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  • Picture this: you are thrown into a dingy room and told "you can't leave until you have

  • created the thinnest material known to man." Not only that, it must also be the strongest,

  • the best thermal conductor and as good at conducting electricity as copper.

  • I know, it sounds hopeless.

  • But luckily, you know something about nanotechnology. You know, really really tiny devices and materials

  • that are less than 100 nanometers in size. Of course I don't have to tell you a nanometer

  • is a billionth of a meter. That's roughly the size of ten atoms.

  • But how do you create something that tiny? It's time to embrace your inner MacGyver.

  • You're gonna need a pencil, some scotch tape and a healthy dose of elbow grease.

  • A pencil contains not lead but graphite, which consists of sheets of carbon in a hexagonal

  • lattice. When you write, layers of graphite slide off the tip of the pencil and stick

  • to the paper. Usually, many layers are stacked on top of each other but once in a while you

  • get a single layer of carbon atoms. And this is called "graphene"

  • In 2004, Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov created graphene using nothing but graphite

  • and scotch tape. They placed a graphite flake onto the tape, folded it in two and then cleaved

  • the flake in half. They repeated this procedure a number of times and then studied the resulting

  • fragments. To their astonishment they found some of the pieces were only a single atom

  • thick. This was particularly unexpected because it was thought a single layer of graphite

  • would not be chemically stable, especially at room temperature.

  • Graphene conducts electrons faster than any other substance at room temperature. This

  • is because of the extraordinarily high quality of the graphene lattice. Scientists are yet

  • to find a single atom out of place in graphene. Since the electrons aren't scattered by defects

  • in the lattice, they go so fast that Einstein's relativity must be used to understand their

  • motion. And this perfect lattice is created by the very strong yet flexible bonds between

  • carbon atoms -- making the substance bendable but harder than diamond.

  • Graphene in incredibly strong -- if you could balance an elephant on a pencil and support

  • the pencil on graphene, the graphene wouldn't break. Of course the pencil would.

  • For their discovery, Geim and Novoselov were awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 2010.

  • And this is only the beginning for Graphene. Scientists are hard at work exploiting its

  • unique properties to create thin, transparent, flexible touch screens,

  • Smaller, faster, more energy efficient computers Tough composite materials

  • And more efficient solar cells

  • And now consider this is only one aspect of nanotechnology, so in order to think big you

  • need first consider the very small.

Picture this: you are thrown into a dingy room and told "you can't leave until you have


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B2 中高級

如何製作石墨烯 (How To Make Graphene)

  • 129 6
    榮得傑 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日