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  • Big brain

  • Welcome everyone to big brain sky blogs

  • So this is for you really smart kids who like to go way on up beyond and do

  • watch

  • science

  • Okay. Okay again cobblestone generator

  • Time lights go. Okay. I've got to make the fastest cobblestone generator in the planet

  • I got a point out that we have more than one island and the Sun is moving

  • I think double stone generator. You're doing it. Let's go

  • Okay. All right

  • We did it Ken

  • So what was the time what was the time

  • There's at least eight seconds, right? So, all right, I'm gonna dig it. Three two one go big fan big braid

  • Here we go. Big brain. Oh

  • Cool. Oh wait. Oh

  • Yeah over to pick up the block

  • Put it up there does it connect anything right? No, it just shut up

  • You do lava I do lice, okay

  • Wait, we gotta put a block in the way here. Are they just gonna get robbed? We don't do you?

  • Know we don't you put it right here. Yeah

  • Hey, why would you listen to me good question, right?

  • Hey Ken, yeah, what did you go in and check out the sand island? Oh wait, it doesn't exist

  • Oh, you're gonna bring that back. You're gonna it's out there now, okay

  • Yeah

  • We learned our lesson at one time. We've built this stupid cobblestone generator like 12 times now he's talking there

  • No, no, it's not about getting it right. It's about getting it. Perfect. Any big old doofus can build a cobblestone generator

  • But and not any big old doofus can make it in three seconds go one

  • Three seconds baby, here we go. Boom boom, but the Amish moon. Is that is that big enough?

  • It's big enough for you. And your mama. Sorry that was that was me. I'm sorry

  • More spot, right?

  • All right, you want to try this

  • God dang it big brain

  • Three seconds, baby

  • We are

  • Big brains we got big brains

  • We barely got it

  • What do you mean we barely got it?

  • first try I

  • See three grew as always you me too. Hey, we should name treat something together. So it will be like art

  • Yeah

  • You know what? We should name it what tree tree I love it. It's so unique. Yeah

  • How deep is this is like three that's what your MA yeah

  • Yeah, so now we need it

  • We need tree to drop thing trade good we're not gonna have any wood unless you drop some saplings

  • SAP it up

  • Anything nothing

  • We must be doing something wrong

  • Somebody the comments right now is like only good or tree sister maybe the 480

  • Okay, cool

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah

  • Baby, baby

  • Oh my gosh, I'm freaking out

  • Okay

  • So anyway the whole thing already, oh look at you go

  • Oh

  • I'm sorry. Sorry, I'll explain four small brain. So right now what I'm doing can I'm making a cobblestone generator

  • Rhynie

  • What we need to throw out so that like generates like an empty amount of cobblestone. That's right

  • But if you're no careful, you could actually miss

  • You could actually burn down

  • the whole tree their whole tree Wow

  • But that's how it'll be. Terrible small people do that. The only sway I mean help do I put it here together?

  • No, no, don't worry

  • Okay, alright watch this cobblestone generator

  • It's already wrong already

  • Give me their water. Give me the water cane

  • All right, you're bringing all the weeds out of me right now, I just make me wheeze

  • Put the thing, I'll put the thing

  • Okay

  • Oh

  • I'm sorry. Did I just make a cobblestone generator?

  • I'm sorry. Why did you even pick it up - whatever okay, it's fine. Oh, I'm sorry

  • Fine when I do it

  • All the time it is so I'm gonna dig some dirt

  • If I look up there the trees on fire again are the cobblestone generator is gone

  • I'm gonna be bearing with your generator is locked solid

  • okay, it's

  • But I can mind this right now, right

  • Mining it with my hands

  • This is what we used to do in Sweden in the Stone Age

  • Right, right. Hey, maybe oh

  • My god

  • Good job of it see it's screwed up again. Why would you ever think that I would mess anything up?

  • Maybe we'll get back up, you know here talking to you again. I think yeah, I know

  • I'm talking to I know exactly I'm talking to

  • That's right

  • You know, that's what another noble price is a Swedish invention because we were so smart that we decided other people need some words for

  • smartness and who got the first awarded you could give it to yourselves we gave it to

  • You know what? I'm not gonna answer that either Oh,

  • What

  • How does that what happened? Oh, I get it

  • It needs to be ah, oh you're gonna feel so stupid now Ken. How about gonna feel stupid?

  • I feel like we're going backwards maybe

  • Okay, this is actually all the space we need yeah

  • Eight times now. Okay. Okay wider than me

  • Be sure

  • I'm acting very confident, but

  • It's working so far

  • See how easy it is ken the water's like flowing backwards, is that right?

  • Is that this first flow technique that bitch did you know about this? Okay. All right. I'm impressed. I'm impressed. I'm not gonna lie

  • I didn't know in Mississippi they practice that technique but okay we do we try say I don't know what you do in Alabama

  • I'm not gonna ask questions. Oh, yeah, we're gonna be next Texas. Do you think any more states?

  • Can you just google it no, yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I definitely have not been googling it

  • Under the tree, okay, I think I know what I'm doing

  • Allow me to help you

  • You know exact you

  • Minecraft pros here. Uh-huh. Thank you

  • We're about to show you and the way you've never seen a cobblestone generator ever built before

  • This is what we used to do back in my day instead while all you kids were busy playing for tonight

  • All right in winning millions of dollars Somalia. What is this any more dirt? Sorry. My brain capacity is

  • Max, you can't you can't think and talk right guys. That's why I'm talking right now

  • All right, this is safe

  • Okay II need like either you do the water thingy. I do the lobby. Okay, you need me to break it

  • We've taken up most of our little island with the cobblestone generator, but that's okay

  • it's called the side swede back in my hood Zach back in your

  • Hood. Yeah

  • you have the rest of the wood, er, I'll get ya get -

  • Thanks, bro, yeah, bro, I got you

  • Oh

  • It would seem I'm on fire

  • That's fine. So many people made fun of me in one of the videos because I caught on fire and jumped off the edge

  • I'm so glad you brought that up because I looked at that and I'm like what?

  • That's big brain that's big brain right there you're on fire there's some water next to you what do you do

  • Joyce waited go pokey dokey. Hopefully this works. Oh gosh

  • Ken what is is this gonna break it again? Oh, let me give you watch I want to see it. Okay

  • Does these need to go down maybe you?

  • Can trust me. This is gonna break only one way to find out

  • Cirie's it over. Thank you for watching everybody watching. There's like an easy how to like a point the first one

  • Are you looking up? No you need to look?

  • I do

  • Oh, well you were busy doing that I

  • Did that yeah good already

  • You know what it's it's working so far and I don't think it's gonna mess up the cobblestones the cobblestone generator

  • I think we're good. What's the other one?

  • Okay, well we get back to my dad

  • How are you on fire, what did you see I did not right-click

  • Like an old man over here, okay. I'm just like

  • I

  • Think I'm having a small brain day

  • Yeah, I've heard of these

  • They happen they happen through your average Joe air from time to time

  • You start digging every time and somehow I messed it up

  • No, I'm like like yeah, I'm doing good down here and then it's just gone. Alright, it's fine this time. The lava is shaped

  • Lava yeah, that looks safe. It's state has to be same Sweden. Is that that what you guys say?

  • Huh pulling off this is not safe is okay. You got water just swim back up

  • Changing the cobblestone generator that you worked so hard to build

  • You are doing a very good job keep it up look at that I actually did Wow

  • and bonus lava bonus lava

  • Right, so now if I dig it

  • Yeah, good job, thanks bro Wow Wow

  • Why you do this absolutely goes down 3d doesn't it?

  • It's fine you have to do that

  • I'm just wanting it say I'm just playing it safe the waters not flowing up there. Thank me. We fun

  • Doing great

  • Team works, okay. Yes. Here's here's a thing for small brains in case you don't know you can make slabs. Ah

  • She's a bargain piece of art no no no

  • All right

  • putting their output in there and you've been

  • The bridge to whatever island you wanted. All right what island? Okay, so there's water over the air

  • Maybe there's food over there cuz we're gonna oh, we're gonna be swayed honey. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait is the

  • But the Sun is moving it's just always having to reset so much fun playing forever. Oh

  • There's an apple, there's something ok, so there's some Oh got one. Yeah. Yeah

  • Oh

  • I got an apple. Oh

  • Yeah, okay so apples there's rule to trees. I'm ear everyone complain about it. I need like space to grow but

  • They were giving constructive criticism yes constructive is it did exactly

  • exactly big miss

  • There's one thing we've learned from this. This is how we are. We're gonna we're gonna mess it up eventually

  • Why I don't know what you do at some point. It's all gonna go wrong. What are you talking about? I?

  • Don't know what's gonna happen, but somehow the cobblestone generator is gonna break

  • My couples don't generate they're live forever

  • This is how I speak American on my accent because I'm Swedish that's big brain speak

  • What do you mean? What have you ever spoken with a Swedish accent? But five years ago babies all the time mean. Yeah, I mean

  • Is my favorite?

  • Our luvs means

  • Good, cuz that's what they are called. And why you laugh? I don't know

  • I

  • Think rain slimes. Yeah, you haven't made it to island yet Wow pathetic very really understand Swedish

  • There must say that do we in the drop of Minecraft become delirious?

  • Can I place as well if you had big brain maybe Oh, oh

  • Not today big brain you out to brain me one time

  • There's villagers over there really I don't think we good. Alright sheriff

  • I I mean we got a cobblestone generator we go if we make a bed we can make villagers Frank and

  • They make tiny village. Yeah, I'll go you say it was like making boy

  • This is how you speak minecraft Ken right big brain money, you gotta you gotta you gotta get ass big time really big brains

  • Right. I'm not gonna - because I mean money right now. We're not even getting ways that be

  • Ouch, why do you hit me? Ah

  • Paul as the builders would say whether frickin should we go maybe it's a bad island. No, we should we should definitely meet dad

  • There's nether stuff over there right glowstone, and I wish I saved some stones. I'm just so excited

  • That we're actually doing it. We still got a Jake you only have one stone. Yeah. Oh my god

  • Oh, yes, that means bad guy come soon no

  • Actually, a lot of people don't notice but bad guys need a 5 by 5 square to spawn so

  • Can't spawn here

  • but later, what we can do is we can make an island that is 5 by 5 and we can use that to

  • get the resources from

  • Yeah, brain is at mainly large right now very big

  • It'll cool me be brain for nothing big brain big arms big brain

  • No, he just ran off the edge and dad can you pushed him? Oh

  • You pushed him. Oh, this one's looking at me and judging me

  • No, are you serious went off the edge?

  • Why did he went off the edge again?

  • When he was fine. Yeah, I just he was like you don't want to live anymore and he did he'd left

  • Oh

  • Then we go do we have to have him I am making sure

  • He's not going anywhere

  • We don't have another one how we gonna make ah

  • What did the villages where they use for it like

  • Freaking out man

  • Did we need him for something?

  • Well, we can make them freak and we can give them professions and then we can trade something

  • it seems like pretty like late in the game that you would do something like that, but

  • Stay here. Okay. Good. Wait State. Okay, right, okay

  • I also got some wheat seeds so we can grow wheat. So this is going really really good. I think

  • Trying to expand the land

  • That's what you Americans do don't you yep, that's right. Well, I mean written really right oh you blame

  • Yeah, yes got like a rhythm going did did you do

  • Today I'm building to the other Island because I think I see Mike my blocky way. We could made the workbench

  • They don't have to Frick but technically now since you kill one, we can't expand the village. Maybe one will magically reappear

  • yeah, maybe he'll just like

  • Photosynthesis. Will they call it new? You want to see what I did over there? No, you want to fight me on bridge

  • No all da and I have stuff

  • Oh

  • Wait, it's like it's like when you're playing a horror game you guys got a look

  • Okay, cool, so you did you did oh he's in there yeah

  • Rosen there is fun

  • actually if we

  • Like it. Yeah, I think he's I think he's he's enjoying it

  • Too you're gonna you're gonna take him out and build him back in to get that one block of dirt

  • Hey guy hi

  • Gonna starve to death like that. All right now they don't start. Okay. Look there's a water pool. Oh, no

  • Oh, no, I'm dying. He's gonna be

  • Saved that precious precious dirty face is dirt precious dirt

  • We put the trees over here, yeah, that would make sense. Yeah. Okay. All right, I'm gonna make something you never had. Oh-ho. Oh

  • That's true. I didn't the rabble owes me

  • Great woman see that's the joke. That was the joke cool. Let's go

  • Plant Island

  • Okay, you got the sample is everything okay, Oh grab bucket while you're at it bro. Oh

  • Okay, bro. I got bucket. Oh and grab the apples. Barri at it though, in case you ate them all they're not in there

  • Did you just accuse me? Yes, she just accused me. Yes. I'm accusing you. Did she just take juice?

  • Yeah, I keep like I have I'm missing two chicken bones right now and you ain't like five apples in a row

  • I don't know what your problem is. I was why are you so hungry? I was really hungry

  • Why is the grass not growing oh

  • My god, oh it is it is it is

  • There another thing I guess Oh

  • Oh, what's your wow? Hello. Oh, you're gonna come in here

  • Hey, hey is everyone up for that for me?

  • Don't be a third wheel again Eddie you got some privacy. Oh, yes. It wasn't ok gamer good

  • We got all the island set up we have three trees

  • Some weed and man. Are we doing good? Yeah, we're doing great. Let us know how great we're doing and how you do things

  • sure, they have already can small brains like

  • Coyote element. That's right before these videos even over with we they've already told us all about it

  • What you never played toupper simulator?

  • You know, it's fun right I'm not supposed to give my opinion

  • But give it a try and then you can tell me if it's good or not convinced yet. Ok. I'll cut you a deal

  • The game is available for free and that's a great price

Big brain


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A2 初級

永遠不要在Minecraft中這樣做... ...- Skyblock #3 (Never do this in Minecraft... - Skyblock #3)

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