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  • Welcome back.

  • In the previous video in this section on forces,

  • I built this particular example where there

  • are two forces that play--

  • a gravity force that's always being applied to the mover

  • object.

  • And when I click the mouse, a wind force

  • is being applied to the mover object.

  • What I want to do in this video is

  • look at how I might consider this mover object

  • to have the property mass and how

  • that might affect how the gravity and wind forces behave.

  • And in truth, for me to be able to demonstrate this

  • effectively, it's only meaningful

  • if I have two objects with different masses,

  • because if I just have one, scaling the mass

  • is just something that will ultimately

  • scale the strength, the relative strength, of those forces.

  • So let's quickly add a second object to this example.

  • Now, you might already be thinking to yourself, ugh,

  • what did you just do there.

  • If you're going to have more than one object,

  • should you use an array?

  • Or isn't there a different way of doing this?

  • And yes, yes, yes.

  • And ultimately, what I want to do with these examples is build

  • arrays into them to collect many objects

  • and sort of add and subtract them from the canvas itself.

  • But just for demonstration purposes,

  • I'm going to leave these as two separate variables, mover

  • A and mover B. I'm going to apply both forces to them

  • and call update edges and show on both of them.

  • Let's see if that works.

  • There we go.

  • Let's apply the wind.

  • You can see how they're kind of in lockstep together.

  • Maybe mass will change that.

  • So both are bouncing and responding to the wind force.

  • Now let's think about where I want to add mass.

  • So looking at the mover object, there

  • is position velocity acceleration in r.

  • And r is a property that is tied to the size

  • that I'm drawing the ellipse.

  • Let's just add mass as its own property for a moment.

  • this.mass equals 1.

  • And the reason why I want to do this

  • is-- remember Newton's second law,

  • force equals mass times acceleration,

  • or restated as acceleration equals force divided by mass.

  • And remember, the way that I'm implementing

  • this is all of the forces divided by mass

  • are being accumulated into the object's acceleration.

  • So first and foremost, I need to incorporate this divide by mass

  • into my apply force function.

  • Right here, I can then say force.div by this.mass.

  • Before I add the force into the acceleration, divide by mass,

  • let's try running this.

  • Good.

  • Same result. Well, the mass is just 1.

  • So let's now add mass equals 2, which

  • I should see the acceleration-- the force remains the same.

  • But the strength of the acceleration

  • should be divided by 2.

  • Wait, what's going on.

  • Something weird going on.

  • Why are they different?

  • They shouldn't be different.

  • They don't have different masses.

  • Something crazy's going on.

  • Do you remember, oh, a few videos back,

  • I spent all this time talking about static functions?

  • Random 2D is a static function.

  • It's called on p5.Vector rather than,

  • like, this function, mult for multiply, which is called on v,

  • the object itself.

  • There was a purpose to that.

  • There was a meaning to that.

  • There was a reason for that.

  • And that reason, that moment is right now.

  • I want to divide force by mass but not the actual force vector

  • itself.

  • I just want to take that vector, get a copy of it,

  • divide it by mass, and then add that to the acceleration.

  • The reason is because out here, I'm taking this wind vector

  • and applying it to A and B. And I don't want A to mess

  • with it because wind should stay the same when it applies to B.

  • But this function itself is actually

  • taking that force vector and dividing it by 2

  • and changing its value.

  • So there's different ways I could do it.

  • I could make a copy of it and then divide it.

  • But I could also use the static version of divide.

  • In other words, I could say--

  • and I need a new vector to store the result in.

  • I'll just call it f.

  • p5.Vector.div force by this.mass.

  • So here I am saying, take that force, divide it by mass,

  • and store the result in a new vector f.

  • And then that vector f is what gets applied

  • to the acceleration itself.

  • And of course, I need to remove this line of code,

  • which I no longer want.

  • And there we go.

  • So now mass is playing a role, but it's not affecting

  • externally the environment.

  • And it's just a property of the object

  • that's affecting the way the force changes the acceleration.

  • So let's take the logical next step

  • and give each of these objects a different mass.

  • So I'm going to add a third property to the constructor,

  • call it m.

  • And then when I create the objects,

  • let's give one a mass of 2 and one a mass of 4.

  • And again, I'm just picking numbers out of a hat--

  • totally arbitrary.

  • So remember, the one on the right

  • will have a higher mass than the one on the left.

  • Interesting.

  • This is correct according to Newton's second law.

  • If acceleration is force divided by mass,

  • if an object has a larger mass, it will accelerate less.

  • And this makes sense.

  • Think about the force that you have to apply to an object.

  • An object with a greater mass is going

  • to be-- you're going to need a much stronger force to get

  • it to accelerate than something with a much smaller mass.

  • Think about bowling ball versus a ping pong ball.

  • How much force do you need to apply

  • to get those both to accelerate equally?

  • Something is not right here.

  • You might recall or have heard about Galileo's famous Leaning

  • Tower of Pisa experiment where, as the story goes,

  • in the late 1600s, Galileo was said

  • to have dropped two spheres of different masses

  • from the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

  • And did they fall-- did one fall faster than the other?

  • No, they fell at the same rate, independent of their mass.

  • And the reason for this is because the weight

  • of an object, weight being the force, gravitational--

  • I'm really using the wrong term here.

  • I really should be saying the gravitational acceleration.

  • The force is the weight.

  • And the weight of an object is scaled according to its mass.

  • The bigger the mass, the bigger the force.

  • The smaller the mass, the smaller the force.

  • So for this to work more accurately,

  • I should really say, let weightA equal p5.Vector

  • multiply gravity times moverA.mass.

  • And weightB is that same thing, multiplying mover B's mass.

  • And then I'm going to apply weightA weightB.

  • So this is a little bit--

  • I'm, like, sort of fudging things a little bit just

  • to like take this gravitational vector

  • and then multiply, scale it according to mass

  • before I apply it in, where it then gets divided by mass.

  • Let's just see if this works.

  • Perfect.

  • They're both falling at the same rate.

  • Now let's apply wind.

  • The acceleration due to wind is less when the mass is larger.

  • And that's the way it should be.

  • The thing is, it's kind of hard to see

  • what's going on here because I'm drawing them at the same size.

  • This is a nice moment for us to think about,

  • if I have two objects-- and I'm going to just erase this here--

  • if I have object A and the mass of object A is 2,

  • and then I have object B and the mass of object B is 4.

  • Well, certainly if the density of these things is the same--

  • and what is the density?

  • I mean, these are just pixels.

  • But let's consider the density to be the same.

  • Then I might want to draw mass B, object B,

  • larger than object A. So one idea could be,

  • like, oh, the radius could be equal to the mass.

  • So here, the radius is 2, and here the radius is 4.

  • But that's not really the right scale because what

  • should really map, at least in my mind, to the mass

  • is the area.

  • So the area of this should be twice the area of this.

  • What's the formula for the area of a circle?

  • Pi r squared.

  • So in that sense, I think a proper mapping

  • would be to take the square root of the mass.

  • And why is that?

  • Let's say in this case the radius is square root of 2

  • and in this case the radius is square root of 4.

  • Well, the surface area, the area, pi r squared,

  • would be 2 pi.

  • And here, pi r squared would be 4 pi.

  • Whereas if I used 2 and 4, I would have 4 pi and 16 pi.

  • Because I'd be squaring 2.

  • I'd get 4.

  • Squaring 4, I get 16.

  • So take that mass.

  • Take the square root of it, and apply that

  • to the object's radius.

  • In other words, this.r equals the square root of this.mass.

  • Let's take a look at what this looks like.

  • Well, those things are so tiny.

  • They're so tiny.

  • So I'm going to scale it arbitrarily, multiply it by 10,

  • and we can see this object has a higher mass.

  • Now, why are they kind of bouncing out of sync now?

  • Well, it's because they're hitting

  • the bottom at different times because their size is

  • larger, which is fine.

  • That's visually what I want.

  • And now you'll see the acceleration of the smaller one

  • be much higher with the wind.

  • Ultimately, I'm making so many arbitrary decisions here,

  • and there's many inaccuracies.

  • But I'm attempting to at least take the ideas from real world

  • physics and apply them to the best of my ability

  • in a way that feels accurate.

  • So one of the things I might suggest to you--

  • are there things that you see that I've missed,

  • things are inaccuracies or don't feel right to you in terms of

  • how, if these were physical materials, they would behave?

  • Certainly they would collide with each other.

  • That's an interesting-- that's a whole other can of worms

  • to open that I'll come back to another time.

  • But what types of elements can you apply to this?

  • Could you add an array now?

  • Could you think about how you visually design these objects?

  • Maybe you want to represent the different masses

  • in a different way, through color or some other way

  • of visually indicating that.

  • But for me, the thing that I want to do now

  • is I want to revisit essentially what I'm doing in these two

  • lines of code, where I say, let wind equal createVector number

  • comma number.

  • Let gravity equal createVector number common number.

  • Is there not a better way or a different way

  • that I might approach the calculation of a force vector

  • in the environment?

  • And that ultimately is looking up a formula

  • for how a force is calculated based

  • on the properties and conditions of the environment.

  • And so the three forces I want to look at are friction, drag--

  • which is kind of like friction, but different

  • and I'll explain that-- as well as gravitational attraction

  • between bodies in space.

  • So I'm going to look at those as kind of case studies

  • in different formulas.

  • Maybe you'll have some ideas of ways

  • you can look at other forces or invent your own forces.

  • But I'm going to return at least in the next video

  • and just think about friction.

  • Specifically, when these two objects

  • are in contact with the edge, how

  • might they realistically slow down as

  • if there's a contact friction between those objects

  • and the surface or the edge of the canvas itself?


Welcome back.


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B1 中級

2.2 品質和加速度--代碼的性質 (2.2 Mass and Acceleration - The Nature of Code)

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