything as he reads his paper.

  • Epic Goose never let his foes No, no, no, no.

  • I'm leaving.

  • Leaving Dip down, man.

  • What is this slipper?

  • We're gonna go have a slipper.

  • All I wanted to do was washing.

  • Oh, man, you put this back up.

  • No, no, no.

  • You guys suck.

  • I'm stealing your brat.

  • Who?

  • Here we go.

  • Yes.

  • Drink your tea, Mr Man.

  • Drink your tea.

  • Take a top of the morning Iris noises.

  • Thief.

  • Young cunning continues.

  • You'll never best this goose young Cal can best goose.

  • What if Suzanne Painter.

  • I will paint you a pretty picture.

  • You don't have let me have any fun.

  • Okay, That's all I just want to do is have fun.

  • You're over here ruining it.

  • I'm gonna trim your hedges by your hedges.

  • I mean your head.

  • The geese will rice.

  • The keys will rise now.

  • World domination is within my grasp.

  • Damn it, lady.

  • Never let me have any food.

  • Trash the place.

  • Since you won't let me have fun, I'm gonna act like your six year old Flap.

  • Those wings make the windmill go stronger for the Netherlands.

  • Regains her originally from Guinness.

  • Fuck your fish!

  • Fuck!

  • Your fist is mine.

  • Now let me get this bar soap because I think I have to bring some stuff this way.

  • No, no, don't see me.

  • No thistles!

  • My soul.

  • I earned this.

  • Oh, you're such a dick.

  • You're such a spoil sport, man.

  • You don't even handed tour.

  • You just throw it back in.

  • That's disrespectful.

  • I am back more precious vase.

  • I have it.

  • Okay.

  • When she goes to put the vase back that Oh, yes.

  • Oh, I got an idea.

  • Take the vase.

  • I'm put it over here.

  • Face Vise, take the pussy.

  • Now he's going to take it for me.

  • He's gonna throw it back over the fence to her, and then he's gonna break it.

  • He's gonna feel real bad.

  • He's going to pay and he's gonna be in debt.

  • And then he's gonna not at his house anymore.

  • You suck your way.

  • Worse than a goose.

  • I think he just sits back down anyway.

  • What a dick curtain.

  • Hi.

  • He did it!

  • He did it!

  • It was him, Not me.

  • He is what people would call.

  • Asshole.

  • You square up.

  • You want to go?

  • Is my pipe I smoke now I'm going to get the smoke.

  • Toback E g smoke.

  • We'd probably have a master plan.

  • No, Come down here.

  • Got the camera so annoying sometimes.

  • Yeah, Yeah, yeah.

  • Bring it over this way.

  • I'm a good goose.

  • Everyone thinks I'm bad.

  • What?

  • I need a bride, a pair of socks, a slipper and a bar of soap.

  • Okay, everyone thinks Young Kyung can badge, but no, you're young.

  • You okay?

  • I'm good.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Just use wst.

  • Here we go.

  • Here we go.

  • Good goose.

  • Catskill Goose without good.

  • That's not true at all.

  • I'm here now.

  • I'm here.

  • I'm friend.

  • Help!

  • Help!

  • Go!

  • Go!

  • Dogus She'll never see now.

  • You better not tattle on me.

  • You have Feck in weird old Yeah, Big looter.

  • Okay, okay.

  • Just keep an eye on him.

  • Well, he's no newspapers.

  • I was gonna see me.

  • Everything I do Not if I'm out of sight.

  • Out of sight, out of mind.

  • You don't see it.

  • You don't see it.

  • Go look for your newspaper again.

  • Okay, fine.

  • Young Chuck will get my go to rise with my brothers if he's gonna keep tackling me like this.

  • There you go.

  • You've got your second precious newspaper back.

  • No, I'm gonna hide right here until you read your paper.

  • And when he reads his paper, Young Kyung Yang Kyung bitches, I want you to buy us open a slipper.

  • Go goes.

  • Yes, I'm doing the laundry for everybody.

  • People are gonna thank me for this.

  • Even though they were hanging up, there were drying already because you probably washed them in two seconds ago.

  • But it's the thought that counts.

  • And I'm a very thoughtful goose.

  • Are you spying on him?

  • That's so creepy.

  • Oh, she's looking at the hat and the pipe.

  • You want my help, don't you?

  • Do you want to make a deal with the devil.

  • You wanna make a deal with the younger?

  • You want to help in the young coning?

  • You can help.

  • No problem, lady.

  • All you gotta do is submit to the will of the goose.

  • What are you doing, dude way!

  • Go!

  • There we go.

  • You don't see me?

  • Don't see in my precious bar of soap.

  • Yes!

  • Yes, yes, yes!

  • Go Wishy washy.

  • Is it working?

  • Oh, I need a slipper, Dammit!

  • I wasn't doing anything.

  • Six six Super e did it?

  • Did the washing do you can have it back.

  • I watched it.

  • It's clean.

  • No, it's not your stinky feet anymore.

  • I'm gonna get the other super, though.

  • How do I get a second?

  • Super.

  • I need it.

  • I want it.

  • I want it.

  • Have a taste of feeling.

  • No, no, no, no.

  • You ready, Gamers?

  • We're gonna have to pull off the biggest goose heist this town has ever seen.

  • I'm gonna have to get these things.

  • Put them on the thing out there for her.

  • Okay?

  • Okay.

  • Strike.

  • Okay.

  • Wait.

  • Wait for it.

  • Wait for it.

  • We'll have a gap.

  • Go, Goose.

  • Yes.

  • What a smart, sexy little goose you wear.

  • How many of these things here, so it makes it easier.

  • They're never gonna know what hit him.

  • Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

  • Sit down there, bucko.

  • Sit down.

  • Their name burrito.

  • Sit down there.

  • One foot, Jim.

  • Put a key.

  • String a cedar.

  • I talk to you too.

  • How dare you honk at me?

  • I'm the one who Young's This is the young king.

  • You killed Kapp Goose.

  • I will destroy you.

  • Who?

  • Second slipper.

  • Don't go back to your team.

  • There's nothing wrong with my neck.

  • This is perfectly fine.

  • This is like he's too.

  • You wouldn't know.

  • You're not Goose.

  • Don't kill me.

  • Em!

  • Oh, of course I got it.

  • Barefoot, Barefoot.

  • I laughed at one point.

  • Live.

  • You suck, huh?

  • You said it.

  • I can actually leave.

  • I didn't have to do this.

  • One hacker.

  • Yeah.

  • What?

  • I need to make someone prune the prize vase.

  • Uh, don't Don't write no geese on that.

  • Don't you dare.

  • Don't!

  • Don't do it.

  • Don't write no geese on that.

  • If I see no geese on that young chunk will kill Young Kyung Death mode.

  • How dare you?

  • These are my brothers have to do with the price V's make someone prune prize vase.

  • But I get someone to prove this thing many sits.

  • What's happening?

  • Oh, he caught me doing it.

  • You're just gonna break it again?

  • She's not gonna be happy about that.

  • You said use is a fool, okay?

  • And you stole her breath, Everyone.

  • You saw it.

  • You saw eye witnesses.

  • You They saw him.

  • You saw him steal her brow, right?

  • He's a pervert.

  • Okay, you fix that.

  • I don't need that.

  • I don't need that.

  • Come, brother.

  • Come now.

  • I was saved, Goose kind.

  • Okay, You come with me, friend.

  • Goose.

  • Duck Swan.

  • Everybody's welcome.

  • Go back to your stupid raise, lady.

  • This is between me and my brother.

  • Come, brother, come.

  • No one would ever stand between us again.

  • Okay?

  • Stay there, brother.

  • Guard the door.

  • No.

  • When the young cunning happens, I'll call upon you first.

  • Yank, Yank.

  • He gets it.

  • That's the secret code word.

  • Hook up your bush.

  • Mess it up.

  • Oh, no.

  • You have to trim it.

  • Is that what you're trimming?

  • Is that the price base?

  • Did you have to trim?

  • Nope.

  • Oh, Oh, I get it.

  • I get it whole.

  • I'm gonna mess up your whole world bro.

  • Oh, I'm gonna mess it up.

  • There we go.

  • Oh, use those big powers.

  • Yeah, Okay.

  • It's messed up.

  • She's gonna have to prune it, get ready for it.

  • She's gonna have to prove it, and she's gonna prove it by accident.

  • Mess up throws or this'll Dastardly goose plan is coming to fruition.

  • No one's ever ready.

  • No one ever suspects the geese.

  • No one ever thinks that the enemy is from within.

  • No one is ever going to suspect us to think.

  • Oh, we're dumb.

  • Dumb geese don't know what they're doing, but Yank, Yank am devil.

  • Oh!

  • Oh, The price.

  • The price rose, but the price vase I'm a ghost.

  • I can't read unless you count reading my enemy like a book.

  • Then I can read extremely well.

  • Look, I have a sleeper agent on the inside.

  • They will never suspect me or young Young.

  • Okay, you as well.

  • Go, brother, Fight.

  • Get inside her house and Rader drawers.

  • Fine, fine.

  • I'm leaving.

  • But brother, I shall return for you one day.

  • This is not your time.

  • We will have our moment in the sun, Brother.

  • For now we young across borders.

  • But I will return count.

  • Count?

  • Come, sport.

  • You don't know me.

  • You know me.

  • I'm I'm blending in.

  • This is what humans do.

  • Young count time, sport.

  • What about that game, guys, huh?

  • I love sports ball.

  • Yeah, that sport is my favorite.

  • One of the ones that we're talking about nailed it.

  • They'll never suspect a damn thing.

  • Oh, yeah, that's what you get.

  • Did you get that?

  • I let my friend into the house.

  • Okay.

  • Thank you for giving me my tennis racket.

  • Also, there's my package now.

  • Young Kyung, I'm thief.

  • Can't tell Cam ups.

  • I have a new No, not yet.

  • This is mine as well.

  • This is my This is my tax return.

  • Okay?

  • Thank you.

  • You can have a good day.

  • Oh, wait till you see this.

  • You see this?

  • Watch what?

  • You take this.

  • I'm just gonna put it right in the middle of the street.

  • Right in the middle.

  • Dude.

  • Anarchy reigns on his name is Goose Shock Young um Anonymous.

  • The tea from the night The killer of dreams.

  • Some baby is going without their passive fire.

  • Like what was we call it in Ireland?

  • A suitor.

  • Ego.

  • Drop it in one day.

  • It will return to the person it is most needed with.

  • Go!

  • Nice!

  • Good job Me.

  • Good job on goose.

  • Best job, Swim, swim, swim, swim, swim, swim!

  • I'm a little goosey, goosey, swimming, swimming, swimming in the pipe.

  • You marry, You don't kill Cat Mario killed.

  • I'm Italian.

  • I got him back at the beginning.

  • Back with the fervor, friend, I'm return.

  • Did you miss me?

  • Hey, he locked the gate.

  • And why did you lock the gate?

  • I'm your friend.

  • Thank you.

  • Let me in.

  • I liberated you.

  • I hoped they give you a picnic mare.

  • This is all the thanks I get.

  • If I could turn this lot more on, I'd run over you first.

  • That's cool.

  • That it's all connected, though.

  • It's like an open world kind of thing.

  • You can go back.

  • That's good level design.

  • I like that a lot through the year.

  • The person I was destined to meet, they have the goods.

  • They have what we need.

  • The young coning begins now.

  • They've got the exact materials I need to overcome the human populace.

  • There it is.

  • Don't show it to the people yet.

  • They're not ready.

  • The goose shall fly again.

young and goose and welcome back toe.


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B1 中級

Hjönk Hjönk Hjönk(無題鵝遊戲)--第二部分。 (Hjönk Hjönk Hjönk (Untitled Goose Game) - Part 2)

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